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3760 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEnvC 165 Poutama Kaitiaki Charitable Trust v Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Toanga [pdf, 554 KB]

    ...shall be enabled in order to undertake tikanga Māori protocols consistent with any requirements of site safety. b) Te Runanga o Ngati Tama shall be informed 48 hours before the start and finish of the archaeological work. c) If any kōiwi (human remains) are encountered, all work should cease within 20 metres of the discovery. The Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Archaeologists, New Zealand Police and Te Runanga o Ngati Tama must be advised immediately in accordance with Gui...

  2. Who is vulnerable or hard-to-reach in the provision of maternity, Well Child and early parenting support services? [pdf, 467 KB]

    ...often persists over time, including across generations. 4.23 Measures of multiple disadvantage attempt to capture a wide range of factors that impact on family living standards and wellbeing, including material resources (e.g. income, assets), human capital (e.g. literacy levels, qualifications, skills), physical and mental wellbeing (e.g. illness, addictions), and institutional and interpersonal connections. 4.24 Research in New Zealand (Jensen et al, 2007) has found that 63 p...

  3. Adoption-reform-Summary-of-engagement-2022.pdf [pdf, 499 KB]

    ...adoption order. “People adopted pre 1986 should be able to access their information as well. Any adoptee should be automatically able to request all their adoption files at any age with or without their original birth certificate. It is a breach of human rights to not be able to access this information.” [Comment from adopted person – written submission] 23. Some people also said that consideration of redress for the harms of past practice should form part of the current...

  4. [2010] NZEmpC 84 Secretary for Justice v Dodd [pdf, 126 KB]

    ...CMS record will constitute an electronic bail bond, the accuracy of which is important to both the defendant and to police charged with enforcing bail and any conditions attaching to it. As with any electronic database that depends upon multiple human inputs and updates, it is inevitable that some such records are out of date or otherwise inaccurate. [13] In achieving a modus vivandi, the manner in which provincial courts in general, and the Taranaki courts in particular, have oper...

  5. [2015] NZEmpC 28 Stevens v Hapag-Lloyd (NZ) Ltd [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...plaintiff’s submissions rested on a contention that cl 7(b) was harsh and oppressive and could not be relied on by the company. The argument was said to be bolstered by a number of international instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Forced Labour Convention. It was submitted that HL Ltd was obliged to comply with these instruments, via its Code of Ethics, and that it had failed...

  6. [2021] NZEnvC 062 Kombi Properties Limited (formerly HFT Limited) v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...under the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and 5 Although the AUP was not fully operative at the time of the first instance hearing, all provisions relevant to the proposal were operative. 6 Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health. [17] Although activity status was not disputed, differing views were held by the planners as to the complement of rules triggered by the proposal, attributable to the on-site parking provision and the C-block office component....

  7. [2011] NZEmpC 44 Matsuoka v LSG Sky Chefs NZ Ltd & SFWU [pdf, 245 KB]

    ...documentation it appears that PRI has the relevant bank accounts, pays all the employees involved in the flight catering business and PFC is merely there for name protection purposes. According to the uncontested evidence of Gerda Gorgner, the human resources manager and acting general manager at PFC, SQ, because it was not aware of the existence of PRI, put PFC‟s name in the catering contract. I find that PRI operated the catering business for the PFC contracts and issued the...

  8. [2014] NZEmpC 157 Howard v Carter Holt Harvey Packing Ltd [pdf, 121 KB]

    ...the Production Manager, Mr G Burgess, commenced interviewing staff. The object of the interviews was only to confirm whether an assault had actually occurred, not why it had occurred. This step was taken following the provision of advice by the Human Resources Manager, Ms J Bockett, who was based in Auckland. Mr Howard was advised on that day that a complaint had been made. [13] Over the next two days a series of interviews were undertaken. A rudimentary record was made of each...

  9. MOJ Privacy Guidelines [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...the accuracy of the information it held about him. It accepted that, due to the nature of the information, he had suffered significant hurt and humiliation as a result of their failings. It referred the man’s complaint for consideration by the Human Rights Review Tribunal. 12 Disposing of personal information You should only hold information when you have a lawful purpose for doing so. It can be difficult to know when to destroy or delete old files and information. There are spe...

  10. 2023-09-15-Evidence-of-Anna-Carter-for-Prouse-Trust.pdf [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga under the New Zealand Heritage List Rārangi Kōrero under the Historic Places Act 1993, and it is not listed in Horowhenua’s District Plan as an historic place. However, as a place that has been associated with human activity before 1900, the property and its buildings are deemed to be an archaeological site under Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014; and f) Ashleigh homestead is identified as a Protected Premise and Facility (PPF) in...