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3753 items matching your search terms

  1. Human Rights Commissioner expression of interest Word [docx, 44 KB]

    HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONER Notes for Applicants Thank you for your interest in the appointment as a Human Rights Commissioner. If you wish to proceed with an application please return: · your completed application form · your completed statutory declaration · a full curriculum vitae If posting it, it will assist in processing your application if you do not bind your curriculum vitae or place it in any kind of folder. Under the terms of the Privacy Act 1993, we are required to inform y...

  2. Human Rights Commissioner expression of interest PDF [pdf, 81 KB]

    HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONER Notes for Applicants Thank you for your interest in the appointment as a Human Rights Commissioner. If you wish to proceed with an application please return: • your completed application form • your completed statutory declaration • a full curriculum vitae If posting it, it will assist in processing your application if you do not bind your curriculum vitae or place it in any kind of folder. Under the terms of the Privacy Act 1993, we a...

  3. HRRT Statement of claim under the Human Rights Act [pdf, 536 KB]

    For more information visit The Human Rights Review Tribunal Office use only: HRRT No Page 1 For more information visit HRRT 06/09 - 1 Statement of Claim (under the Human Rights Act 1993) What is this form for? Use this form if you have a claim under sections 92B(1), 92B(3), 92B(4), and 97 of the Human Rights Act 1993 and its amendments. Important Information 1. Please print in CAPITAL LETTERS 2. You need to file this claim form...

  4. Regulatory Impact Statement Human Rights Amendment Bill [pdf, 178 KB]

    Regulatory Impact Statement: Human Rights Amendment Bill Agency disclosure statement This Regulatory Impact Statement (‘RIS’) has been prepared by the Ministry of Justice. It provides an analysis of options to change the role and structure of the Human Rights Commission in order to strengthen its performance. On 20 October 2010, the Minister for Disability Issues, Hon Tariana Tūria, announced the establishment of a full-time Disability Rights Commissioner within the Commi...

  5. Human Rights Commission: Expression of Interest form [docx, 29 KB]

    HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Expression of Interest in Appointment · Please personally complete this form and the statutory declaration. · Please provide a full curriculum vitae with your application. · Your application will be acknowledged by letter or email. I am expressing interest in the Chief Commissioner position I am expressing interest Race Relations Commissioner position [bookmark: _GoBack]I am expressing interest in the Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner position Surname/F...

  6. Director: Human Rights Proceedings - Expression of interest Word [doc, 44 KB]

    DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS Expression of Interest in Appointment · Please personally complete this form and the statutory declaration. · Please provide a full curriculum vitae with your application. · Your application will be acknowledged by letter or email. Surname/Family Name ________________________________________________________________ First Name(s) _________________________________________________________________________ Full Postal Address (the address to which mail shoul...

  7. Director: Human Rights Proceedings - Expression of interest PDF [pdf, 106 KB]

    DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS PROCEEDINGS Expression of Interest in Appointment • Please personally complete this form and the statutory declaration. • Please provide a full curriculum vitae with your application. • Your application will be acknowledged by letter or email. Surname/Family Name ________________________________________________________________ First Name(s) _________________________________________________________________________ Full Postal Address...

  8. MFAT report Human Rights in NZ 2010 [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    Human Rights in New Zealand Ngä Tika Tangata O Aotearoa 2010 The plain English version of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been translated into the heritage languages of the five major population groups in New Zealand. They are Pakeha/European, Mäori, Samoan, Chinese, Indian. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. I te whänautanga mai ö te tangata, kähore he here, e örite ana töna tapu, töna mana, me...

  9. Family Court rewrite submission: Human Rights Commission [pdf, 734 KB]

    2 Introduction 1. The Human Rights Commission welcomes the opportunity to submit on the consultation paper on “Rewriting the 2014 Family Justice System Reforms”. 2. As described in the background document to this review, the 2014 reforms drew on a range of past reviews which made careful suggestions for family justice system change.1 However, the 2014 reforms were ultimately implemented with a goal of cost saving rather than the sole goal of improving the family law system.2...

  10. BORA Human Tissue (Organ Donation) Amendment Bill [pdf, 213 KB]

    1 28 March 2006 Attorney-General LEGAL ADVICE CONSISTENCY WITH THE NEW ZEALAND BILL OF RIGHTS ACT 1990: HUMAN TISSUE (ORGAN DONATION) AMENDMENT BILL 1. We have considered the Human Tissue (Organ Donation) Amendment Bill (the "Bill") for consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 ("Bill of Rights Act"). The Bill, a Member’s Bill in the name of Dr Jackie Blue MP, was introduced to the House of Representatives on 22 March 20...