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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Skerrett-White - Allotments 302 - 315 town of Richmond and Richmond Township Allotments 18 - 20 (2013) 2013 Chief Judge's MB 473 (2013 CJ 473) [pdf, 393 KB]

    ...The Trust understands that most of the earthworks required for the subdivision have been completed, however there are areas within the property that have not been significantly recontoured or modified. This means there is potential for further human burials to be uncovered, as well as other archaeological features representing occupation. Although the site has been damaged it still possesses important archaeological values and is of high cultural significance. The Trust understan...

  2. [2017] NZEnvC 165 Yaldhurst Quarries Joint Action Group v Christchurch City Council [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...consider land use activities it cannot consider the effect of dust on rural amenity.216 [220] Dust gives rise to a range of effects, aside from the effects that arise in its contaminant form. As a contaminant, dust may have a deleterious effect on human health and on the amenity associated with access to clean air. The City Council contends, correctly in our view, that there is overlapping jurisdiction under the RMA when dealing with the effects of dust and that the City Council has...

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 068 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated v West Coast Regional Council [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...backdrop to Westport and its surroundings. The ridgeline forms the southern portion of a coastal escarpment which extends from the Buller River north to the Ngakawau River. [16] The area of the mine footprint has been subjected to very little human activity, thus possessing very high naturalness and high visual amenity. We say more about these ecological and landscape values further on. Coal geology [17] The proposal is in the southwestern sector of the extensive Buller coal fi...

  4. [2023] NZEnvC 141 Nature Preservation Trustee Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...and berms that result from work carried out for this consent. Accidental Discovery Protocol 55. If the consent holder: a) does not have an archaeological authority from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and discovers koiwi tangata (human skeletal remains), waahi taoka (resources of importance), waahi tapu (places or features of special significance) or other Maori artefact material, the consent holder shall without delay: (i) notify Council, Tangata whenua and Heritag...

  5. [2018] NZEnvC 181 Ballantyne Barker Holdings Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 19 MB]

    ...overlooking that "pastoral" has at least two relevant senses137 under the OOP which is, in the VAL, attempting to maintain and enhance one rather more than the other. The OOP recognises 138 that VAL are" ... landscapes which wear a cloak of human activity much more obviously - pastoral (in the poetic and picturesque sense rather than the functional sense) or Arcadian landscapes with more houses and trees, [and]9reener (introduced) grasses ... ". In effect, in the V...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 054 HD Land Limited v Waikato District Council [pdf, 7.7 MB]

    ...performance standards are not set at idealistic stringent levels which would prevent all adverse noise effects. Instead, they are set at pragmatic reasonable levels designed to avoid the worst noise effects which could have the biggest impact on human health and amenity. The acoustic provisions have been developed with input from acoustic and ventilation experts engaged by Council, NZTA, KiwiRail and Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities; 9 Rail Corridor setback for building...

  7. Alcohol and other drug (AOD) clinicians in court - research report [pdf, 1022 KB]

    ...provide a trained/specialist/medical opinion to the court to confirm or challenge the non- specialised professional advice from Probation Services  offer care and support for offenders (one clinician commented that some offenders ‘are seeking a human connection’ and said this was a key component of the role)  assess referrals that have come through the diversion programme. 11 This intervention logic is indicative only...

  8. 15-Damien-McGahan-Planning-statutory-assessment.pdf [pdf, 612 KB]

    ...utilities such as Page 16 local electricity distribution lines, water supply pipelines, stock water and telecommunications cables. 51. Much of the area, including the corridor through which the Project traverses, has been modified by human activity over hundreds of years, resulting in variable land cover along the route. The Project area generally consists of rural pasture, with pockets of native forest and some exotic vegetation. 52. The Project alignment is located wit...

  9. Legal Services Agency closure & annual report 2011 [pdf, 976 KB]

    ...objectives for the Agency’s final year was to ensure that all legal aid back office systems were fit-for-purpose. These developments took place in parallel with the work required to merge the Agency’s information technology, information management, human resources and financial management systems into those of the Ministry. 18 Legal Services Agency | Part Two: Strategic and Operational Achievements The Agency’s people Agency managers, supported by Human Resources staff,...

  10. [2022] NZEnvC 129 The Wellington Diocesan Board of Trustees v Palmerston North City Council [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...requirements. Accidental Discovery Protocol 22 Before the commencement of works, the Consent Holder shall develop and have in place a procedure that is to be followed in the event that any urupā, taonga (significant artefacts), Page 9 kōiwi (human remains) or archaeological sites (whether recorded or unrecorded) are disturbed and/ or discovered during site works, including: a. works in the location of any accidental discovery immediately cease; and b. the area is to be secure...