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3763 items matching your search terms

  1. OIA-113637.pdf [pdf, 6.3 MB]

    ...Anna Rajesh Transport parking and road safety penalties 18 June presumption of innocence Johnston Chhana Regulation affirmed ins 25(c) NZBORA. Policy Deputy Amendments Proposals for double demerit Manager Secretary - Updating points may need to be Human Policy fees and designed carefully to ensure Rights penalties they are a justified limit on this s9(2)(a) right. We will continue s9(2)(a) supporting Transport on human rights implications as they develop these proposals further...

  2. 2019 Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 916 KB]

    ........................................................................................................51 New Zealand Horticulture Export Authority .....................................................................53 Housing New Zealand Corporation ...................................................................................56 Human Rights Commission ...............................................................................................61 Hutt Valley District Health Board...

  3. [2007] NZEmpC AC 10/07 X v Auckland DHB [pdf, 338 KB]

    ...process was its Deputy Chief Executive and General Manager of Auckland City Hospital, Nigel Murray. He was assisted in his role by two other significant players, the Board’s Chief Medical Officer and leading clinician, David Sage, and its Deputy Human Resources Manager, Vivienne Rawlings. The decision to dismiss the plaintiff was Dr Murray’s although taken in reliance on input and advice of Dr Sage and Ms Rawlings and also from the Board’s lawyer, Andrew Caisley. [5] Without...

  4. Directory of Official Information 2019 V-Z [pdf, 775 KB]

    ...Vice-Chancellor is assisted by a Senior Leadership Team comprising the Provost; two Vice-Provosts (Research and Academic); two Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Māori and Engagement); four Pro Vice-Chancellors; the Chief Operating Officer; and the Director of Human Resources. The Academic Board provides advice to the Council and Vice-Chancellor on academic matters, and undertakes activities delegated to it by the Council and the Vice-Chancellor. The Faculties (Commerce, Architecture and Design,...

  5. 2019 Directory of Official Information V-Z [pdf, 608 KB]

    ...Vice-Chancellor is assisted by a Senior Leadership Team comprising the Provost; two Vice-Provosts (Research and Academic); two Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Māori and Engagement); four Pro Vice-Chancellors; the Chief Operating Officer; and the Director of Human Resources. The Academic Board provides advice to the Council and Vice-Chancellor on academic matters, and undertakes activities delegated to it by the Council and the Vice-Chancellor. The Faculties (Commerce, Architecture and Des...

  6. Abortion Legislation Bill (Cabinet Papers) [pdf, 1.9 MB] appropriate health services, resulting in better health outcomes. This is because, for women who decide to have an abortion, earlier first trimester abortions are safer. 24. Moving to a health approach is more consistent with our international human rights obligations. International human rights organisations consider abortion to be a matter of sexual and reproductive health that should not be criminalised. Discussion of Proposals 25. In February 2018, I asked the Law Commission fo...

  7. Directory of Official Information 2019 V-Z [pdf, 775 KB]

    ...Vice-Chancellor is assisted by a Senior Leadership Team comprising the Provost; two Vice-Provosts (Research and Academic); two Deputy Vice-Chancellors (Māori and Engagement); four Pro Vice-Chancellors; the Chief Operating Officer; and the Director of Human Resources. The Academic Board provides advice to the Council and Vice-Chancellor on academic matters, and undertakes activities delegated to it by the Council and the Vice-Chancellor. The Faculties (Commerce, Architecture and Design,...

  8. King v Commissioner of Police [2023] NZHRRT 19 [pdf, 263 KB]

    Reference No. HRRT 003/2019 UNDER THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT 1993 BETWEEN MALCOLM KING PLAINTIFF AND COMMISSIONER OF POLICE DEFENDANT AT AUCKLAND BEFORE: Mr RPG Haines ONZM QC, Chairperson Ms J Foster, Deputy Chairperson Ms PJ Davies, Member Ms S Stewart, Member REPRESENTATION: Mr SRG Judd and Mr J Suyker for plaintiff Ms G Taylor for defendant DATE OF HEARING: 31 August, 1, 2, 3 and 4 September 2020 DATE OF DECISION: 4 August 2023 DECISION OF TR...

  9. E66 Ian Munro - Urban Design - EIC - VHHL [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...Following on from the above, I consider that an increase in yard fence signage to 30% maximum of any elevation’s fence area alone would be at the point where I would not recommend further variance should be provided. Specifically: a. The average human eye level is approximately 1.67m. A 1m tall sign structure positioned between 1.17m – 2.17m height could span 66% of the length of a yard fence elevation in a manner that resulted in the majority of the yard activity being screene...

  10. 2014 to 2018 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...judiciary and courts. The Ministry provides the administrative services necessary to operate the New Zealand court system and to support judicial decision making. This includes transcription services, finance, information and communications technology, human resources, as well as funding and support for the Institute of Judicial Studies, which provides continuing legal education and development. In delivering services, the Ministry recognises the importance of the constitutional requ...