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3763 items matching your search terms

  1. Media guide for reporting in the courts and tribunals [pdf, 804 KB]

    ...(for less than $200,000) Appeals to High Court • Accident Compensation Appeal Authority • Accident Compensation District Court Registry • Alcohol Licensing & Regulating Authority • Copyright Authority • Customs Appeal Authority • Human Rights Review Tribunal • Immigration & Protection Tribunal • Land Valuation Tribunal • Lawyers & Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal • Legal Aid Tribunal (only on points of law) • Private Security Personal Licensing ...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 047 Netherlea Hobsonville Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 1.7 MB], and traffic safety and efficiency effects are less than minor. g) Conditions are necessary when soil disturbance and/or land development activities take place on land potentially affected by contaminants in soil to ensure all potential human health risks are identified and addressed to make sure the land is safe for human use. Engineering h} The engineering requirements for water, wastewater and stormwater will ensure that the development will be adequately provided wit...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - He Whiritaunoka (Whanganui) chapter 1 [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...called Ruruku Whakatupua : Te Mana o te Awa Tupua, sets out a framework for establishing the Whanganui river as a single, indivisible legal entity, from the mountains to the sea. The settlement will also allow for the creation of te pou tupua, the ‘human face’ of te awa tupua, which will act and speak for the river. te pou tupua will comprise representatives of Whanganui Māori and the Crown, symbolic of the treaty relation- ship. It will be supported by a strategy group consisting...

  4. [2008] NZEmpC WC 13B/08 Mana Coach Services Ltd v NZ Tramways and Public Passenger Transport Union Inc [pdf, 102 KB] phone voicemail, he often did not respond. However, Mr Griffiths had the ability to contact MCSL, even if he was away from his office, by use of his mobile phone. [35] Surprisingly these days, Mr Griffiths’ counterpart at MCSL, its human resources manager Mr Russell, refused to and did not use a mobile telephone despite being away from his office frequently. MCSL was nevertheless contactable by telephone or facsimile transmission or email at each of its depots and, unli...

  5. [2012] NZEmpC 179 Drader v Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development [pdf, 189 KB]

    ...had not appreciated the significance of her telephone call to client A as she had not told Mr MacPherson about it, and this caused Mr MacPherson to question her judgment as a manager. [20] Mr MacPherson then contacted Clive Kilgour, a Senior Human Resources Consultant and asked how he should proceed. He was advised to tell Ms Drader about the complaint and that a formal process under the Ministry’s Code of Conduct (the Code) would begin immediately. Mr MacPherson returned to t...

  6. [2020] NZEmpC 174 Greetham v Lawter (NZ) Ltd [pdf, 384 KB]

    ...immediate change to Mr Greetham’s employment agreement, remuneration or job title as a result of the change in his duties. The increase in responsibilities was raised by Mr Greetham at a meeting with Mr Yates and Kate Riches, then described as Human Resources Generalist, on 21 October 2011. A time in motion study was thereafter conducted by Ms Riches in response to the discussion. This stated that she found that Mr Greetham’s duties were only consuming around 20– 25 hours pe...

  7. [2015] NZEmpC 43 Harris v TSNZ Pulp and Paper Maintenance Ltd [pdf, 336 KB]

    ...were surprised to find these documents attached to the collective agreement, and at Mr Yukich’s insistence that they be so because it was said to have been part of his practice. This was not something that the defendant’s very experienced human resources manager had encountered previously. It was also described as very unusual by another very experienced human resources practitioner, Tony Teesdale, who gave evidence for the defendant in the case. I have not seen, before this...

  8. OIA-107310.pdf [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...working arrangement, there is no automatic right to revert to the prior work arrangement; all parties must agree to the change in writing. • All employees have the opportunity to apply for flexible working arrangements, in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1993. • Collaboration between the manager and the employee is critical in ensuring that expectations are clear and met. Procedures 1. Employees must make a request for flexible working in writing to their manager, usi...

  9. Waitangi Tribunal - Whanganui land report [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...called Ruruku Whakatupua : Te Mana o te Awa Tupua, sets out a framework for establishing the Whanganui river as a single, indivisible legal entity, from the mountains to the sea. The settlement will also allow for the creation of te pou tupua, the ‘human face’ of te awa tupua, which will act and speak for the river. te pou tupua will comprise representatives of Whanganui Māori and the Crown, symbolic of the treaty relation- ship. It will be supported by a strategy group consisting...

  10. [2018] NZEnvC 239 Mawhinney v Auckland Council [pdf, 851 KB]

    ...Activities: (a) proposed sites for any purpose other than for road, open space or a designation where a building platform is identified on the plan of subdivision. The building platform shall be designed to allow for development likely in the relevant Human Environment Rules. Assessment of Controlled Activity applications will be limited to the matters of design, location and construction and will be considered in accordance with Assessment Criterion 2(a). 2.3 Limited Discretion...