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3765 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Register of Pecuniary Interests of Judges Bill [pdf, 299 KB]

    ...the limitation can be justified under s 5 of that Act. CONSISTENCY WITH SECTION 19(1) OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS ACT 15. Section 19(1) of the Bill of Rights Act affirms the right of everyone to be free from discrimination on the grounds set out in the Human Rights Act 1993, including family status. Family status includes being married to, in a civil union or de facto relationship with, or being a relative of, a particular person. A legislative provision may give rise to prima facie discri...

  2. Young-Adult-List-Operating-Guidelines.pdf [pdf, 5.8 MB]

    ...Research shows that participants have a high prevalence of neurodiversity and exposure to trauma and abuse. Processes in the Young Adult List have been redesigned to adjust for the following characteristics and needs: Executive Functioning The human brain continues developing beyond turning 18 and usually fully develops at around 25 in most individuals. This includes the frontal lobe which is responsible for executive functioning that includes impulse control, emotional regulat...

  3. LCRO 9/2020 SC v KB and ZR (30 April 2020) [pdf, 110 KB]

    ...the Committee charged with the responsibility for conducting an inquiry into the complaint. (b) The Law Society has a conflict of interest when considering complaints engaging Treaty of Waitangi claims. (c) The Law Society had violated her human rights and been influenced by racism when considering her complaints. (d) The Law Society had neglected to investigate the complaints. (e) The Law Society was engaging in a cover up, and its negligence in failing to take her complaints...

  4. BIM-Justice-July-2023_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...view. 38. Corrections is considering the possibility of introducing a Bill before the election to address this issue. As the Parole Act 2002 is jointly administered, you would need to consent to any legislative changes. 39. There are significant human rights implications, which will need to be carefully considered. As soon as a way forward is agreed upon, we will provide advice on these issues. You have a role in progressing critical justice infrastructure decisions 40. Two critica...

  5. [2021] NZEmpC 127 AlKazaz v Deloitte (No. 3) Ltd [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...Employment.3 [3] Subsequently, Mr AlKazaz brought proceedings in the Authority alleging breaches of that settlement agreement and seeking compliance orders and penalties. Penalties were also sought for alleged breaches of the Privacy Act 1993 and the Human Rights Act 1993. In addition, claims for unjustifiable disadvantage and unjustified dismissal were raised. Mr AlKazaz was wholly unsuccessful and has challenged the decision in the Court. [4] The matter was initially set dow...

  6. Final Submissions Summary Report [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Strategy (NZ Police) was a strong example of an agency implementing a partnership approach based programme which required reform within Government. Although focused on Māori, the strategy was also successful in reducing incarceration amongst Pākehā. Human Rights Commission A better and stronger active relationship between Māori and Crown is imperative to trying to sort out some of the deep seated racial antagonism between the two. Individual submission All New Zealanders need to...

  7. District-Court-Electronic-Filing-Amendment-Rules-2023.pdf [pdf, 368 KB]

    ...13:07:58 I N C O N F I D E N C E Compliance 16 The regulatory changes comply with each of the following: 16.1 the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; 16.2 the rights and freedoms contained in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Human Rights Act 1993; 16.3 the principles and guidelines set out in the Privacy Act 2020; 16.4 relevant international standards and obligations; and 16.5 the Legislation Guidelines (2021 edition), which are maintained by the Legislation Design...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 009 G&T Family Trust v Western Bay of Plenty District Council [pdf, 104 KB]

    ...proposed work. Evidence of archaeological sites may include burnt and fire cracked stones, charcoal, rubbish heaps including shell, bone and/or glass and crockery, ditches, banks, pits, old building foundations, artefacts of Maori and European origin or human burials. The applicant is advised to contact Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga if the presence of an archaeological site is suspected. Work affecting archaeological sites is subject to a consenting process under Heritage New Zeala...

  9. Peters - Oriwa 1B1 (2010) 8 Taitokerau MB 210 (8 TTK 210) [pdf, 66 KB]

    ...kaumātua and kuia associated with the land there was never any mention of a wholesale wāhi tapu which prohibited building on the land. I also accept that the existence of middens does not automatically make the place a wāhi tapu. Middens signify human occupation and, in particular, the preparation of kai, which in itself is at odds with an area being a wāhi tapu. While I accept that middens may signify historical occupation of the land, there is no cogent evidence that this par...

  10. Huia-Collective-CIA-FINAL-v2.docx.pdf [pdf, 8.3 MB]

    ...central shoot of the flax bush, where will the bellbird find rest? If you were to ask me, ‘What is the most important thing in the world?’ I would reply, ‘It is people, it is people, it is people’. The flax bush represents the sanctity of human life, where a human is likened to a central shoot of the bush, the flax also represents the world of families within families. This whakatauākī tells us that the most important thing in the world is people. Therefore, the most important...