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3764 items matching your search terms

  1. Horticulture-New-Zealand.pdf [pdf, 184 KB]

    ...pathway for commercial vegetable production in PC1 still requires improvement in water quality and will require practice change in order to meet long term goals. The evidence of HortNZ demonstrates the impacts, including benefits, of CVP on human health and water quality. Policy 4 Amend Policy 4 to ensure that the focus is on providing a reasonable and implementable framework for FEPs. Amend paragraph a to address Federated Farmers’ concerns, including that the NLLR shou...

  2. [2019] NZSSAA 33 (16 May 2019) [pdf, 137 KB]

    ...entitlement is determined in accordance with the criteria in the Act and regulations, not by any contractual obligation on the part of the Ministry. [22] The question of discrimination raised by the agent, and whether the Act is consistent with the Human Rights Act 1993, are not matters that the Authority can determine and compensate. Relevant discrimination could only affect statutory interpretation and the way we exercise discretions. No such issues arise within the scope of thi...

  3. [2022] NZEmpC 175 Invacare New Zealand Ltd v Pyne [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...Pyne’s statement of claim, which was served one day before the last day for filing a challenge. [8] Having received the statement of claim Mr Purtill sought further advice from the company’s legal counsel and then sought additional input from a human resources manager and others within the organisation. He later gave instructions to seek leave to file a cross challenge out of time. An application for leave was filed nine days after the statement of claim was served on the co...

  4. MOJ0120-PRINT.pdf [pdf, 764 KB]

    ...Court • District Court • Family Court • Youth Court • Employment Court • Māori Land Court • Māori Appellate Court • Coroners Court • Environment Court • Employment Relations Authority (ERA) • Waitangi Tribunal • Human Rights Review Tribunal • Disputes Tribunal • Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal • Tenancy Tribunal • other tribunals (as resources permit) Who can speak Māori in a court or tribunal? The Māori Language Act 1987 states you can...

  5. Complaints Assessment Committee 304 v Christopher Chapman [2017] NZREADT 65 [pdf, 147 KB]

    ...1 O’Neill v Proceedings Commissioner (1996) 10 PRNZ 168. Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal, and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. He submitted that O’Neill v Proceedings Commissioner was concerned with a Human Rights proceeding, not a professional disciplinary proceeding. Further, in that case, a direction had been made for simultaneous filing of evidence, and a direction was made that the Proceedings Commissioner’s evidence was to be provi

  6. [2018] NZEnvC 174 Smith v Young [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...stability of the slope which Mr Foley deposes is critical to confirm that the slope remediation and restoration has been achieved. regard this as very important because if there is to be an ongoing dispute between neighbours, as the affidavits and human nature suggest is likely, then objective baseline information will be very useful for any decision-maker. 6 Has the applicant given an undertaking as to damages? [17] While the applicants have not given an undertaking as to damag...

  7. BORA Education Amendment Bill [pdf, 99 KB]

    ...opinion for referral to the Minister of Justice. A copy is also attached for referral to the Minister of Education, if you agree. Allison Bennett Principal Adviser Office of Legal Counsel Boris van Beusekom Senior Legal Adviser Bill of Rights/Human Rights Team cc Minister of Justice Minister of Education In addition to the general disclaimer for all documents on this website, please note the following: This advice was prepared to assist the Attorney-General to determine whethe...

  8. [2023] NZSSAA 6 (15 June 2023) [pdf, 83 KB]

    ...have been flight records where precise information was gathered at the time. Whether those records are the source of Immigration New Zealand’s border records can only be speculation. On the face of it there was likely some manual process where human frailty may affect the precision of the 4 records. It is a highly plausible explanation for the inconsistencies in the record. If it is a manual record, then it is more probable that officials could have been tardy in reco...

  9. Mullane v Attorney-General (Request for Transcript) [2021] NZHRRT 31 [pdf, 143 KB]

    ...context of a “fit and proper person” inquiry the Police Vetting Service on 20 June 2013 reported to the New Zealand Transport 1 [This decision is to be cited as Mullane v Attorney-General (Request for Transcript) [2021] NZHRRT 31.] IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2021] NZHRRT 31 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGATA 2 Agency (NZTA) that, based on intelligence held, the Police recommended Mr Mullane not have unsupervised access to children, young people, or more vulnerable memb...

  10. [2017] NZEmpC 30 Lumsden v Skycity Management Ltd [pdf, 222 KB] Skycity on a casual basis on 20 February 2013. From 7 March 2014 he worked at The Grill. The Grill is one of around 20 restaurants and bars operated by Skycity. [4] In September 2014 Mr Lumsden wrote to Mr Boyd, Employee Relations and Human Resources Business Partner for Hospitality for Skycity. He raised three separate concerns in three separate letters, all dated 28 September 2014. Each of these concerns was investigated by Skycity and the results were advised to Mr L...