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  1. 25.-Appendices-below-Evidence-of-Mr-Gavin-Lister-Landscape.-Visual-and-Natural-Character.PDF [PDF, 310 KB]

    ...matters, and to the proposed urban and landscape design measures. 12. The Ō2NL Project also fits landscape patterns at a finer scale within the constraints of engineering geometry for such a road. Such a fit helps reduce effects on natural and human aspects of landscape character and will contribute to aesthetic coherence between the highway and landscape. Nevertheless, there will be some unavoidable residual adverse effects on landscape character and amenity values, most not...

  2. Evidence Brief: Supervision and Intensive Supervision [pdf, 370 KB]

    ...both variables were related to meaningful reductions in recidivism, and operated independently of each other. The authors concluded that intensive supervision could be effective if it met certain criteria, specifically when operating under a human service philosophy (as opposed to that of deterrence), and when it abided by the principles of effective intervention. WHAT MAKES SUPERVISION AND INTENSIVE SUPERVISION EFFECTIVE? Klockarslvi described the typology of a probation...

  3. OIA-105083_Part1.pdf [pdf, 8.7 MB]

    ...seeking their criminal record check / history. You can use our standard lines to direct the requester to the appropriate in box or form to request this information. The requester may be a former employee and may be seeking information held by the Human Resources function or their previous Manager/s. This will need to be logged and directed to People and Performance or their previous business unit, as appropriate. Many requesters do not provide their date of birth or reside...

  4. [2023] NZEmpC 179 Pyne v Invacare New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...workplace culture report. It is apparent that the report was prompted by a range of issues within the company’s Auckland office. The report writer spoke to a selected group of staff, including Ms Lincoln, the staff member and Mr Cotter (the human resources manager). Mr Pyne was not spoken to by the report writer. [8] Ms Lincoln had a meeting with Mr Pyne about the 2019 events and other issues on 6 January 2020. She prepared a file note of her discussion and followed up with...

  5. Wati v Corrections [2018] NZHRRT 38 [pdf, 330 KB]

    ...(plaintiff) 26 June 2018 (defendant) DATE OF DECISION: 31 August 2018 DECISION OF TRIBUNAL1 1 [This decision is to be cited as Wati v Corrections [2018] NZHRRT 38.] IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2018] NZHRRT 38 2 Introduction [1] On 12 June 2014, Allan Wati was transferred to Christchurch Men’s Prison where he was held on remand while facing criminal charges. On the same day, Detective Constable...

  6. LCRO 28/2017 HK v TX (31 May 2019) [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...[97] Of relevance to this review, are rr 3.1, 8, 5.1 and 10 of the Rules. [98] Rule 3.1 provides that a lawyer must at all times treat a client with respect and courtesy and must not act in a discriminatory manner in contravention of s 21 of the Human Rights Act 1993. 6 Duncan Webb, Kathryn Dalziel and Kerry Cook Ethics, professional responsibility and the lawyer (3rd ed, LexisNexis, Wellington, 2016) at 150. 15 [99] Rule 5.1 recor...

  7. Youth Court - history of the Youth Court [pdf, 217 KB]

    ...for control rather than benevolence. There was also strong criticism of the lack of accountability for young offenders. As Robert Ludbrook observed31 Our juvenile justice system prior to the 1989 Act had the effect of cushioning young people from the human, social and economic consequences of their behaviour. By parading young people before a line of public officials – Police, Judges, lawyers, social workers and residential care workers, they were sheltered from the consequences of their mi...

  8. Te Manutukutuku Issue 29 [pdf, 9 MB]

    ...School Resource Set Four This superbly presented, colour, poster sized resource has been planned for use with the fourth form social studies syllabus, in particular modules 4.1 (The Treaty of Waitangi) and 4.2 (The search for security, justice and human rights). It can also be used for use in senior school history, geography, legal and cultural studies. The resource was produced with the help of a group of teachers and was trialed in the classroom with great success. Each kit conta...

  9. [2010] NZEmpC 72 Horton v Fonterra Cooperative Group Ltd [pdf, 81 KB]

    ...through to Peter Jepsen, PAE’s maintenance planner. [6] In a later investigation meeting, held on Wednesday 20 May 2009, there is a record of what Mr Jepsen told Brian Purser, Fonterra’s Maintenance Manager, and Emma Bennett, Fonterra’s Human Resources Adviser on the site, concerning the removal of the iron. Comparing the record of that interview with Mr Jepsen and Mr Horton’s account to Fonterra, it is common ground that Mr Horton told Mr Jepsen he wanted to take some r...

  10. [2012] NZEmpC 168 Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota Inc v Sanford Ltd [pdf, 185 KB]

    ...know...” 6 [52] The only academic study of bargaining facilitation in New Zealand is contained in a paper by Ian McAndrew entitled “Collective bargaining interventions: contemporary New Zealand experiments” in The International Journal of Human Resources Management. 7 Dr McAndrew’s sample was of 14 facilitations in 6 Not be taken literally – both parties expressed their confidence in, and admiration for, the mediators....