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3765 items matching your search terms

  1. COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill [pdf, 130 KB]

    ...scope for cost recovery regulations made under proposed new s 33A of the principal Act, which may prescribe classes of persons liable to pay charges, to have disproportionate impacts on certain groups protected from discrimination under s 21 of the Human Rights Act 1993. 27. While we consider that the power to make regulations that might apply differently to different groups is justifiable on public health grounds, we would expect these impacts to be taken into account when considering...

  2. [2020] NZREADT 57 - Buchanan v The Real Estate Agents Authority (8 December 2020) [pdf, 229 KB]

    ...being relevant. Any obligation that they might have would have to be one that was reasonable to impose on the licensees in the circumstances. We do not consider that disclosure of the presence of methamphetamine levels which were not harmful to humans would constitute a relevant matter that the licensees were obliged to disclose. [29] Nor is the fact that the property had been tested but found not to have harmful methamphetamine levels. Even assuming that this fact was widely know...

  3. [2021] NZEmpC 160 Wilson v Manukau Institute of Technology [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...Hollings” OR (“Joanne Verry” OR “Kirsten Sargent”). [23] Those directions resolved the reg 52 application. Admissibility issue [24] The second issue relates to certain paragraphs to be given in evidence by Carolyn Pene, Human Resources Business Partnering Manager for MIT, employed by it since late 2018. [25] In four paragraphs of her brief of evidence, she intends to give evidence about Mr Wilson’s circumstances at the time of his employment in 2011; sh...

  4. Electoral-Expenditure-Limit-Order-2022.pdf [pdf, 859 KB]

    ...IS TE R OF JU ST IC E I N C O N F I D E N C E Compliance 9 The Order complies with the following: 9.1 the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; 9.2 the rights and freedoms contained in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and the Human Rights Act 1993; 9.3 the principles and guidelines set out in the Privacy Act 2020; 9.4 relevant international standards and obligations; and 9.5 the Legislation Guidelines. Regulations Review Committee 10 There are no grounds on whic...

  5. Evaluation of New Zealand court-referred restorative justice pilot [pdf, 181 KB]

    ...agreements reached. The pilot evaluation concludes that there are many reasons to feel encouraged. Overall, it found a small but statistically significant reduction in reoffending and that restorative justice can more than adequately respond to the human and emotional costs of offending for some victims. New Zealand Court-Referred Restorative Justice Pilot: Evaluation New Zealand Court-Referred Restorative Justice Pilot: Evaluation To purchase copies of this publication, please comp...

  6. How to Simplify Guide - Behavioural Science Aotearoa [pdf, 328 KB]

    ...(2009). Salience and taxation: Theory and evidence. American economic review, 99(4), 1145-77. 4 Shrestha, S., Lenz, K., Chaparro, B., & Owens, J. (2007, October). “F” Pattern Scanning of Text and Images in Web Pages. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 51, No. 18, pp. 1200-1204). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. 5 Thalmann, M., Souza, A. S., & Oberauer, K. (2019). How does chunking help working memory?. Journal of Experi...

  7. BORA Meat Board Restructuring Bill [pdf, 49 KB] the Minister of Justice. A copy is also attached for referral to the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, if you agree. Allison Bennett Principal Legal Adviser Office of Legal Counsel Stuart Beresford Senior Legal Adviser Bill of Rights/Human Rights Team CC: Minister of Justice Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Copy for your information In addition to the general disclaimer for all documents on this website, please note the following: This advice was prepared to assis...

  8. Local Government Bill [pdf, 440 KB] New Zealand has the right to freedom of movement and residence in New Zealand. Section 19(1) 13. Section 19(1) of the Bill of Rights Act states: Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993. 14. In our view, the key questions in assessing whether discrimination under section 19(1) exists are: i. Does the legislation draw a distinction based on one of the prohibited grounds of discrimination? ii. Does the...

  9. Amendments-to-the-list-of-Approved-Information-Sharing-Agreements-in-Schedule-2-of-the-Privacy-Act-2020.pdf [pdf, 839 KB]

    ...B Y TH E MIN IS TE R OF JU ST IC E I N C O N F I D E N C E Compliance 9 The Order complies with: 9.1 the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; 9.2 the rights and freedoms contained in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 or the Human Rights Act 1993; 9.3 the principles and guidelines set out in the Privacy Act 2020; 9.4 relevant international standards and obligations; 9.5 the Legislation Guidelines (2018 edition), which are maintained by the Legislation Design and...

  10. [2015] NZSSAA 102 (18 December 2015) [pdf, 47 KB]

    ...had his own business designing wireless networks. He is not specifically looking for work at the present time but hopes to be able to do so in the future. [13] The appellant submits that the United Nations regards access to the internet as a basic human right. Following the hearing, he provided a variety of information from the internet which he says supports his claim. [14] A further matter affecting his finances is the cost of travel to Masterton. The appellant said that petrol and...