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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 027 AJ & VF Barr Family Trust v Whakatane District Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...that two stock grazing paddocks would be taken out of rotation and the stockyards, especially the nursing area, would not be able to be used during events past sunset to avoid causing disturbance and distress to the animals from sounds and loud human noises. He considered having an events venue immediately next door to the stockyards and farm operation would severely impact the farm operations. We deal further with the concerns of the Barrs under reverse sensitivity. Before co...

  2. [2023] NZEnvC 071 Fraser Auret Racing v Rangitikei District Council [pdf, 937 KB]

    ...structures such as stock fences and troughs. The site slopes indiscernibly from the north-west to the south-east corner at a gradient of 0.9%. The CDP (MIDA) and surrounding areas were likely once covered in a podocarp dominated forest prior to human interference when the forest was removed and replaced with an exotic pastureland monoculture. The wider landscape is largely rural to the east, south and west of the site. Most of the surrounding rural farmland has an open rural charact...

  3. Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits B to H [pdf, 15 MB] work everywhere). • Even when the signs of a place have gone there is still a covenant between the place and its kaitiaki. • There are no such things as “Maori Archaeology’ and ‘European Archaeology’. There was no time during the human occupation of this place when Maori were not here. We can, therefore, have no such thing as ‘European archaeology’ or European archaeological values’. 13 Some Issues in New Zealand Archaeology Education The public perception o...

  4. ENVC Matiatia party correspondence - WML Feb15 - affidavit M Dunn [pdf, 17 MB] shall occur on Sundays and public holidays. The intent of such a condition is to ensure residential amenity is maintained for the surrounding neighbours. Archaeological Discovery 7) If any archaeological or cultural heritage sites, including human remains are exposed during site works then the following procedures shall apply: Annexure H - Watercare Property Parking Area Consent a) Immediately it becomes apparent that an archaeological or traditional site has been exposed, al...

  5. [2018] NZEnvC 237 View West Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2 MB] demolition in this case but needs to be supplemented by expert evidence relating to upgrading retention and reuse options for the hall. [54] We can see no basis whatsoever for this conclusion and the question of the potential impact on the human safety is a matter that the Commissioners should properly have considered given it was identified as an issue and was a subject of evidence before them. [55] Instead, they seem to have seen the solution as being re-use of the hall. I...

  6. 03-Appendix-Three-CEDF-Consent-Version.pdf [pdf, 27 MB]

    ...long-term and not monetized. RECOGNITION OF CULTURAL VALUES We recognise and provide for Māori perspectives, tikanga (customs) Te Reo Māori and kawa (protocols) in the work we do. PRECAUTIONARY When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, we take precautionary measures. REMEDIATION We put right elevated harm arising from the land transport system. 11.PLACEHOLDER Ō2NL PROJECT NAME AND LOGO 28 October 2022. Toitū Te Taiao: Waka Kotahi...

  7. [2021] NZEnvC 040 Director-General of Conservation v Taranaki Regional Council Part 1 [pdf, 19 MB]

    ...Construction Water Management Plan Day Working Day, unless otherwise stipulated dBA A unit of sound level which has its frequency characteristics modified by a filter (C-weighted) so as to account for the non-linear frequency 4 response of the human ear at high noise level (typically greater than 100 decibels) DOC Department of Conservation ELMP Ecology and Landscape Management Plan Establishment Work(s) Progressively opening up and establishing the site, including:...

  8. Seismic-Strengthening-of-Ministry-of-Justice-Courthouses.pdf [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...New Zealand Infrastmcture Commission and the Treasmy. The Treasury have advised that they supp01t option C. Legislative Implications and Regulatory Impact Analysis 35. There are no regulat01y or legislative implications arising from this paper. Human Rights 36. The proposal has no direct human rights implications under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 or the Human Rights Act 1993. Gender Implications 37. There are no direct gender implications arising from this paper. Di...

  9. Final-Technical-Assessment-K-Freshwater-Ecology-v2.pdf [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...Mike Joy and excel macros by Ian Henderson. Ecology group, Massey University, Palmerston North. 20 Ibid. Ō2NL Project: Technical Assessment K Page 25 (a) Score: 68-100; “Excellent”; “Comparable to the best situations without human disturbance; all regionally expected species for the stream position are present. Site is above the 80th percentile of Horizons sites” (b) Score: 58-67; “Good”; “Site is above the 60th percentile of all Horizons sites, species...

  10. E99 Karl Cook and Vijay Lala – Planning - RE – Applicant [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...1975 the consent holder shall implement the Protected Objects Protocol in Annexure D. 45A. The accidental discovery rules in the Auckland Unitary Plan: Operative in Part continue to apply for the discovery of other sensitive material, including human remains and kōiwi, archaeological sites, Māori cultural artefacts/taonga tuturu and lava caves greater than 1m in diameter. 45B. Any object that is encountered that sits outside Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act or Protected O...