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3752 items matching your search terms

  1. Human rights

    Human rights recognise the dignity and worth of all people. Human rights are basic standards that influence how we live together and how we recognise the interests of other people and the community. They also govern the relationship between people or groups of people and the government. Human rights are vital for the development of a diverse, inclusive and democratic society that respects the rule of law, human dignity, equality and freedom. Domestic human rights Several Acts govern human rights...

  2. Human Rights Review Tribunal

    Human Rights Review Tribunal Te Taraipiunara Mana Tangata  The Human Rights Review Tribunal hears claims relating to breaches of the: Human Rights Act 1993   Privacy Act 2020 Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 Before making a claim to the Human Rights Review Tribunal, you must first make a complaint to either: The Human Rights Commission The Privacy Commissioner The Health and Disability Commissioner Claims could relate to discrimination, sexual harassment and ra...

    Located in:
  3. The Human Rights Act

    The Human Rights Act 1993 is aimed at giving all people equal opportunities and preventing unfair treatment on the basis of irrelevant personal characteristics. The Human Rights Act covers discrimination on the grounds of: sex marital status religious belief ethical belief colour race ethnic or national origins disability age political opinion employment status family status sexual orientation. It's unlawful to discriminate someone on these grounds in the following areas of public life: emplo...

  4. International human rights

    Internationally, human rights are guaranteed through treaties, customary international law and other sources of international law. New Zealand is party to 7 core international human rights treaties of the United Nations. By signing up to these instruments, New Zealand has assumed obligations under international law to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of everyone in New Zealand. This means that the State must refrain from actions that interfere with or curtail the enjoyment of human r...

  5. Human rights (domestic)

    Key statutes New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Human Rights Act 1993 Habeus Corpus Act 2001 Abolition of the Death Penalty Act 1989 Privacy Act 2020 (for more information about this Act and the Privacy system, see civil law) Crimes of Torture Act 1989 Key secondary legislation Human Rights Review Tribunal Regulations 2002 Human Rights Regulations 1993 Privacy Regulations 2020 Information/links to recent or currently underway reviews New Zealand Bill of Rights (Declarations of Inconsistenc...

  6. Appointment of Human Rights Commissioners

    The Human Rights Commission is Aotearoa New Zealand’s national human rights institution. The Commission works with the Government and civil society to advocate and promote respect for human rights, and to promote harmonious relations in New Zealand. The Commission is made up of the Chief Human Rights Commissioner, and at least three (but no more than four) other Commissioners. The Governor-General appoints Human Rights Commissioners on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice. The appoint...

  7. International human rights legislation

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1948. Its Preamble proclaims the Declaration as a “common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations”. The Declaration affirms basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and many of these rights are now regarded as having achieved the status of customary international law including the right to life, freed...

  8. Human rights (international)

    Key statutes Crimes of Torture Act 1989 - which puts New Zealand's obligations under the Convention against Torture and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture into place Key secondary legislation Designation of National Preventive Mechanisms Information/links to recent or currently underway reviews Monitoring places of detention Children's Commissioner legislation Ombudsman - Monitoring places of detention IPCA - Monitoring places of Police detention

  9. Constitutional issues & human rights

    We have a unique role in protecting New Zealand’s constitution and upholding human rights. We: administer parts of New Zealand’s constitution and promote the rule of law uphold New Zealand’s human rights agreements uphold and report on international human rights agreements. In this section: Human rights Human rights recognise the dignity and worth of all people. Find out more about human rights in New Zealand & internationally. The Bill of Rights Act The New Zealand Bill of Right...