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3765 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Public Transport Management Bill [pdf, 256 KB]

    ...of Rights Act. CONCLUSION 25 We have concluded that the Bill appears to be consistent with the rights and freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights Act. Melanie Webb Stuart Beresford Manager, Ministerial Advice Acting Manager, Bill of Rights/Human Rights Office of Legal Counsel Public Law Group In addition to the general disclaimer for all documents on this website, please note the following: This advice was prepared to assist the Attorney-General to determine whether a report...

  2. BORA Corrections Administration (Effectiveness and Efficiency) Bill [pdf, 352 KB]

    ...could be seen to be especially demeaning for prisoners. However it does not authorise the insertion of any instrument, device or thing into any orifice. • A physical search or seizure of the person is a restraint on freedom and an affront to human dignity. [6] Strip searches are inherently degrading and can be considered an affront to the person being searched, particularly when devices or instruments are used to illuminate or magnify areas. The Court of Appeal has said that the...

  3. FFNZ - EiC - F Doolan-Noble - Rural Health (25 Jan 2021) [pdf, 203 KB]

    ...drought in the Otago region. The economic and mental health impacts of drought are well researched,6 what is less clear are the social implications for farmers, their families, farm workers and the wider rural community.5 1 Centre for Studies on Human Stress. Recipe for Stress: Retrieved on 18th Jan 2021 from 2 Bin, H. (2010). "Occupational stress among the New Zealand farmers. A review." Labour, Empl...

  4. Nga Runanga EiC M Bartlett Rights and interests Amended 17 Feb 2021 [PDF, 901 KB]

    ... mitigating those effects, similar to Policy 5.4.2 regarding natural and human use values, including Kāi Tahu values not reference Policy 5.4.3. Plan Change 1B (notified 20 Dec 2008, operative 1 Mar 2010) policies-reports/regional- plans-and- policies/water/changes-made- op...

  5. Horticulture New Zealand.pdf [pdf, 187 KB]

    ...specified matters of control and standards/conditions, combined with the FEP process. CVP is unique in its limitation to types of land which are in short supply. Constraining existing CVP will have significant implications to supply of vegetables for human health. Rule Amend Rule so that any of the following farming activities (whether drystock or dairy) that can demonstrate one or other of the following is a restricted discretionary activity: A. the farming activi...

  6. BORA Local Government Law Reform Bill [pdf, 405 KB]

    ...the objectives of these provisions justify the limitation on the presumption of innocence under section 25(c) of the Bill of Rights Act. Jeff Orr Chief Legal Counsel Office of Legal Counsel Margaret Dugdale Policy Manager, Bill of Rights/Human Rights Public Law Group Footnotes 1 R v Grayson & Taylor [1997] 1 NZLR 399. 2 Dr Susan Cassells Toward Sound Management of End-of-Life Vehicles in New Zealand 2004, 100 3 R v Wholesale Travel Group 84 DLR (4th) 161, 188 citing...

  7. Lawyers-and-Conveyancers-Lawyers-Practice-Rules-Amendment-Regulations-2022FINAL.pdf [pdf, 209 KB]

    ...Compliance 16 The Regulations comply with each of the following: 2 ak1uc0av4w 2022-12-16 10:13:45 I N C O N F I D E N C E a. Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; b. Rights and freedoms contained in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Human Rights Act 1993; c. Principles and guidelines set out in the Privacy Act 1993; d. Relevant international standards and obligations; and e. LAC Guidelines: Guidelines on Process and Content of Legislation, a publication...

  8. FFNZ - EiC - R J McDiarmid (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 231 KB]

    ...National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity, and new Climate Change policy, will have on the future of their farming businesses. 21. There is a lot of information available now days around the brain’s capacity for stress, and how we, (as humans) fall into our instinctual fight or flight mode, when faced with increased amounts of change and uncertainty. 22. This is where many of the rural community currently sit as they see this as a fight for survival. Operating unde...

  9. Nga Runanga EiC M Bartlett Rights and interests Amended tracked 17 Feb 2021 [PDF, 905 KB]

    ... similar to Policy 5.4.2 regarding natural and human use values, including Kāi Tahu values Plan Change 1B (notified 20 Dec 2008, operative 1 Mar 201...

  10. SD v IE & DE [2021] NZDT 1588 (5 August 2021) [pdf, 262 KB]

    ...5. The agreement was a standard sale and purchase agreement and the variation to the agreement was communicated by the party’s solicitors. 6. SD says that remediation work had been completed to the point where the house was clear and safe for human habitation. In an email dated 26 June 2020, the solicitor for SD sent IE & DE’s solicitor the Methamphetamine Decontamination Clearance Certificate and the Hills Laboratories Certificate of Analysis. Mr G advised that installation of...