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3765 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZREADT 54 – Complaints Assessment Committee 2106 v Mathers (6 December 2021) [pdf, 257 KB] a manner that facilitated the resolution of the issues that were the subject of the proceedings. ... [12] In Commissioner of Police v Andrews, the High Court was concerned with the almost identical costs provision for proceedings before the Human Rights Review Tribunal (the HRRT).1 The HRRT had declined to award costs in favour of the Commissioner of Police against the unsuccessful claimant. It had rejected the traditional civil litigation approach of ‘costs follow the event...

  2. BORA Sale and Supply of Liquor and Liquor Enforcement Bill [pdf, 312 KB]

    ...licensed premises. 5. As such, the Bill - in common with existing restrictions on access to and use of alcohol by young people - gives rise to differential treatment on the basis of age in terms of s 19(1) of the Bill of Rights Act and s 21(1)(i) of the Human Rights Act 1993, which defines age as any age commencing with the age of 16 years. 6. Age-based distinctions necessarily involve a degree of generalisation without regard for the particular abilities, maturity or other qualities of...

  3. [2021] NZEnvC 170 Minister of Conservation v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 399 KB]

    ...hard bottomed wadeable rivers in Table 20: Water quality standards for ecosystem health in rivers; and (e) Inclusion of actual metrics from Table 9 of the NPS-FM, as opposed to just referring to Table 9, in Table 20A: Water quality standards for human contact in rivers. 5 Finally, in relation to Policy H.3.3 Coastal water quality standards, the parties agree to the following changes: (a) The deletion of “annual median” as the compliance metric for turbidity in Table 22...

  4. Accessing-the-Special-Fund-surplus-and-carry-forward-of-the-offender-levy-underspend.pdf [pdf, 374 KB]

    ...paper. Impact Analysis 36 A Regulatory Impact Statement and the Climate Implications of Policy Assessment requirements do not apply to this paper. Population Implications 37 There are no population implications associated with this paper. Human Rights 38 There are no human rights implications associated with this paper. Consultation 39 This paper has been circulated for Ministerial consultation, including consultation with the Minister of Finance. 40 The Ministry of J...

  5. [2012] NZEmpC 20 White & Others v Reserve Bank of New Zealand [pdf, 148 KB]

    ...contributions to the Fund as the actuary considered necessary to provide the benefits payable to members. [9] One of the witnesses the Court heard from was Mr Peter Cornish a director of Hay Group Limited. Hay Group was described as a global human resources consulting firm with over 2,000 professional staff in 47 countries. Mr Cornish has an impressive background, including a detailed and practical knowledge of remuneration issues faced by New Zealand employers, in particular by...

  6. A modern and victim focussed Act [pdf, 393 KB]

    ...informed of this paper. 42 I have consulted with the New Zealand First and Green parties. Financial Implications 43 Any fiscal costs resulting from proposals in this paper will be met within baselines or funding that has already been provided. Human Rights 44 The change to the duration of Police Safety Orders will have implications for the rights and freedoms provided for in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (NZBORA). The proposal will impact upon individuals’ freedom of...

  7. [2024] NZSSAA 01 (30 January 2024) [pdf, 268 KB]

    ...and contrary to well accepted principles of statutory interpretation. It is submitted that the overall effect expands the power to make deductions beyond what Parliament could have intended, resulting in a decision which lacks common sense and humanity. 14. Ms Marks contends that a modern purposive approach and the application of well accepted principles of statutory interpretation, require a narrower interpretation of s 188. The correct interpretative approach submitted for XXXX...

  8. Rendell v Attorney-General [2024] NZHRRT 7 [pdf, 238 KB]

    ...defendant DATE OF HEARING: 8 and 9 September 2023 DATE OF DECISION: 5 March 2024 REDACTED DECISION OF TRIBUNAL1 1 This decision is to be cited as Rendell v Attorney-General [2024] NZHRRT 7. Note publication restrictions. IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2024] NZHRRT 7 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGATA 2 [1] Mr Rendell made an information privacy request to the Police under the Privacy Act 1993 (the Act).2 The request stems from dealings he had with the New Zea...

  9. LCRO 173/2018 YN v LT (7 March 2019) [pdf, 186 KB]

    ...Rules of relevance for this review are rr 3.1, 4,4.1,4.1.2, and 4.1.3 [30] Rule 3.1 provides that A lawyer must at all times treat a client with respect and courtesy and must not act in a discriminatory manner in contravention of section 21 of the Human Rights Act 1993. [31] Rule 4 (and following) provides that: A lawyer as a professional person must be available to the public and must not, without good cause, refuse to accept instructions from any client or prospective client for...

  10. [2020] NZIACDT 41 - TBE v Proudman (30 September 2020) [pdf, 243 KB]

    ...recognition of her errors, reduced fees were discussed. [36] Mr Logan acknowledged that the daughter was not eligible for a dependent child visa. Ms Proudman inadvertently misinterpreted the “dependent child” definition. This was a simple human error. It was out of character. She had a consistent record of positive results for her clients. It came about during a particularly busy period due to 7 staff shortages. She was very remorseful and had put in place processes t...