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Search results for human.

3765 items matching your search terms

  1. Directory of Official Information D-F [pdf, 989 KB]

    ...organisations produce while completing day to day activities: • Policy, Procedure and Planning - manuals held by EQC that cover matters of procedures, policy, and catastrophe response planning. • Ministerial and legal - including reporting • Human Resources • Financial Management information • Contracts and Agreements 20 • Facilities Management • Communications - internal and external • Public Relations • Relationship Management • Event Manag...

  2. TSA-Amendment-Act-Combined_FINAL_Redacted.pdf [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...meeting the Quality Assurance criteria. Compliance 20 This Bill complies with each of the following: 20.1 the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi; 20.2 the rights and freedoms contained in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (NZBORA) and the Human Rights Act 1993. However, the Bill limits some rights and freedoms contained in the NZBORA, as addressed below; 20.3 the disclosure statement requirements. A disclosure statement has been prepared and is attached to this paper; 2...

  3. Directory of Official Information 2019 P-R [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...organisations within relevant statutory rules. • maintain mine infrastructure and manage ongoing mine safety while work on re-entry is undertaken • seal the mine and rehabilitate the site once work on re-entry is complete and no further human activity in the drift is required; the sealing of the mine will meet all relevant safety standards and would be a reversible seal (a seal that allows for the mine to be re-entered at a future date) Structure The Agency is headed by a chie...

  4. 2019 Directory of Official Information P-R [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...organisations within relevant statutory rules. • maintain mine infrastructure and manage ongoing mine safety while work on re-entry is undertaken • seal the mine and rehabilitate the site once work on re-entry is complete and no further human activity in the drift is required; the sealing of the mine will meet all relevant safety standards and would be a reversible seal (a seal that allows for the mine to be re-entered at a future date) Structure The Agency is headed by...

  5. [2019] NZEnvC 160 Hawthenden Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 21 MB]

    ...the significant element of judgment required to select features and landscapes as "sufficiently natural" to warrant identification as ONFs or ONLs. In particular, that selection includes choices as to the significance or otherwise of human modifications to a feature or landscape. Associated with those choices are judgments as to the resilience, or otherwise, of the feature or landscape to further human modification. Transparency in the ODP about those choices is highly desir...

  6. Common Bundle Volume 2 [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    20 Schedules CB305 S C H E D U L E S 20-2 Regional Plan: Water for Otago, updated to 1 July 2018 Table of Contents for Schedules 1 to 17 1. Schedule of natural and human use values of Otago’s surface water bodies ...........................................................................................................................4 1A Schedule of natural values .......................................................................6 1AA Schedule of Ota...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 088 Clearwater Mussels Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 21 MB]

    ...Sounds Plan objectives and policies. [78] It is understood that there are only four main breeding colonies of King Shag . These are on very small islands, rendering the species susceptible to stochastic43 natural events (e.g. severe weather) and human impacts. The ecology JWS also explains that those factors can impact pelagic44 and benthic45 communities in coastal feeding areas and bays, which are important for foraging seabirds (including King Shag)'6 40 41 42 43 44...

  8. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay attach 1 literature-review [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...chemicals. Another effects database, the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), prepared and maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), summarises information on approximately 1600 chemicals with regard to the likelihood of human health effects (ie, carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic) that may result from exposure (oral or respiratory) to various chemicals in the environment ( The ECOTOX database compiled by the U.S. EPA (http://...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 140 Protect Aotea v Auckland Council [pdf, 545 KB]

    ...for the consent authority (and the Environment Court) on appeal to consider (c), ie the “jurisdictional error”; The appellant Protect Our Gulf Inc is an incorporated society based on Waiheke Island with interests in the adverse effects of human activities on the Waitematā harbour, the Hauraki Gulf and the waters seaward of Aotea / Great Barrier Island. In its notice of appeal it raised the following issues which are relevant for the purposes of the preliminary issues: (a)...

  10. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence - Michael Moore [pdf, 7.5 MB]

    ...98. The specific values to be preserved within the NCCLPA are outlined in Section 14.5.2 of the Operative Dunedin District Plan and are as follows:  The general visual dominance of the natural landscape elements, e.g. natural landform over human landscape elements, e.g. buildings or shelter plantings.  The integrity, extent, coherence and natural character of the landform, streams and remaining areas of indigenous vegetation.  The generally limited visual influence of...