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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEnvC 009 Goodwin v Wellington City Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...was one of a perception of intrusion, he submitted that where the zipline riders looked during their rides on Zipline 4 (eg upwards or downwards or towards the harbour or towards the homes of the Appellants) involved a degree of speculation about human behaviour. In any case he added that riders using Zipline 4 would, at a minimum, be at least 200m distant from the homes of the Appellants.15 Discussion and Finding on Issue 1 [49] Both the zoning and the OGBMP promote use of the S...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 107 Rangitane o Tamaki Nui-A-Rua Incorporated v Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council [pdf, 858 KB]

    ...putrescible matter), degradable or leachable components, hazardous substances products or materials derived from hazardous waste treatment, hazardous waste stabilisation or hazardous waste disposal practices, materials that may present a risk to human health, or liquid waste. EW19. The Consent Holder shall ensure that sediment losses to surface water arising from the exercise of these resource consents are minimised for the duration of the works and for the term of this consent. In this...

  3. [2014] NZEmpC 117 Hutchison v Nelson City Council re-issued [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...part of a team, and a lack of insight as to the effect she was having on others. [15] On 23 August 2011, Ms Hutchison and Mr Louverdis discussed the difficulties which had arisen. Amongst other things, Mr Louverdis raised the possibility of Human Resources (HR) staff becoming involved. Ms Hutchison sent an email to an HR Administrator with whom she had been sharing her concerns as to this possibility. Her colleague said she would raise the issue with Mr Stephen Gully, a long-s...

  4. [2014] NZEmpC 119 Pact Group v SFWU & PSA [pdf, 271 KB]

    ...Judge Shaw concluded: [84] However, where there is evidence that a ground of discrimination was at least one factor which influenced the employer’s actions then the question of whether the employer intended to discriminate is not relevant. In Human Rights Commission v Eric Sides Motors Co Ltd, it was held that it is not necessary to establish that the discriminator had an intention to discriminate. The important question is whether the complainant had been treated less favoura...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 117 High Quality v Auckland Council [pdf, 885 KB]

    ...frontage with Great South Road looking directly at a number of business activities, the general impression of the area as walking along Willow Lane is eclectic. It could either be large lifestyle urban or rural, but it is certainly not devoid of human influence. There is a racetrack area and kennels immediately to the right, moving up Willow Lane with an old derelict house on the property to the left. Further up there is an early milk shed and then the replanting and landscaping...

  6. Eichelbaum report - appendices [pdf, 540 KB]

    ...videotaped truthful and deceptive statements. Children and Society, 1991, 5, 123-135. Davies, G. M. Protecting the child witness in the courtroom. Child Abuse Review, 1992, 1, 33-42. Davies, G. & Robertson, N. Lying: What are the tell-tale signs? Human Communication, 1992, 1, 6-7. Davies, G. & Robertson, N. Memory for automobiles: A developmental study. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1993, 31, 103-106. Davies, G. M.(1993) Children's memory for other people: An integrative rev...

  7. [2007] NZEmpC CC 18/07 Murphy v Steel & Tube New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 144 KB]

    ...of submissions. Mr Murphy’s personal grievance was raised promptly with the company in a letter dated 19 December 2005 but the remedies sought were not initially specified. It was only in a discussion between Mr Ruscoe and the company’s human resources manager in February 2006 that reinstatement was explicitly mentioned for the first time. By chance, that was a few days after a replacement for Mr Murphy had been recruited. Mr Dorking invited me to conclude from this inform...

  8. Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 Analysis of Replacement Regimes [pdf, 465 KB]

    ...United Nations’ Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ―Decision on Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004‖ (11 March 2005) Decision 1 (66): New Zealand CERD/C/DEC/NZL/1, paragraph 6. 16 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, Rudolfo Stavenhagen, on his Mission to New Zealand (16 to 25 November 2005), paragraph 79. 17 Pākia Ki Uta, Pākia Ki Tai: Report of the Ministerial Review Panel (Vol 1) 2009, p...

  9. Legal aid grants June 2021 [xlsx, 84 KB]

    ...This includes debt recovery, breaches of contract, defamation, and bankruptcy proceedings. It also includes proceedings before tribunals or specialist courts such as the: • Employment Relations Authority • Employment Court • Environment Court • Human Rights Tribunal • Legal Aid Tribunal • Māori Land Court • Immigration & Protection Tribunal • Social Security Appeal Authority • Taxation Review Tribunal • Tenancy Tribunal • Waitangi Tribunal. Civil legal aid is not avai...

  10. Reuben Fraser - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 875 KB]

    ...(overview of work done); (iii) Mr Keith Frentz (planhin9); (iv) Dr Philip Ross (marine ecology); (v) Mr Richard Boyd (fisheries); (vQ Captain Roger King ( overview of salvage, recovery and state of the wreck etc); (vii) Mr Peter Cressey (human health); (viii) Mr John Hudsbh (natural character c1nd natural landscape); (ix) Mr Lance Marshall (wreck deterioration); (x) Mr Camie! de Jongh (wreck removal); and (xi) Dr Jon (ecology and ecotoxicity). 3· PRJ:VIOUS REPORTI...