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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. OIA-110237.pdf [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...should the Ministry acquire, hire, or use a corporate box for entertainment and/or hospitality purposes. Care of dependants (staff) A staff member may be responsible for the care of a dependant. For the purposes of this policy, dependants include humans and pets. Unless the care of dependant cost is the subject of an employment agreement, it is a personal and private expense of the staff member. Payments for the care of dependants, other than under the terms of employment agreements...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 188 Waitaki District Council [pdf, 279 KB]

    ...necessarily, be absorbed where impacts are appropriate and are significantly outweighed by the surroundings. An important part of high-country atmosphere is the sense of remoteness, silence, nighttime darkness, and the appearance of total lack of human impact. In such cases even the first development may well be [inappropriate], by devaluing the pristine state. Secondly, as the extent of change increases once a precedent is established, the overlying natural and aesthetic values...

  3. [2024] NZEmpC 157 Hall v Fire and Emergency New Zealand [pdf, 314 KB]

    ...unlawful discrimination. She took issue with the lawfulness of the mandates and the proportionality of the measures taken by FENZ. She further stated that FENZ’s position was in breach of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (NZBORA) and the Human Rights Act 1993 (HRA). She then sought confirmation that she was entitled to continue to attend FENZ sites and callouts. [40] At this stage, Ms Hall had been suspended for 91 days. There is no evidence before the Court of any r...

  4. Jackman v CAC 10100 & Raos [2011] NZREADT 31 [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...architecture. To practice architecture means to offer or render services in connection with the design and construction of a building, or group of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings, that have as their principal purpose human occupancy or use. Etymologically, architect derives from the Latin architectus, itself derived from the Greek arkhitekton (arkhi-, chief + tekton, builder), i.e. chief builder. Professional, an architect’s decisions affect publi...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 162 Allison v Clutha District Council [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...preparation work must comply with the limits recommended in and shall be measured and assessed in accordance with New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics - Construction Noise. 20. If the consent holder: 8 (a) discovers koiwi tangata (human skeletal remains), waahi taoka (resources of importance), waahi tapu (places or features of special significance) or other Māori artefact material, the consent holder must without delay: (i) notify the Consent Authority, Tangata whe...

  6. Tapu te Wao v Accident Compensation Corporation (Treatment Injury) [2024] NZACC 137 (16 August 2024) [pdf, 246 KB]

    ...circumstances described in section 21; or (da) work-related mental injury that is suffered by a person in the circumstances described in section 21B; or (e) damage (other than wear and tear) to dentures or prostheses that replace a part of the human body. [47] Section 32 provides: (1) Treatment injury means personal injury that is— (a) suffered by a person— (i) seeking treatment from 1 or more registered health professionals; or (ii) receiving treatment from, or at the dire...

  7. West v Accident Compensation Corporation (Vocational independence) [2024] NZACC 138 [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...overhead. He also thought driving was inappropriate, and that Ms West needed a role that provided opportunities for flexibility of movement. He concluded that Ms West had the capacity to undertake the roles of: Accounts Clerk; Payroll Clerk; 12 Human Resources Clerk; Stock Clerk; Receptionist General; Office Cashier; and Customer Services Representative. [63] On 22 March 2023, Dr Pett completed a vocational independence assessment general practitioner questionnaire, in which...

  8. [2020] NZEnvC 025 Willis Bond Capital Partners No. 3 Limited [pdf, 914 KB]

    ...and development of potentially contaminated land (Rule 32.2.1) - a discretionary activity (restricted). [27] Consent for a discretionary activity under the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (2011) is required for the associated soil disturbance and change in land use. [28] There is agreement that on a bundled approach, the resource consents required from the Council are for a discretionary (unrestricted) activity....

  9. Ngā Rūnanga - EiC – S McIntyre - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [PDF, 902 KB]

    ...Tahu values, except in provisions for Waitaki catchment42 and the specific provisions relating to inter-catchment transfers,43 management of lake levels44 and augmentation of flows.45 52. Policy 5.4.1, in the RPW chapter entitled “Natural and Human Use Values of Lakes and Rivers”, establishes a series of schedules identifying the following values for specified lakes and rivers (or parts of these): (a) Schedule 1A identifies natural values (outstanding natural features an...

  10. [2015] NZEmpC 34 Rodkiss v Carter Holt Harvey Ltd [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...majority of his KAs throughout the year, achieving on or slightly above target. [62] Mr Walker suggested that Mr Rodkiss sign the PIP noting on it a caveat that it was subject to detailed debate with someone like Mr Gary Andrews, the Human Resources Operations Manager, or Ms Kate Lyon, the People Development Manager, when they were next in Nelson. Mr Rodkiss told the two men that he would not be signing the PIP that day but he would take it away to consider what words...