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3760 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEnvC 147 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...(PA) Previously known as Phytophthora taxon agathis (PTA) The pathogen can sense a kauri tree’s roots and swim towards them using a tail-like flagella. Spread by soil and soil-water movement, through underground root-to-root contact, or human and animal vectors. Kauri dieback is also known as collar rot, which refers to the bleeding lesions at the bottom of the tree trunk. Cleaning footwear every time you enter or leave a forest area, avoiding kauri roots and keeping do...

  2. Leadership of governments collective efforts to reduce family violence and sexual violence [pdf, 453 KB]

    ...the Ministry meeting these costs). Funding for the dedicated agent in 2018/19 40 Budget 2018 did not make any provision for the costs of establishing the dedicated agent, during this financial year, or the costs of its operations once established. Human Rights 45 Reducing family violence and sexual violence assists the Government to meet its human rights obligations including the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Convention on the Rights of th...

  3. [2017] NZEnvC 160 Auckland Council v Lau [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...concluded: 11 7.26 Mr Ormiston concludes that the lithe wastewater system is inadequate, in that it has been poorly constructed and will be prone to failure and surface breakout of partially treated wastewater and that there is a real risk of human contact with partially treated wastewater. II Further, this poses "a significant risk to humans through the risk for direct contact with poorly treated effluent." [27] It was also discovered that there had been damage to and r...

  4. Proactive release - Setting the strategic direction for New Zealand's Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Regime [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...arising from the work programme will be subject to the 9gxv4z1bpw 2019-10-22 09:03:45 RE LE AS ED B Y TH E MIN IS TE R OF JU ST IC E 9 Regulatory Impact Analysis requirements and addressed in the report back to Cabinet. Human Rights 52. There are no human rights implications arising directly from the proposals in this paper. Gender Implications 53. There are no gender implications arising directly from the proposals in this paper. Disability Perspective...

  5. [2009] NZEmpC CC 5/09 Ramsay V Commissioner of Police [pdf, 126 KB]

    ...His solution was to recommend placing Constable Coy under performance management and removing Mr Ramsay from the Temuka station before Sergeant Smith returned from leave as the two officers were in direct conflict. [70] Subsequent advice from human resources was that Mr Ramsay could not be removed from Temuka without his consent. Human resources advised Inspector Gaskin to meet with Mr Ramsay, manage Sergeant Smith’s performance issues, and hold a joint meeting between the two of...

  6. Environment Court of New Zealand Annual Review 2017 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...from the refusal of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to grant consent for the discharge of methyl bromide from log fumigation of ships holds and under tarpaulin at the Port of Tauranga. Methyl bromide has two major mechanisms for attack on the human body (and all other animals, birds and insects). Firstly, it is corrosive both to the nasal passages and to the lungs on inhalation. Secondly, it is a neuro-toxin and enters the body through the skin, into the blood stream and thence...

  7. Proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination - discussion document - Pashto [pdf, 468 KB]

    ...ن https://consultations.justice.govt.nzتاسو د ښاریانو سپیس پھ وړاندې کولو لپاره یوه اسانھ الر چمتو کوي. تاسو د بریښنالیک یا د پوستي لھ الرې ھم سپارلې شيتاسو کولی شئ خپلھ سپارنھ د بریښنالیک لھ الرې پدې ولیږئ لیکلی سپارنھ Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, SX10088, Wellingtonتاسو کولی شئ بشري حقون...

  8. Brunton v Accident Compensation Corporation (Treatment Injury) [2023] NZACC 187 [pdf, 382 KB]

    ...including yoga. She began her naturopathic studies at age 19 and has practiced natural medicine. She also practices meditation and yoga regularly. She noted that wellbeing is very important to her. She explained that she knows a lot of about the human body, and is very conscious of her body. She explained that for the past couple of years she had been having symptoms - the sensation of something being stuck in her throat. She went to her GP and was seen by a locum. She was given a...

  9. Appendix-8_Peter-Stacey_s87F_198D-Report_Air_28-April-23.pdf [pdf, 354 KB]

    ...there is predicted to be a relatively small increase in the ambient concentration of air pollutants as the Ō2NL Project moves closer to receptors. The concentrations of air pollutants at these locations are predicted to be below the relevant human health air quality assessment criteria, although concentrations are, however, generally predicted to reflect minor increases in areas located within 200m of the Ō2NL Project. 22. No mitigation measures have been proposed as part of t...

  10. Ngati Pahauwera Report of Independent Assessor December 2015 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...ruling out the possibility of a CMT extending out 12 nautical miles. However, common sense suggests that the further away from the shoreline one moves, the more difficult it will be to argue for exclusive use and occupation of the ocean and seabed. Human beings have, for centuries, fished the ocean and passed across its face. Certainly Ngati Unsurprisingly perhaps, there is no direct evidence of this, which probably has much the same weight as a chance remark made to the Independent Asses...