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3761 items matching your search terms

  1. [2010] NZEmpC 30 Minhinnick V NZ Steel Ltd [pdf, 53 KB]

    ...action was required to be undertaken that Mr Minhinnick’s employment with the company was likely to be terminated. [13] Following the decision to dismiss Mr Minhinnick his union representative requested Mr Anthony Wright, the vice president for human resources and external affairs at the company to undertake a review of Mr Voigt’s decision. Mr Wright gave evidence by way of an affidavit dated 23 February 2010 sworn in Singapore. He was cross-examined during the course of th...

  2. [2024] NZEmpC 123 Wiles v University of Auckland [pdf, 536 KB]

    ...nature of what has been a novel and evolving global pandemic in terms that do not exclude science but that are comprehensible to non-scientists. He said that she had the capacity to distil what might otherwise have been the theoretical into the human and the relevant, something that was crucial at a time when people were learning how contagious COVID-19 was. [7] Mr Campbell said that he and his colleagues felt that Associate Professor Wiles had a genuine ability to reach...

  3. E29 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture JWS [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...buildings. A combination of fit-for- purpose techniques shall be used comprising a-d and at least three of e-j: a. expression of primary and secondary building volumes with modulation of height or form; b. roof form modulation; c. provision of human scale, fine-grained detail and richness at all edges that the public will view at close range, and larger forms and elements to respond to mid and long-range viewing distances; d. visual expression of building entries; e. offsets of...

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 038 Hawke's Bay Fish & Game Council v Hawke's Bay Regional Council [pdf, 277 KB]

    ...accountability for anything that went wrong there. [51] There are a range of potential reasons why intended electronic service of the appeal could have gone astray. Some technical problem is one possibility, whether at HBFG's end or Mr Revell's. Human error is another possibility, again potentially at HBFG's end or Mr Revell's (e.g. error in addressing before dispatch or in monitoring or anaging emails upon receipt). In making the assertion that HBFG bears responsi...

  5. Merrylees v Accident Compensation Corporation [2023] NZACC 186 [pdf, 279 KB]

    ...tunnel syndrome and other damage to his right elbow arose from and are consequential on the injury of 16 August 2017. Respondent’s Submissions [66] Ms Becroft, with Ms Watson’s approval, handed up to the Court two drawings of the human arm, the first depicting radial tunnel syndrome and the second showing the path of the radial nerve. [67] Ms Becroft briefly referred to the claims history and confirms that it is the personal injury by accident claim that is before the...

  6. Proactive release - Family violence information sharing guidance [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...funding allocation 37. In the future, it may be determined that additional tools or training be developed to support the Guidance. These costs will be considered as part of the Government’s wider response to family violence and sexual violence. Human Rights 38. The Guidance is consistent with the rights and freedoms provided for in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. Gender Implications 39. Family violence is gendered in terms of victimisation, perpetration and impacts...

  7. Willowridge Developments Ltd - Alison Devlin - EIC - 25 February 2022 [pdf, 329 KB]

    ...Taonga must be sought prior to the modification, damage or destruction of any archaeological site, whether the site is unrecorded or has been previously recorded. An archaeological site is described in the Act as a place associated with pre-1900 human activity, which may provide evidence relating to the history of New Zealand. These provisions apply regardless of whether a resource consent or building consent has been granted by Council. Should archaeological material be discovered dur...

  8. Bravenec v Accident Compensation Corporation (Cover Issues) [2023] NZACC 77 [pdf, 191 KB]

    ...Light also refers to the further comment of the panel at page 4 of its report: The CAP noted that none of the mechanisms described by Mr Bravenec is consistent with acute labral tearing. “Extreme” leg extension does not cause labral tearing. Humans extend our straightened leg each time we walk forward, turn around, kick balls or climb up inclines. [40] Mr Light submits that when the overall clinical picture is considered, it does not support the appellant’s position of sign...

  9. Mitchell v Corrections [2023] NZHRRT 18 [pdf, 204 KB]

    ...the Department of Corrections (Corrections), when in November 2014, she undertook an assessment with [redacted] Ian Britton, at the 1 This decision is to be cited as Mitchell v Corrections [2023] NZHRRT 18 (Note publication restrictions). IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2023] NZHRRT 18 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGATA 2 request of the Parole Board. Later that year the New Zealand Police (the Police) requested the [medical] assessment to assist...

  10. Summary of submissions: New Zealand accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...between countries, so a preservation order request may be submitted for evidence of a crime which is not an offence in New Zealand. MEGA’s view was that actioning foreign preservation orders for acts that are not crimes in New Zealand may impact on human rights if the request is used for political purposes. Safeguards – who makes the order & how What was proposed Two elements of the proposed data preservation scheme dealt with who can issue the order, and how it is is...