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  1. [2020] NZEnvC 179 Northland Regional Council v Glamuzina.pdf [pdf, 189 KB]

    ...Affidavit of Mr Khanal, at [21]. 13 Affidavit of Mr Khanal, at [22]. 14 Affidavit of Mr Khanal, at [33] 15 Affidavit of Mr Khanal, at [20]. 16 Affidavit of Mr Khanal, at [40]. 17 Affidavit of Mr Khanal, at [41] 9 [21] PAHs are classified as human carcinogens and BaP is classed as one of the most potent carcinogens known. Burning scrub, forestry slash and other vegetative matter releases BaP as soot (the majority of soot is PM2.5) and also remains in ash. People exposed to...

  2. 1.3 Appendix C to JWS 1 - Draft Policy Amendments [pdf, 981 KB]

    ...[Repealed – 1 May 2014] 7.4 Issues related to non-point source discharges to water [Repealed – 1 May 2014] 7.5 Objective [Repealed – 1 May 2014] 7.A Objectives [Unchanged] 7.B Policies general [Unchanged] 7.C Policies for discharges of human sewage, hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, specified contaminants, and stormwater; and discharges from industrial or trade premises and consented dams 7.C.1 – 7.C.4 [Unchanged] 7.C.5 – 7.C.6 [Amended - Part A] 7.C.7 €...

  3. [2017] EmpC 154 Sawyer v Victoria University [pdf, 330 KB]

    ...EMPC 7/2017. This proceeding is a challenge to the lawfulness of the record of settlement referred to in this judgment and the minute was a requirement for pleadings to comply with the Employment Court Regulations 2000. proceeding in the Human Rights Review Tribunal, which had a due date of 3 March 2017. She intended to provide certain papers to Mr Lloyd relating to EMPC 7/2017 and the Human Rights Review Tribunal case. He was about to go on leave and a decision about him ac...

  4. BORA Sale of Liquor (Youth Alcohol Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill [pdf, 347 KB]

    ...commercial expression under section 14 of the Bill of Rights Act. SECTION 19: RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM DISCRIMINATION 16. Section 19(1) of the Bill of Rights Act provides the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds set out in section 21 of the Human Rights Act 1993. These grounds include age, which means any age commencing with the age of 16 years. 17. In our view, taking into account the various domestic and overseas judicial pronouncements as to the meaning of discriminatio...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 150 Port Marlborough NZ Ltd v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 667 KB]

    ...the coastal marine and coastal terrestrial areas of the coastal environment at a range of scales by assessing the Appendix 1 condition of abiotic systems and biotic systems, and the experiential attributes, in Policy 6.1.1.: (a) the degree of human-induced modification on abiotic and biotic systems, including those listed in Policy 6.1.1; (b) the way in which people experience the natural elements, patterns and processes; and (c) natural character at a range of scales. The natural c...

  6. Waitangi Tribunal - 2014 to 2025 strategic direction [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...for inquiry. The Tribunal needs to be responsive to the wishes of the claimants and the Crown, for instance to deal first with historical claims or to expedite inquiry proceedings to assist settlement negotiations. It must also deploy its limited human resources of judges and members carefully, for instance by group- ing claims for joint inquiry. Large multi-year inquiries demand sus- tained effort from the claimants, the Crown, and the Tribunal alike, and long-term planning of the Tri...

  7. [2012] NZEmpC 204 Here v McAlphine Hussman Ltd [pdf, 140 KB]

    ...seriousness of the allegation, the possible consequences of an adverse finding, and of the right to representation. [16] Mr Here attended the meeting with his representative (Mr Campbell, who was the union delegate at the factory). Ms Van Es, the Human Resources Manager, was also present. Ms Van Es took notes, and assisted Mr Atkins in her capacity as human resources adviser. [17] Mr Here did not deny that he had uttered the words complained of, and nor did he (or his represent...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal Strategic Direction 2014-2025 [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...for inquiry. The Tribunal needs to be responsive to the wishes of the claimants and the Crown, for instance to deal first with historical claims or to expedite inquiry proceedings to assist settlement negotiations. It must also deploy its limited human resources of judges and members carefully, for instance by group- ing claims for joint inquiry. Large multi-year inquiries demand sus- tained effort from the claimants, the Crown, and the Tribunal alike, and long-term planning of the Tri...

  9. From Bystander to Participant: Recognising and protecting victims by providing legal advice and legal representation [pdf, 664 KB]

    ...of age. This pilot was driven by concern about the excessive access to and disclosure of complainants’ personal data, including digital downloads and third-party materials. The support primarily related to complainants’ European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) Article 86 rights to privacy, although there was also scope for general information to be provided about the legal process and attendance at Achieve Best Evidence (ABE) interview. This scheme operated from September 2018 u...

  10. Privacy-European-Union-Adequacy-Status [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...implications, when developing the detailed proposals for amending the Privacy Act. Population implications 38. My officials will consider the impacts on specific population groups when developing the detailed proposals for amending the Privacy Act. Human Rights 39. A formal human rights assessment will be part of the next stage of work. I anticipate that any changes proposed will enhance individuals’ privacy rights, and so support the advance of their human rights protections....