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3764 items matching your search terms

  1. [2015] NZEnvC 105 Opoutere Ratepayers and Residents' Association v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...evidence for the Council. We note that a focus of the evidence of the ecologists was on avian values and the importance of the variety and combination of habitat available at Opoutere to support these species, which we infer has been less hampered by human development, although not entirely devoid of the potential for adverse human intervention. We also acknowledge the evidence of Mr Kessels on the key ecological values and their ecological significance and the supporting evidence r...

  2. 2019 Directory of Official Information A-C [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...problems within New Zealand have been widely adopted by many other countries world-wide. Animal Control Products has been a global leader in the supply of products and delivery methods for the eradication of rodents to restore biodiversity, protect human health or improve primary production. ACP’s rodenticides have been used on more than 200 islands across 20 countries. The company has a continued focus on diversification through sound science and product development. This focus...

  3. Proactive-Release-Search-+-Surveillance.pdf [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...during a search. What is the Act’s purpose? The purpose of the Act is to: • help government agencies monitor compliance with the law and investigate and prosecute offences; and • make sure government agencies do this consistently with human rights values. Which government agencies must comply with the Act? The Act is focused on search and surveillance activities needed to detect and prevent or investigate and prosecute offences. It does not cover search and surv...

  4. 2021-07-07 ORC - Closing Submissions [pdf, 422 KB]

    ...the same. 111 In the community water supply context, the RPW distinguishes between “water supply values” and “community water supply”.65 The term “water supply values” is defined in the RPW to mean:66 The existence of a take for human consumption, which people and communities have come to depend on. 112 In contrast, the term “community water supply” is not defined in the RPW. As the Court considered in Clutha District Council v Otago Regional Council, “communi...

  5. Hāpaitia frequently asked questions

    ...Effective Justice Programme was established to provide a foundation for enduring change of the criminal justice system.  It was established to create space for reform and enable those delivering justice services to make the changes needed to build a more humane and effective criminal justice system for Aotearoa New Zealand. A common purpose, public confidence and strong Treaty-based partnerships with Māori were identified as the necessary foundation to sustain effort that would be required ov...

  6. AML/CFT ministerial exemption decisions

    ...2021-go945 - 15 March 2021 Moray Foundation Trust 2021-go944 - 15 March 2021 Just Dollars Trust 2021-go943 - 15 March 2021 Jubilee Christian Charitable Trust 2021-go942 - 15 March 2021 InLoop Pty Limited 2021-go941 - 15 March 2021 Habitat for Humanity New Zealand Limited and Habitat Affiliates 2021-go940 - 15 March 2021 Foodstuffs North Island Limited 2021-go939 - 15 March 2021 Capricorn Society Limited 2021-go938 - 15 March 2021 Callaghan Innovation 2021-go914 - 15 March 2021...

  7. Fisher v Foster (Strike-Out Application) [2019] NZHRRT 54 [pdf, 184 KB]

    1 IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2019] NZHRRT 54 Reference No. HRRT 063/2015 UNDER THE PRIVACY ACT 1993 BETWEEN MARY FISHER PLAINTIFF AND DR ALISON FOSTER DEFENDANT AT AUCKLAND BEFORE: Ms MA Roche, Co-Chairperson Ms LJ Alaeinia JP, Member Dr JAG Fountain, Member REPRESENTATION: Ms M Fisher in person Mr AH Waalkens QC and Ms HC Stuart for defendant DATE OF HEARING: Heard on the papers DATE OF DECISION...

  8. Turner v The University of Otago (Legal Professional Privilege Claim) [2016] NZHRRT 15 [pdf, 60 KB]

    1 IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2016] NZHRRT 15 Reference No. HRRT 011/2015 UNDER THE PRIVACY ACT 1993 BETWEEN LISA TURNER PLAINTIFF AND THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO DEFENDANT AT DUNEDIN BEFORE: Mr RPG Haines QC, Chairperson Ms GJ Goodwin, Member Ms DL Hart, Member REPRESENTATION: Mr AC Beck and Mr W Forster for plaintiff Mr BCS Dorking and Mr M Couling for defendant DATE OF HEARING: 12 and 13 October 2015 DATE O...

  9. Lochead-MacMillan v Nimble Financial Services Group Limited [2024] NZHRRT 25 [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...Lochead-MacMillan subsequently made an information privacy request to NFSG to access his personal information that it held. 1This decision is to be cited as Lochead-MacMillan v Nimble Financial Services Group Limited [2024] NZHRRT 25. IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2024] NZHRRT 25 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGATA REFERENCE NO. HRRT 023/2021 UNDER THE PRIVACY ACT 2020 BETWEEN JAMES RICHARD HENRY LOCHEAD-MACMILLAN PLAINTIFF AND NIMBLE FINANCIAL SERVICES GRO...

  10. Te Manutukutuku Issue 3 [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...replacing Wira Gardiner who, as many of you will know, has moved on to the position of Chief Executive with the Iwi Transition Agency. I come to the Tribunal Division with a recent work his­ tory in the private sector where I have been active in human resource. management for the last seven years. I believe that that experience will serve me well in my work with the Tribunal. After all, human resource management involves dealing with people and in my very short time with the Tri­ buna...