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3760 items matching your search terms

  1. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...intends that remaining natural character be preserved. Coupled with this, it submitted that the lack of s 6(b)'s qualifier 'from inappropriate subdivision, use and development' intends to reinforce that direction. It argued that human-induced modification that reduces natural 63 Closing submissions for Save Wanaka, at [62]. 29 character conflicts with this objective. 64 It noted that the associated 'Environmental Results Anticipated' (at 4.1.5) assist i...

  2. Evaluation of the Te Hurihanga pilot [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Good Lives Model (Adapted to Adolescents) is a holistic and strengths- based model that complements and builds on the Risk-Needs-Responsivity Model. It focuses on the development of „approach goals‟ and supporting young offenders to meet basic human needs pro-socially. These basic needs, adapted to adolescents, include: Self Control; Doing Well; Being Well; Spirituality; Friendships; Whaanau; and Community. In Education, Psycho-education, and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, the educ...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 087 Okura Holdings Limited & Others v Auckland Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    BEFORETHEEN~RONMENTCOURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO 0 AOTEAROA Court: Hearing: Appearances: IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND AND AND Decision No. [2018] NZEnvC 87 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an appeal under s156 of the Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010 ZHI LI, JING NIU AND WEill YANG (ENV-2016-AKL-000196) Appellants OKURA HOLDINGS LIMITED (ENV-2016-AKL-000211 ) Appellant AUCKLAND COUNCIL Respondent ROYAL FOREST AND BIR

  4. Final-Technical-Assessment-J-Terrestrial-Ecology-v2.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...rural land in the Horowhenua lowlands, between the foothills of the Tararua Range and the sea. Most of the route lies in the southern Manawatū Plains Ecological District, with a small area within the Tararua Ecological District. 3. Prior to human settlement, almost all of the Project area (as defined later in this assessment) would have been densely forested, broken only by rivers and larger streams, and wetlands. The gentle terrain and fertile soils encouraged the conversion...

  5. AMLCFT-Proactive-Release-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 2.6 MB] laundering allows criminals to amass illicit wealth and furthers the cycle of criminality by making funds available for reinvestment in crime. These crimes cause direct financial losses to individuals, community harm, and in some cases, loss of human life. 12 Dirty money in New Zealand is typically generated through drugs, fraud, and tax evasion, particularly by gangs and organised criminal groups generating large amounts of physical cash that requires laundering. Overseas crimi...

  6. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief Robert Pryor [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...loading wharves, roading, commercial activities and extensive car parking areas. 98. Similarly in terms of natural patterns, while the upper bush covered hillsides are seen from most locations, the buildings and structures around them make the human imprint on the landscape very evident. Natural processes (other than tidal changes) are also not strongly visible in the landscape, even though they underpin it. 99. While having significant natural elements, and to a lesser extent,...

  7. Chief Coroner 2019-20 Annual Report [pdf, 2 MB] suicide and then transport deaths. Cause of death 2019-20 Deaths Accidental Poisoning 3 Aspiration 75 Aviation 7 Death in Custody 17 Drowning and Immersion 85 Fall 98 Fire/Smoke/Burns 31 Firearms 57 Homicide 43 Human Remains 6 Marine Accident 5 Missing Person 7 Natural Causes 1914 Other 17 Overdose 168 SUDI 43 *Suicide 474 Transport 347 Undetermined 178 Workplace Accident 28 Total 3603 Notes: The cause of death categories is a br...

  8. EMPC Retirement of Judge Travis [pdf, 287 KB]

    ...know that the life of a Judge is lonely and tough in my respectful submission. My father spent 17 years and I know there were times when it was really tough and one of the key things, in my respectful submission, about this Court is you need real humanity and you need to engage with real people every day. Clearly from the references I’ve been given, including my former partner, Mr McIlraith who’s at the back of the Court, you have all the abilities in that regard, together wit...

  9. Victims of crime in the adult criminal justice system: a stocktake of the literature [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of power. This definition applies regardless of whether there has been a criminal conviction, and extends also to secondary victims. It encompasses victims of international crimes such as war, and broader human rights violations. 1.2.1 New Zealand’s definition The New Zealand Victims’ Rights Act 2002 uses a similar definition to the United Nations encompassing both primary and secondary victims. Those defined as victims include: ...

  10. RIS: Strengthening the Family Court [pdf, 4.8 MB]

    ...orders, enable decisions that are consistent with the welfare and best interests of the child , with a particular focus on any differential impacts on Maori children. In August 2018, the Minister of Justice appointed a Panel consisting of former Chief Human Rights Commissioner Rosslyn Noonan, and family law experts, La Verne King and Chris Dellabarca. The Panel were supported by an expert reference group. The Panel were tasked with comprehensively assessing the issues in the family just...