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3764 items matching your search terms

  1. (9) Hamilton City Council [pdf, 321 KB]

    ...infrastructure wetlands: (a) Objective 1; and (b) Policy 17. Objective 1 21. Objective 1 includes to restore and protect wetlands so that they will be safe for people to swim in and take food from. 22. Because of the risks to human health, wetlands constructed to treat contaminated stormwater or wastewater should not be expected to be places suitable for swimming or collecting food. 23. Amendments are required to ensure this objective is not applied to infra...

  2. Proceeds of Crime Fund full proposal template [docx, 277 KB]

    ...proposal? Maximum 300 words. A risk is something that hasn’t happened yet but has some probability of occurring (add more rows if required). · List the key risks involved. Consider risks that relate to reputation, public confidence, deliverables, human resources, and finances. · Consider the consequence or impact of each risk – minimal impact to the programme and agency or severe political/reputational damage, employees are harmed, severe impact on service delivery. · Consider the like...

  3. CO v DSI [2011] NZIACDT 5 (14 February 2011) [pdf, 85 KB]

    ...complaint being upheld without necessarily imposing a sanction. It follows it is not necessary to find a disciplinary sanction should be imposed to uphold a complaint. However, it is important to recognise that not every lapse or manifestation of human frailty should result in an adverse professional disciplinary finding. It follows there will be occasions when advisers are responsible for a lapse from acceptable standards; but still not justify upholding a disciplinary complaint. [29]...

  4. [2022] NZEnvC 033 Director-General of Conservation v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...materials from one place to another. There is also a clear prospect that any physical soils or organic matter, or waters removed from one Kauri Hygiene Area and placed in another, may contaminate them. To date the issues around hygiene for humans who may inadvertently transfer the material on their clothing or boots has been addressed by using cleansers and removing all dirt (at least that visible), organic matter and water from footwear and clothing. We have seen this in the...

  5. Te Manutukutuku Issue 1 [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...ment that will be produced on a regular basis is important because it projects the sort of image that the document wishes to convey. We wish to be informative. We wish to be educative and above all we wish to project a professional image with a human face that is indicative of the work of the Waitangi Tribunal. For these reasons we have chosen the humble kite as the standard bearer for our newsletter. Te Manutukutuku is symbolic of a number of key ideas. In modern times we largely f...

  6. 220412 Detailed funding proposal template April 2022 [docx, 282 KB]

    ...proposal? Maximum 300 words. A risk is something that hasn’t happened yet but has some probability of occurring (add more rows if required). · List the key risks involved. Consider risks that relate to reputation, public confidence, deliverables, human resources, and finances. · Consider the consequence or impact of each risk – minimal impact to the programme and agency or severe political/reputational damage, employees are harmed, severe impact on service delivery. · Consider the like...

  7. BORA Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Bill [pdf, 405 KB]

    ...conclusion, we have given particular emphasis to the purpose of this legislation, and the need to create a workable drinking-water regime. Jeff Orr Chief Legal Counsel Office of Legal Counsel Stuart Beresford Principal Adviser Bill of Rights/Human Rights Team Footnotes 1 The Bill defines "designated officer" to include a person designated as a Medical Officer of Health, a Health Protection Officer, or as "an officer who has functions, duties, or powers under t...

  8. BORA Waste Minimisation (Solids) Bill [pdf, 410 KB]

    ...CONCLUSION 36. We have concluded that the Bill is consistent with the rights and freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights Act. Jeff Orr Chief Legal Counsel Office of Legal Counsel Stuart Beresford Principal Adviser, Bill of Rights/Human Rights Public Law Group Footnotes 1 Slaight Communications v Davidson 59 DLR (4th) 416; Wooley v Maynard 430 US 705 (1977) 2 [1989] 1 SCR 927 3 R v Jarvis 219 DLR (4th) 233 4 New Zealand Stock Exchange v Commissioner of Inland...

  9. [2018] NZEnvC 144 Auckland Council v Braines [pdf, 377 KB] pathogens; (b) increased risk to the environment from the discharge of inadequately treated sewage; (c) risks of offensive odours; (d) increased risks of unlawful tenancies being established; and (e) increased risk of adverse effects on human health. [4] Part of the application was based upon an assertion in relation to methamphetamine-associated contaminants on the site. The Court did not accept that evidence, or that there was any breach of s 15(1)(b) of the RMA. Neverthele...

  10. Family Court rewrite submission: RNZA College of Psychiatrists [pdf, 289 KB]

    ...programmes to address economic and societal impacts. Our key priorities align with the goals of proposed changes to the justice system and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which stipulate that children have the same fundamental human rights to health and wellbeing as adults. Changes to the Justice System The RANZCP principles to guide ongoing redevelopment of the family justice system must recognise the importance of:  meeting the contemporary need...