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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. [2014] NZEmpC 233 Wills v Goodman Fielder NZ Ltd [pdf, 271 KB]

    ...a decision was made to consult with the bakery staff as to the possibility of them being declared redundant. At a meeting held with members of the bread plant on 13 July 2011, staff were addressed by Mr Gray and the recently appointed National Human Resources (HR) Manager Bakery, Ms Susan Walls. Staff were advised that having regard to the significant earthquake damage to the baking manufacturing building and plant, it was considered that there was now no option but to close the b...

  2. Te Manutukutuku issue 76 [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...focused on twentieth-century his- tory, contemporary Arab politics, and the Arabic language. He also com- pleted two internships at the United Nations in New York City, before working as a consultant at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, a humanitarian body that provides healthcare, education, and other social services to Palestinian refugee popula- tions. After a brief stint as a paralegal in London, he returned to the unit at the beginning of this year, where he has been a...

  3. [2017] NZEnvC 200 Morningstar Development Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.5 MB] unless the relevant consents have been obtained from the New Zealand Historic Places Trust. In the event of archaeological features being uncovered (e.g:shell midden, hang; or oven stones, pit depressions, defensive ditches, artefact material or human bones) work is to cease In the vicinity of the discovery and the New Zealand Historic Places Trust and appropn'ate Iwi authorities shall be contacted so that the appropriate Page 17 32 action can be taken. This includes such...

  4. 13.-Boyden-Evans-Natural-character.pdf [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...level of natural character as moderate high because of the level of modification. Table I.17 in Technical Assessment I records that the bridge crossing will affect several of the attributes (i.e. flow regime, terrestrial ecology, structures and human modification and experiential). However, for the other attributes, the ratings are unchanged. When the attributes were considered together, the overall level of natural character rating reduces from moderate high to moderate. 8...

  5. Proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination - discussion document - Farsi [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...سایت روشی آسان برای ارائه کند. های پیشنهادی فراهم می بازخورد درباره طرح توانید پیشنهادات خود را از طریق ایمیل یا پست ارسال کنید همچنین می .humanrights@justice.govt.nzشنهادات خود را از طریق ایمیل به توانید پی می . Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, SX10088, Wellingtonتوانید پیشنهاد کتبی را به این آدرس رسال کن...

  6. [2016] NZEmpC 112 Radius Residential Care Ltd v The NZ Nurses Organisation Inc [pdf, 431 KB]

    ...likely to be true and require more in the way of evidence before the trier of fact will be satisfied. 35 I have some doubts as to the extent to which experience bears out the proposition, but in any event it is clear that its application turns on human experience and the particular context … Statements such as these have however caused confusion when applied, not to the inherent probabilities which any decision-maker necessarily weighs, but to the standard of proof. The confusi...

  7. [2018] NZEmpC 110 A Labour Inspector v Prabh Ltd [pdf, 508 KB]

    ...objects of providing additional enforcement measures to promote the more effective enforcement of employment standards.22 This in turn provides protection to employees from abuses by unscrupulous employers not willing to comply with civilised and humane standards of employment. [74] A further purpose is to encourage employers to comply with minimum standards of employment of vulnerable workers by acting as a deterrence to such employers and others where there is serious breach...

  8. LCRO 3/2017 and LCRO 148/2017 McDonnell v LA (28 June 2019) [pdf, 436 KB]

    ...would be different interests which would need to be represented separately. In underestimating the likelihood of the agreement being resiled from, she accepts that there may have been a potential for conflict at the outset given that the vagaries of human nature being as they are, any agreement can be subject to one or more of the parties changing their mind. [190] Ms McDonnell submits that she was simply trying to give effect to Mr A’s and Mrs A’s instructions about estate plannin...

  9. [2018] NZEmpC 79 Hines v Eastland Port Ltd [pdf, 513 KB]

    ...meeting on 26 May 2017 went beyond discussion of possible outcomes. It was a lengthy meeting – around three hours long - attended by Captain Hines and Mr McBride as his representative, and Mr Gaddum with Mr Moroney and Ms Barclay from EPL’s human resources team. [65] At the meeting Captain Hines went through again what he said took place with respect to both the Emerald Princess and the Seamount Explorer. [66] He confirmed that he was still of the view that he had not breac...

  10. Johnson v Canterbury/Westland Standards Committee 3 - Outcome of appeal of decisions [2018] NZLCDT 5 and [2018] NZLCDT 21 [pdf, 439 KB]

    ...“did not at any time give up attempting to comply with the regulations”. I do not accept those submissions, any more than the Tribunal was prepared to accept Mr Johnson’s efforts to minimise the seriousness of the errors by terms such as “human error”, “honest mistake” and “oversight”. 35 Auckland Standards Committee No 4 of the New Zealand Law Society v Appleby [2014] NZLCDT 34; Auckland Standards Committee 2 v B...