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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Performance Improvement Framework (PIF) July 2012 [pdf, 506 KB] (Eff ec veness): Well placed Performance Ra ng (Effi ciency): Well placed The Ministry has responsibility for providing the Responsible Minister with support and advice in rela on to the oversight of six Crown En es: Electoral Commission, Human Rights Commission, Independent Police Conduct Authority, Law Commission, Privacy Commissioner and Real Estate Authority. The Minister is provided with advice about performance, fi nancial planning and monitoring of fi nancial performance...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 079 Guthrie v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...the Act applies”.13 VAL are also described. Given that the expert landscape witnesses agreed that the site sits within such a landscape, we address these in more detail. The Plan describes VAL: They are landscapes which wear a cloak of human activity much more obviously – pastoral (in the poetic and picturesque sense rather than the functional sense) or Arcadian landscapes with more houses and trees, greener (introduced) grasses and tend to be on the District’s downlands,...

  3. Chief Victims Advisor report Thats a lie PDF [pdf, 693 KB]

    ...Judge in each case. Permission was received from Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu and Judge Eddie Paul to use the transcript subsample for the purposes of the present research. Ethical approval was obtained from the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee. A ‘child’ for the purposes of court proceedings is defined as an individual under the age of 18 (s 4 Evidence Act 2006). Transcripts that had been requested for the previous research were those from the...

  4. Deborah Freeman - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...2014), where it was also noted that the Council's ecological advisors described the pre-Rena condition of Astrolabe Reef as in "almost pristine condition". 35. The evidence of Mr White for the Applicant, states (paragraph 5.18) that human-induced impacts had altered fisheries at Astrolabe Reef prior to the Rena grounding. In particular, he notes that iconic resident fish and shellfish had been significantly reduced, the reef fish community had changed from its pre-f...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 228 Bay of Islands Maritime Park Incorporated v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...of New Zealand (Forest and Bird), Ngāti Kuta Ki Te Rawhiti Hapū (Ngāti Kuta) and Te Uri o Hikihiki Hapū seek provisions in the NRP to protect areas in the Bay of Islands and Mimiwhangata from the adverse effects on marine biodiversity from human activity. This inevitably creates an intersection with fisheries and fishing and the interrelationship between the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and the Fisheries Act 1996 (Fisheries Act). Hearing and post hearing A hearing was...

  6. [2018] NZEmpC 151 Ovation New Zealand Ltd v The New Zealand Meat Workers and Related Trades Union Inc [pdf, 1.3 MB] Bernard Matthews New Zealand Ltd (Bernard Matthews). In that year, a number of employees became Union members, and a CEA was adopted reflecting existing individual employment agreements. Mr Gusscott was employed by Bernard Matthews as a Human Resources and Business Development Manager from 1998, becoming a consultant for Ovation in 2007. He confirmed he had represented the company in negotiations for the Feilding CEA since 2005. He referred to issues and concerns that had b...

  7. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits A to H [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...Key issues raised under this heading include - Rivers and waterways are sick. - High nitrate levels in fresh waters and other pollution including chemical leaching, run off, siltation, sewerage, etc. - Kaimoana off traditional reef is not fit for human consumption due health risk from contamination. Associated loss of walrua, tinana, hinengaro, matauranga, maramataka, cultural, social, ecological norms resulting in an inability to sustain waiora/hauora (health) throughout associated area...

  8. Te-Iwi-o-Ngati-Tukorehe-Trust-Cultural-Impact-Assessment-v2.pdf [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...large eel that cried out at times of weather disturbances at sea from its wetland home.35 Some informants knew  of the dangers of the last three and spoke of experiences with the wailing eel as a sure sign of danger ‐ a portent  that the adjacent beach environs would be imminently unsafe for humans, due to tidal‐ like waves coming to  shore.36      The inverted taniwha log Mukukai moves with roots exposed along the ...

  9. Guide to the Draft Exposure Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...available All licensed cannabis edibles would be subject to existing safety and suitability requirements for food that are applied by regulations to cannabis edibles (section 207). This will help ensure that cannabis edibles are safe and suitable for human consumption. Other proposed restrictions on cannabis edibles include: • restricting permitted cannabis edibles to baked, ready-to-eat products • prohibiting products requiring refrigeration or heating • prohibiting the additi...

  10. [2023] NZEnvC 055 New Zealand Transport Agency v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 472 KB]

    ...Freshwater Management 2020; (b) National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission 2008; (c) National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020; (d) National Environmental Standards for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health 2011; (e) National Environment Standards for Air Quality 2004; (f) National Environment Standards for Electricity Transmissions Activities 2009; (g) Operative Waikato Regional Policy Statement; (h) Operative Waikato Regio...