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3760 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEnvC 136 The Canyon Vineyard Ltd v Central Otago District Council [pdf, 507 KB]

    ...recognised as providing a significant contribution to the cultural and amenity values and environmental quality of this rural environment.38 [155] We note that the Plan’s description of the RU states that these qualities are enhanced by the “human made elements” which are stated as including the orchards and vineyards, and homesteads accompanied by stands of trees.39 [156] Accordingly, we agree with Mr Smith and Mr Espie that when examining 35 The Dunstan Mountains. 36 E...

  2. [2009] NZEmpC AC 52/09 Corrections Assn of NZ v CE of the Department of Corrections [pdf, 135 KB]

    ...prisoner in a shared cell is necessary because a single cell is not reasonably available; and (b) the chief executive has issued instructions under section 196 of the Act for the purpose of ensuring that the use of shared cells is safe, secure, humane, and effective; and (c) the accommodation of that prisoner in a shared cell is in accordance with those instructions. [50] The starting point in such cases, and no less in this, is the collective agreement currently in force between...

  3. 2022-12-07-Decision-on-Application-to-Remove-Counsel-Assisting.pdf [pdf, 390 KB]

    ...preserve procedural fairness. The conduct fundamentally required of Assisting Counsel is directly against those Police interests. 12 [38] In his submissions Mr Rasheed sought to rely on Ms McClintock’s questioning of counsel for the Human Rights Commission in the February 2022 hearing on the scope of the Inquiry as a “visual manifestation of bias and conflict of interest” in favour of Police.22 When explored in the course of his oral submissions, Mr Rasheed recast...

  4. Previous COVID-19 updates

    ...Level 3 was published: Disputes Tribunal Tenancy Tribunal Motor Vehicle Dealer Disputes Tribunal Alcohol Regulatory & Licensing Authority Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority Licensing Authority of Secondhand Dealers & Pawnbrokers Human Rights Review Tribunal Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal The Accident Compensation Appeals District Court Registry Victims' Special Claims Tribunal Copyright Tribunal Criminal Justice Assistance Reimbursement Scheme Customs Appeal Autho...

    Located in:
  5. [2014] NZEmpC 49 Patel v OCS Ltd [pdf, 117 KB]

    ...and stairwell) and checking that the work was done to an appropriate standard. Concerns were also raised in relation to the way in which Ms Patel allocated resources, taking a number of staff to clean one area. Mr Virtue involved the Manager of Human Resources, initially Mr Menkin and latterly Mr Reynolds, in dealing with the issues he was confronting. [6] In evidence Ms Patel was reluctant to accept that issues had arisen and that these had been the subject of ongoing di...

  6. [2017] NZEmpC 51 E Tu Inc v New Zealand Transport Agency [pdf, 211 KB]

    ...NZTA’s witnesses [21] NZTA called two senior employees who had been involved in remuneration issues in respect of Union members over recent years. The first of these was Ms Katrina Leather, who has held the position of Employment Relations and Human Resources Policy Manager since February 2014, and previously held the position of Principal Advisor of HR Policy and Employment Relations from August 2012. She had not been involved in bargaining for the 2011/2013 CEA since i...

  7. Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Framework [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...perpetrators’ views or wishes may not prevail. However, victims, perpetrators, family and whānau should be part of the decision-making process. Interactions must be designed to enhance the wellbeing of all people affected by family violence. The human rights of all people (victims including children, perpetrators, family, whānau) will be upheld. This includes the right for victims to be free from violence and to exercise autonomy and control over the decisions and choices in their own...

  8. [2015] NZEmpC 164 Wellington Free Ambulance Service Inc v Austing Anor [pdf, 143 KB]

    ...that Mr Ives stated in his email in reply that the matter could not be taken further "without having evidence". [53] There is another relatively lengthy email, however, dated 7 November 2012 from Ms Berry to Mr David Jones, WFA's Human Resources Manager, in which she speaks about having to address the defendants "behavioural issues", stating at one point: "The bottom line issue is that there is inappropriate behaviour by Hayden and Nicola which has a se...

  9. AS v ZI LCRO 71/2012 (21 March 2014) [pdf, 188 KB]

    ...[87] A client who has unsuccessfully pursued an expensive course of action, such as occurred here, will inevitably feel that better and more informed communication from their lawyer may have led to different decisions being made. This is human nature, we look for reasons to explain how things could have gone so wrong, and for things that could have been done differently. [88] Doubtless Mr AS will reflect upon this case as a whole and conclude that there were things that c...

  10. [2014] NZEmpC 194 Commissioner of Police v Coffey [pdf, 127 KB]

    ...Manager. The 1999 Court judgment records that prior to the amalgamation into one of the Palmerston North and Wanganui Districts, Mr Coffey had been the District Executive Officer at Palmerston North with responsibilities for both finance and human resources. 4 The outcome of the 1999 proceedings was that, after making a 3 Coffey v Commissioner of Police [1999] 1 ERNZ 414 (EmpC). 4 At 419. number of preliminary findings,...