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3764 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Psychoactive Substances Bill [pdf, 334 KB]

    ...Prosecutions [2004] UKHL 43, [2005] 1 AC 264. 31. Clause 80. 32. For example, by issuing advice to the public, withdrawing approval or taking steps to recall a product from sale. 33. Clauses 46–48. 34. Clause 49. 35. Bill of Rights Act, s 19(1); Human Rights Act 1993, s 21(1)(i). 36. Ministry of Health v Atkinson [2012] NZCA 184, [2012] 3 NZLR 456 at [55] and [109]; McAlister v Air New Zealand Ltd [2009] NZSC 78, [2010] 1 NZLR 153 at [51] and [105]. Comparably situated groups in t...

  2. Cook v Legacy Church [2023] NZHRRT 31 [pdf, 185 KB]

    ...Church, described as the Legacy group or as being under the Legacy umbrella. The defendant, Legacy Church is also one of the legal entities within the Legacy group. 1 [This decision is to be cited as Cook v Legacy Church [2023] NZHRRT 31]. IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2022] NZHRRT 31 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGATA 2 [2] On 27 September 2019 Ms Cook’s lawyers sent a Privacy Act 1993 (PA, 1993)2 request to Legacy Housing’s General Manager for Ms Cook’s personal info...

  3. [2013] NZEmpC 147 Ramkissoon v Commissioner of NZ Police [pdf, 103 KB]

    ...return to front line/shift work duties; contacted him at home while he was on sick leave in that regard and required him to provide further details of his illness; falsely asserted that he was using industrial blackmail; allowed an identified human resources manager to have an active role in his rehabilitation management and grievance when that person had a conflict of interest, having been the object of his earlier grievance; instigated an investigation against him...

  4. Auckland Standards Committee 1 v Hooker [2018] NZLCDT 15 [pdf, 250 KB] be in full & final settlement of all matters relating to [client]’ employment. This includes but is not limited to (i) Claims before ERA (ii) Claims raised with Privacy Commissioner or under Privacy Act (iii) Any claims raised with Human Rights Commissioner or under HRA (iv) Any other claims”. [11] Payment of the agreed sum totalling $107,500 was made by [employer] into the trust account of the respondent on 16 January 2014 along with a further payment of $50,000...

  5. Legal-Services-Amendment-Regulations-2022-Legal-Services-Amendment-Bill-2022.pdf [pdf, 397 KB]

    ...considered by Cabinet on 27 June 2022. Compliance 17 The Regulations and the Bill comply with each of the following: a. Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; b. Rights and freedoms contained in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Human Rights Act 1993; c. Disclosure statement requirements; d. Principles and guidelines set out in the Privacy Act 2020; e. Relevant international standards and obligations; and f. Legislation Design and Advisory Committee Legislation G...

  6. Combined Owners and Residents of Apartments in Sheds 19 20 22 23 [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...noise levels are relevant for assessing some types of construction noise; however in relation to the effects produced by activities such as pile driVing, the assessment also needs to cO[l$ider the effects of vibration which cannot be heard by the human ear. The effects of low frequency vibration assessed in the same way as airborne noise. The effect of vibr~tion on structures has been assessed but it is not clear that the effect of vibration on people has been :;::tdequately...

  7. AD v ZX LCRO 87 / 2010 (14 December 2010) [pdf, 82 KB]

    ...the employees on the basis of joint employment. However, I would observe, that any lawyer acting for the Applicant’s clients, would have been provided with this information by the clients themselves, who included the former General Manager and Human Resources Manager. Consequently, the confidentiality of the information obtained by the Applicant in advising on the Q and A sheet may be more illusory than real. [46] The Respondent refers to the comments of Asher J in Hana New Zeala...

  8. CLC-National-Performance-Standards-1-July-2016.pdf [pdf, 184 KB]

    ...the contract for the provision of community legal services between the organisation and the Ministry of Justice; and e) the risk management provisions of the Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Policy of the insurer. Standard 23: Human resource management processes are conducted in accordance with good employment practice and comply with relevant legislation. Indicators: 23.1 The Community Law Centre is managed by a suitably qualified and/or experienced person with...

  9. F Ltd v DS & KS [2022] NZDT 173 (10 October 2022) [pdf, 181 KB]

    ...expenses incurred. When they reviewed all of the vet invoices, the total up to the end of Noah’s treatment was actually $3,892.23, a bit more than the amount they have counterclaimed. 16. DQ says that he simply agreed to pay the vet bills as a ‘human response’ to help out. He says there was no discussion about whether he would pay for future vet bills, although he was aware DS and KS may have to pay more vet costs. 17. DS and KS agree that there was no agreement about whethe...

  10. BORA Securities Legislation Bill [pdf, 122 KB]

    ...CONCLUSION 31. In accordance with your instructions, we attach a copy of this opinion for referral to the Minister of Justice. Roger Palairet Acting Chief Legal Counsel Office of Legal Counsel Stuart Beresford Senior Legal Adviser Bill of Rights/Human Rights Team cc Minister of Justice Footnotes 1 R v Keegstra [1990] 3 SCR 697,729,826. 2 RJR MacDonald v Attorney-General of Canada (1995) 127 DLR (4th)1 3 Advice dated 31 October 2001. 4 Clause 30 – New Subpart 3...