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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. KC v Accident Compensation Corporation (Mental Injury and Social Rehabilitation) [2023] NZACC 011 [pdf, 276 KB]

    ...remedial massages improve her wellbeing by relieving the tension in her muscles and relieving other symptoms associated with her mental injuries. (c) In relation to the appellant’s request for a house with modifications, housing is a basic human right. It would be beneficial for her 9 Wacker v Accident Compensation Corporation [2011] NZACC 186. See also Venn v Accident Compensation Corporation [2015] NZACC 201, at paragraph [9]. 10 Section 128. 11 Siebers v Accident Compe...

  2. FERGUSON Suzanne Claudia (CSU 2010 WHG 000160) [pdf, 210 KB] for the rural sector and communities associated with farming to stand up and take the leadership or ownership of the health and safety issues including quad bikes without the threat of enforcement of the regulators and prosecution. [99] Human nature has shown that proactive leadership will always win the test of longevity in terms of success as opposed to coercion or compulsion. Self initiation has more long-term value in the end. 16 Roll Over Protection Devices [10...

  3. LCRO 240/2013 TM v DC (8 May 2017) [pdf, 365 KB] the September 2010 ERA hearing. 17 (b) Her failure to follow his instructions cost him his job. (c) She did not advise him of the right of appeal from the ERA determination to the Employment Court. (d) He had not made a claim to the Human Rights Commissioner that “[[NZX]] deprived [him] of an entitlement to union membership”. Hearing in person [61] Mr TM indicated that he wished to be heard in person. A hearing took place on 31 March 2017. [62] I record that...

  4. Pullar - Aperahama Sullivan whānau Trust (2017) 61 Takitimu MB 45 (61 TKT 45) [pdf, 439 KB]

    ...profit; he is not allowed to put himself in a position where his interest and duty conflict. It does not appear to me that this rule is, as has been said, founded upon principles of morality. I regard it rather as based on the consideration that human nature being what it is, there is danger, in such circumstances, of the person holding a fiduciary position being swayed by interest rather than duty, and thus prejudicing those whom he was bound to protect. It has, therefore, been dee...

  5. CAC10027 v Brankin [2013] NZREADT 32 [pdf, 121 KB]

    ...making her leave that company. [5] Accordingly, in early 2010 she made a complaint to the Authority about the defendant’s conduct by lodging an objection to the issuing of an agent’s licence to the defendant. She has also made complaints to the Human Rights Commission, the 3 Privacy Commissioner, the Real Estate Institute of NZ, and has pursued a personal grievance for unjustifiable dismissal in respect of her view of the defendant’s actions towards her. [6] In a...

  6. EMPC Memorial sitting John Haigh QC [pdf, 180 KB]

    ...Union, the Storemen and Packers Union. In those days these unions and their leaders were household names. All of them mentioned, and many others, were John Haigh’s clients. They found in John Haigh a tough and competent lawyer and a decent human being. He was known in the trade union movement and among workers for his determination in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. On one occasion a union had a large judgment of over a million dollars awarded against it and John wa...

  7. MENDOZA Carlos Frederick (CSU 2010 WHG 000185) [pdf, 205 KB] for the rural sector and communities associated with farming to stand up and take the leadership or ownership of the health and safety issues including quad bikes without the threat of enforcement of the regulators and prosecution. [99] Human nature has shown that proactive leadership will always win the test of longevity in terms of success as opposed to coercion or compulsion. Self initiation has more long-term value in the end. Roll Over Protection Devices [100] The last...

  8. [2021] NZREADT 55 – Lammas v Real Estate Agents Authority (6 December 2021) [pdf, 340 KB]

    ...Mr Freear were both censured and ordered to pay the REAA a fine of $3,000. [51] The Committee noted the Freears’ statement that the Lammases gave permission for the guide to be emailed later that day. The Freears had acknowledged 10 the human error. The Lammases had been given the draft agency agreement two days earlier and could have taken legal advice before signing the agreement. [52] As for the breach of r 9.11, the Lammases had access to the Freears’ database of b...

  9. IWCNZ-Submissions-on-Scope.pdf [pdf, 366 KB]

    ...question included the subquestion of why his online activity and devices remain largely uninvestigated, and what regulatory or legislative or other steps could be taken in relation to accessing and controlling websites and online gaming that incite dehumanisation and violence. She noted that “[s]ubject to further written and oral submissions that may be received or made on scope”, her view was that issues 2–10 (as well as 32, 44–54, and 56) were not within scope because they...

  10. Legal aid grants December 2021 [xlsx, 85 KB]

    ...This includes debt recovery, breaches of contract, defamation, and bankruptcy proceedings. It also includes proceedings before tribunals or specialist courts such as the: • Employment Relations Authority • Employment Court • Environment Court • Human Rights Tribunal • Legal Aid Tribunal • Māori Land Court • Immigration & Protection Tribunal • Social Security Appeal Authority • Taxation Review Tribunal • Tenancy Tribunal • Waitangi Tribunal. Civil legal aid is not avai...