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3763 items matching your search terms

  1. [2007] NZEmpC AC 61/07 Fonterra Cooperative Group Ltd v van Heerden [pdf, 76 KB]

    ...From this point on Ms van Heerden’s current position as panel leader was disestablished. [14] In the meantime, with the pending closure of the laboratories at Te Rapa, Ms Ropata had been identified by Ms Watt and Alle Worner, of Fonterra’s human resources department, as having a similar but somewhat enhanced salaried role to that of Ms van Heerden. Ms Ropata’s role at Te Rapa was disestablished and she was very interested in the new role at Waitoa and applied for it. Ms Wat...

  2. ORC & Kai Tahu Ki Otago - EIC - Edward Ellison - 17 September 2021 [pdf, 554 KB]

    ...been deterioration of water quality and aquatic habitats due to contamination by direct discharges of sewage, direct and diffuse discharges of animal wastes, and diffuse discharges of nutrients and sediment. 74 For Kāi Tahu the discharge of human waste to water is offensive and renders affected waterways inaccessible for customary practices such as taking and eating mahika kai or using water for special purposes or daily rituals. Contamination by animal wastes also makes waterway...

  3. [2009] NZEmpC AC 31/09 Ora Ltd v Kirkley [pdf, 80 KB]

    ...was a private institution funded by the Te Wananga O Aotearoa and its business was educating immigrants through settlement programmes it ran. Mrs Kirkley’s responsibilities included internal administration, finance, information technology, and human resources. She was part of the management team. In the first 18 months the plaintiff enrolled some 1,000 students. The student role started to drop off early in 2005. Towards the end of that year the managing director, Rob Picksto...

  4. 2022-03-18 Remarkables Park - Legal submissions as to scope [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Comment (summarised by Fish and Game) Aukaha on behalf of: Te Rūnanga o Waihao, Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki, Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou and Hokonui Rūnanga (Ngā Rūnanga) Policy 7.C.12(c) The scope of PC8 is restricted and does not include human sewage discharge rules in 12.A. The wider issue of human sewage discharge will be reconsidered under the plan review. Rule The associated Policy 7.D.9(b)(i) indicates ORC’s long-term objective, which will progressively...

  5. Proactive release - Electoral Amendment Bill No2 [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...political parties to determine the origin of donations. This is not expected to be significant based on existing data about overseas donations. However, political parties have not been consulted on the options or the proposed threshold for donations. Human Rights and the New Zealand Bill of Rights 1990 56. These proposals extend existing prohibitions on overseas persons making donations on the basis of citizenship status, or place of incorporation or association. This limitation on the abil...

  6. Auckland Waikato and Eastern Fish and Game Councils [pdf, 504 KB]

    ...ecosystems and healthy freshwater populations of indigenous plants and animals and valued introduced species. ▪ Clean fresh water restores and protects aquatic native vegetation to provide habitat and food for native aquatic species, trout and for human activities or needs, including swimming and drinking. ▪ Clean fresh water restores and protects macroinvertebrate communities for their intrinsic value and as a food source for native fish, trout, native birds and introduced game...

  7. [2014] NZEmpC 92 H v A Ltd [pdf, 263 KB]

    ...than bullying, the medical condition applies as much to teasing as it does to bullying, the latter being a subset of the former [85] Mr Harrison has also drawn to our attention the desirability, if not the need, to take into account international human rights instruments when the interests of children may be affected by publication of accounts of proceedings. The leading convention is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (“UNCROC”). 66 Several of the UNCR...

  8. [2013] NZEmpC 81 Brake v Grace Team Accounting Ltd [pdf, 191 KB]

    ...viewing discretionary costs, improving the efficiency of administration work and arranging a meeting with the bank manager to outline the problems and to seek support by way of additional facilities. He decided that he needed to get legal and human resources advice should redundancies be needed as he had not ever made any staff redundant in the past. He sent an email to Wendy Macphail of Employment Law Services on the morning of Saturday 10 April 2010 in which he stated: I have...

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 116 The Architectural Centre v Wellington City Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...and life of the district, region or nation. (b) physical values: these values relate to the physical evidence present. (i) archaeological: there is potential for archaeological investigation to contribute new or important information about the human history of the district, region or nation. (ii) architectural: the place is notable for its style, design, form, scale, materials, ornamentation, period, craftsmanship or other architectural values. (iii) technological: the place provi...

  10. Justice Matters July 2019 [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...the team came after our Ministry started using behavioural insights to improve the way we deliver our services. The team will have 11 members and has funding for the next two and a half years. Behavioural insights play a key role in delivering a humane and effective justice system. Almost everything that happens within the justice sector is behaviour related, from arranging for people to pay their fines to crime prevention strategy. “If you understand what motivates people’s behavi...