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3764 items matching your search terms

  1. [2017] NZEnvC 073 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 28 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Decision No. [2017] NZEnvC 073 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND appeals pursuant to s 120 of the Act BETWEEN NGAI TE HAPO INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-AKL-42) NGA POTIKI A TAMAPAHORE TRUST (ENV-2016-AKL-4S) Appellants AND BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent AND ASTROLABE COMMUNITY TRUST Applicant Court: Environment Judge JA Smith Alternate Environment Judge CE Fox Environment Commissioner SK Prime Environment Commiss

  2. [2017] NZEnvC 073 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 28 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Decision No. [2017] NZEnvC 073 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND appeals pursuant to s 120 of the Act BETWEEN NGAI TE HAPO INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-AKL-42) NGA POTIKI A TAMAPAHORE TRUST (ENV-2016-AKL-4S) Appellants AND BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent AND ASTROLABE COMMUNITY TRUST Applicant Court: Environment Judge JA Smith Alternate Environment Judge CE Fox Environment Commissioner SK Prime Environment Commiss

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 089 Auckland Council v Braines [pdf, 8.2 MB]

    ..."0" and "E" in Appendix 1 discharge (including at minimum the septic tanks, discharge areas and bunds required by the order above), to be 4 completed within seven days. The fencing shall be designed to minimise the risk for human contact with domestic wastewater contaminants. viii. Required to empty and de-sludge all of the septic tanks at the Site within seven days. Such works are to be undertaken by a professional operator with appropriate experience an...

  4. BORA Customs and Excise Bill [pdf, 231 KB]

    ...not a New Zealand citizen and who is lawfully in New Zealand shall be required to leave New Zealand except under a decision taken on grounds prescribed by law. 21. Freedom of movement is one of the fundamental rights recognised by international human rights treaties. For instance, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (‘the ICCPR’), to which New Zealand is a party, confirm that everyone shall be free to leave any countr...

  5. 2011 to 2014 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 537 KB]

    ...direction of the sector. A key role for the Ministry is supporting the work of the independent judiciary and, through this, the rule of law. Our work spans criminal and civil justice. We provide advice on the law, the constitution, democratic and human rights and negotiate Treaty of Waitangi settlements for the Crown. The judiciary and constitutional independence A key role for the Ministry is supporting the judiciary and courts. The Ministry ensures that the judiciary is pro...

  6. EMPC Swearing in Judge Perkins [pdf, 217 KB]

    ...In this case, as a Judge must, you did not shy away from making a difficult decision and dealt with the proceedings in a down to earth manner and importantly didn’t offer any moral judgments. You have been described as a firm, fair and very human Judge and those are exactly the qualities required for a Judge in this jurisdiction where we deal with that charged human factor every day. Sir, you’ve already made a significant contribution to the development of the law in this juri...

  7. Williams v Attorney-General [2024] NZHRRT 1 [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...that the Department of Corrections (Corrections) did not respond properly to her request for personal information and so interfered with her privacy. 1 [This decision is to be cited as Williams v Attorney-General [2024] NZHRRT 1.] IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2024] NZHRRT 1 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGATA 2 [2] The events which formed the background to Ms Williams’ allegations of breaches of her privacy took place while she was in Auckland Region Women’s Correct...

  8. ORC - Felicity Boyd - Evidence in Reply - 11 March 2022 [pdf, 234 KB]

    ...bodies, ecosystem services, and biodiversity • Any adverse effect on water quality, including cumulative effects, and consideration of the trends in the quality of the receiving water body. • Any adverse effect on any natural or human use value, and on use of the coastal marine area for contact recreation and seafood gathering. 20 “Water body” is defined in the RMA as “fresh water or geothermal water in a river, lake, stream, pond, wetland, or aquifer, or a...

  9. Proactive release – Government response to the Law Commission Report: “The Second Review of the Evidence Act 2006” [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...proceedings. Extension of sections 44 and 44A to civil cases 29. In civil proceedings, there is no general mechanism for controlling the admissibility of sexual experience and sexual reputation evidence, although the Employment Relations Act 2000 and the Human Rights Act 1993 contain specific provisions controlling this evidence in sexual harassment proceedings. 30. However, there may be occasions outside these employment or human rights contexts where it would be appropriate to have...

  10. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM expert Dennis Scott [pdf, 364 KB] evidence I have read the applicant’s AEE, the section 87F report prepared by Auckland Council, ) the evidence of Mr Robert Pryor, Mr Max Dunn, Mr Appledorn, Mr David Mitchell, Buildmedia, Ms Nicole Bremner, Mr Stephen Brown and Mr Sam Shumane. 21. I have also reviewed all of the evidence (expert, local and cultural) to be produced by DMI in support of its case. 22. While I am familiar with the landscape character and land use of Matiatia Bay and its contextual landscap...