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3765 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 183 Grenadier Ltd v Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Council [pdf, 402 KB]

    ...duneland and active duneland within the application site are habitats of indigenous species which are naturally rare under Policy 11(a)(iii) on the basis they are, “considered naturally uncommon ecosystems or naturally rare ecosystems prior to human arrival”.58 In his opinion, the classification of land as Schedule F inevitably means Policy 11(a) applies to that land, based on the close definitions in the One Plan and the NZCPS. [103] Conversely, Dr Keesing does not consider...

  2. [2017] NZEmpC 100 Lyttelton Port Company Ltd v Arthurs [pdf, 148 KB]

    ...of the applicant’s workplace, which may be compromised by the return of the respondent. The Defendant considers that such an assertion would raise an issue of the employer engaging in a discriminatory practice in contravention of section 22 Human Rights Act 1993 and section 104 Employment Relations Act 2000. (Original emphasis) [3] The plaintiff applied to strike out that paragraph because the discrimination claim was abandoned during the investigation meeting and was not pa...

  3. PC8 ANNEXURE B attendances at mediations on Primary Sector provisions 23 July 2021 [pdf, 131 KB]

    ...No No Yes – agree to abide by position reached at mediation Amended Policy 7.C.6 Reduce adverse effects of discharges from stormwater systems New Policy 7.C.12 Reduce adverse effects of discharges of human sewage Amended Policy 7.D.5 Improve policy direction for decision making on resource consents for rural discharges New Policy 7.D.6 Improve policy direction for decision making on resource consents for rural discharges...

  4. [2024] NZEmpC 171 Lanigan v Fonterra Brands (New Zealand) Ltd (Interlocutory (No 3) [pdf, 196 KB]

    ...viewed through a tikanga Māori lens, before it. Those matters were said to potentially include tikanga Māori concepts related to privacy (like whakapapa, mana, tapu, mauri and hau); consent and rangatiratanga; biometrics and the importance of the human body in Te Ao Māori; storage/care of information and kaitiakitanga; and the characterisation of fingerprint scanning as unintrusive. It was noted that list is not exhaustive. Biometric information holds cultural significance to...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 051 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...(metals, metalloids, organometallics and organics) and receiving water standards (temperature, fine sediment bed cover, dissolved oxygen, bacterial or fungal slime growths, visual clarity, total ammonia, faecal coliforms, MCI and suitability of fish for human consumption). 9 Objectives implemented by Policy 15A [20] Policy 15A directly implements the first clause of settled Objective 6 which provides: Water quality in each freshwater body, coastal lagoon and estuary will be: (...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 265 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    ...operative, the following being the most important: Objective 6 Water quality in each freshwater body, coastal lagoon and estuary will be: (a) maintained where the water quality is not degraded; and (b) improved where the water quality is degraded by human activities. 6 This is the version of s 32(4) RMA that applied at the date the plan was notified. 7 SRC Linkages document filed 4 October 2022. 8 Objective 13 Provided that: (a) the quantity, quality and structure o...

  7. Independent Electoral Review Final Report [pdf, 11 MB]

    ................................................................................................................................. 48 Foundations ............................................................................................................................................... 51 1. The Constitutional and Human Rights Context of Electoral Law ...................................... 53 2. The Overall Design of Our Electoral Laws .........................................................

  8. Directory of Official Information A-C [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...problems within New Zealand have been widely adopted by many other countries world-wide. Animal Control Products has been a global leader in the supply of products and delivery methods for the eradication of rodents to restore biodiversity, protect human health or improve primary production. ACP’s rodenticides have been used on more than 200 islands across 20 countries. The company has a continued focus on diversification through sound science and product development. This focus incl...

  9. [2015] NZEmpC 35 Coy v Commissioner of Police [pdf, 592 KB]

    ...complaint is about historical alleged ongoing incidents of maltreatment in employment. That is so, in particular, where those allegations relate to the acts or omissions of an immediate supervisor who is substantially removed from the employer’s human resources personnel or other senior management in the organisation’s hierarchy. [11] If one accepts (solely for the purpose of these general comments) the validity to her of the plaintiff’s numerous historic complaints against h...

  10. David Bain interim report of Hon Robert Fisher QC on compensation claim [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...those cases he determined the item of evidence to be unworthy of any further consideration. Examples were: (a) David 'sjingerprints on the rifle. As to this item he said "On a balance of probabilities I conclude that the prints are not in human blood and that David Bain is entitled to succeed on this issue as well.',5o 47 Binnie Report at [338] and [348]. 48 Ibid at [454]. 49 Ibid at [356]. 26 (b) Blood stains on David 's clothing. As to this item he said &quo...