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Search results for human.

3754 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 166 Queenstown Lakes District Council v Sunnyheights Limited [pdf, 8.1 MB]

    ...(PiIlOspol'lI1t1 lelluifolilllll), narrow·leaved lacebark (Hoheria angustifolia), fierce lancewood (Pselldopallax !erox), tOtara (Podac(lfplIs lolaNI), and possibly matai (Pl'llIll1lOpitys taxifolia) were very likely to have been elements of the pre·human vegetation of the local landscape, but have now become scarce or are absent from the Wan aka area except as planted individuals. • All of these species could be planted in the swale at the base of the scarp, and kowhai and...

  2. [2022] NZACC 154 — Byles v ACC (16 August 2022) [pdf, 366 KB]

    ...section 20(2)(e) to (h)). Section 25(1)(a)(i) provides that “accident” means a specific event or a series of events, other than a gradual process, that involves the application of a force (including gravity), or resistance, external to the human body. Section 25(3) notes that the fact that a person has suffered a personal injury is not of itself to be construed as an indication or presumption that it was caused by an accident. [64] Section 65 of the Act provides: (1) If the C...

  3. [2021] NZACC 124- Singh v ACC (4 August 2021) [pdf, 355 KB]

    ...for personal injury. The injury must be caused by an accident to the person. Accident in s 25 is defined as a specific event or series of events, other than a gradual process, that involves the application of force or resistance external to the human body. Section 25(3) makes it clear that the fact a person has suffered a personal injury does not mean that personal injury was caused by an accident. Section 26 of the Act provides that personal injury does not include persona...

  4. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM expert David Serjeant [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...Marina, Assessment of Environmental Effects”, Final Rev 2 Amended, dated 28 May 2013 (AEE);  The section 87F report prepared for Auckland Council by Ms Bremner (s 87F Report);  Evidence prepared by Messrs Dunn, Pryor, Leman, Apeldoorn, Shumane, Blom, Brown and Ms Bremner, in particular;  Draft evidence of other witnesses being called by Direction Matiatia Incorporated;  All documents relevant to a statutory planning assessment. 10. My evidence addresses the fol...

  5. LCRO 33/2016 GW v AX (27 June 2018) [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...15 Xu at [18]. 16 Xu at [57]. 17 GE Dal Pont Lawyers’ Professional Responsibility (6th ed, Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2017), at 133. 18 [Citation Redacted] 13 secure payment of an outstanding account amounted to discrimination under the Human Rights Act 1993. The passport in contention was an Indian passport, and the property of the Indian Government. [63] In an obiter observation, the Court said: … that we have a real doubt whether it was ever possible to claim a solicito...

  6. Tauranga-Moana-Courthouse-Cabinet-paper_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...representatives. The Ministry will continue to work closely with hapū and iwi so their priorities are considered. Legislative Implications and Regulatory Impact Analysis 34. There are no regulatory or legislative implications arising from this paper. Human Rights 35. The proposal has no direct human rights implications under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 or the Human Rights Act 1993. The Ministry’s approach is consistent with the Treaty of Waitangi and demonstrates a co...

  7. Induction guide for legal aid providers - v1.2 January 2017 [pdf, 659 KB]

    ...• breaches of contract • defamation • bankruptcy. Civil legal aid may also be available for proceedings before tribunals or specialist courts such as the: • Employment Relations Authority • Employment Court • Environment Court • Human Rights Tribunal • Legal Aid Tribunal • Māori Land Court and Māori Appellate Court • Refugee Status Appeal Authority • Social Security Appeal Authority • Taxation Review Tribunal • Tenancy Tribunal • Waitangi Tribunal....

  8. Manuirirangi v Nga Hapu o Nga Ruahine Iwi Inc (2010) 2010 Chief Judge's MB 355 (2010 CJ 355) [pdf, 278 KB]

    ...Whanau, Kainga, Hapu and Nga Ruahine Iwi 2010 Chief Judge’s MB 381 2. Whäia, Kia Honoa Te Rongo, Kia Hohou Te Rongo, Securing the inalienable rights to peace, justice, freedom and the abundance that flows from that. Ending fundamental Human Rights breaches, eg: colonialism, oppression, racism, apartheid, inequality. 3. Te Tino Rangatiratanga o Nga Hapu and Nga Ruahine Iwi. The social, economical and political system of the Hapu and Nga Ruahine nation. 4. Tino Rangat...

  9. Legal aid grants June 2019 [xlsx, 98 KB]

    ...This includes debt recovery, breaches of contract, defamation, and bankruptcy proceedings. It also includes proceedings before tribunals or specialist courts such as the: • Employment Relations Authority • Employment Court • Environment Court • Human Rights Tribunal • Legal Aid Tribunal • Māori Land Court • Immigration & Protection Tribunal • Social Security Appeal Authority • Taxation Review Tribunal • Tenancy Tribunal • Waitangi Tribunal. Civil legal aid is not avai...

  10. OWRUG & Grape Vision Ltd - EiC - J Dicey - Horticulture (4 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...e-commerce solution to provide multiple websites with e-commerce functionality, based on a single catalogue. • Programme Management – Co-ordination of multiple project e-commerce and infrastructure requirements. Management of resource (financial and human) allocation and prioritisation. • Project Management – Simultaneous project management (up to 4 concurrent projects) from conceptualisation to implementation/project close-down (budgets exceeding £1.5m). • Other responsib...