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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 179 Panuku Development Auckland Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ................................................................... 27 Auckland Wide Provisions (Chapter E) ..................................................................... 27 Coastal - General Coastal Marine Zone (Chapter F) ............................................... 31 National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health .............................................................................................. 32 Overall...

  2. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits A to H [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...TANGAROA................................................................................................................... 1) Fisheries management................................................................................................. 2) Spatial Management.................................................................................................... 3) Environmental Issues................................................................................................... F KAI...

  3. 2020-10-09-ORC-PC7-s-149G3-Key-Issues-Report-Appendices.pdf [pdf, 6.2 MB]

    ...members to a board of inquiry difficult in a short timeframe whereas the Environment Court process would provide surety in terms of progressing a decision on the matter. Appendix A Page 2 of 2 In reaching my decision I considered: a) The Environmental Protection Authority recommendation that I refer the matter to the Environment Court; b) The views of the Otago Regional Council, being the applicant and the relevant local authority that would have processed and decided the matt...

  4. Frequently asked questions - Legal Needs Survey

    ...and land product or service (both online and offline) money or debt financial advisors or providers caring and end of life issues government officials or public services immigration family/whanau and relationship issues injury or difficulties with ACC environmental issues We expect that the data and analysis on these issues will be of interest to a wide range of people and organisations. What are the results of the survey? The survey has delivered many useful insights into people’s legal nee...

  5. People found unfit to stand trial or not guilty by insanity June 2018 [xlsx, 77 KB]

    ...offences 7 12 16 33 19 17 25 29 70 30 09: Fraud, deception and related offences 0 0 0 7 0 25 9 17 7 20 10: Illicit drug offences 7 2 2 1 4 9 6 1 13 3 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 11 8 7 15 14 7 21 13 18 22 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 19 20 23 37 28 45 45 38 79 41 13: Public order offences 17 13 20 16 20 20 25 14 36 34 14: Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences 3 2 7 6 6 4 7 12 10 24 15: Offences against justice procedures, government s...

  6. 2022-04-29 ORC PC1 - [2022] NZEnvC 69 - Scope Decision on Landfills [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...purpose or scope of PC1. The s32 report states: The Waste Plan was made operative in 1997 and has not been amended or reviewed under section 79 of the RMA since that time. As a result, it has become out of date with current expectations regarding environmental management. The entirety of the Waste Plan will be reviewed alongside the Water Plan in preparation of a new LWRP. PC1 is an interim measure to address two pressing issues with the existing Waste Plan provisions in order t...

  7. Maniototo Westside IC Ltd - EiC - E Crutchley (4 Feb 2021) [pdf, 86 KB]

    ...production assumes growing dry matter (feed), which in turn assumes water availability. Farms cannot hope to meet production and financial targets if some of that water is taken away. I could understand the need for that if there was a pressing environmental issue addressed by reducing water use, or only unused “paper allocation” was being eliminated but undermining the financial stability of farms for no good reason seems destructive. 11. Removing allocation through PC7 i...

  8. 2022-04-01 ORC - Closing Submissions [pdf, 230 KB]

    ...90-91. 7 no adverse effects on aquatic life, mahika kai, and drinking water supplies as set out in Schedule 1B, there is simply no evidence as to whether or not such a standard can be certified, particularly in the absence of an assessment of environmental effects. 25 As Your Honour identified in the questions of Mr Brass for the Director- General of Conservation, it is difficult to see how some elements would be certified in the absence of an assessment of environmental effec...

  9. Landscape (dated 27 April 2017) [pdf, 149 KB]

    ...Barry had originally made his Judgement without the benefit of a simulation. 20. Oi and Mike believe the' proposal to be acceptable on balance, in terms of landscape and amenity effects. Stephen disagrees. Barry believes that from a wider environmental perspective the effects would be no more than minor. However, all the landscape architects agree that the amenity effects on some neighbouring properties are more than minor (with reference to the Magnitude of Effects rating scal...