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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. Planning (dated 22-26 May 2017) [pdf, 762 KB]

    ...Stephen Brown in terms of mitigation potential, and consider conditions directing mitigation can address the issue of landscape effects. f. We do not agree with Stephen Brown that the coastal environment extends to the crest of Porteous Hill. Environmental effects (s.104(1)(a)) 5. We agree: a. The only more than minor and/or potentially inappropriate adverse effects relate to the change in existing amenity values of the neighbouring properties at 22 Pryde Road, 90 Pryde Road and 11...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 107 Rangitane o Tamaki Nui-A-Rua Incorporated v Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council [pdf, 858 KB]

    ...documents may be used to help form the basis of information to demonstrate compliance with this condition G16. By 31 October of each year, the Consent Holder shall provide to MWRC's Regulatory Manager and the members of the TDWF, an Annual Environmental Report for the 12 month period ending the previous 30 June of that year. The report shall include but shall not be limited to: a. A summary of analyses and records collected in accordance with conditions of these consents,...

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 138 McCallum Bros Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...Trust, S Wikaira, and R Greenwood J M Pou and T M Urlich for Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust L Sutherland and D V van Mierlo for the Director-General of Conservation L Muldowney and S Thomas for Environmental Defence Society J C Campbell and N R Williams for Friends of Pakiri Beach Incorporated K R M Littlejohn and S Hiew for Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society Incorporated M Downing and P A Anderson for Royal Forest and Bird Pr...

  4. Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 Post Consultation Decisions [pdf, 993 KB]

    ...includes the beds of rivers that are part of the coastal marine area as defined by the Resource Management Act 1991. In practical terms it is the ‘wet’ part of the beach. Value of the foreshore and seabed 11 The economic, social, cultural and environmental (biophysical) values associated with the foreshore and seabed are: Economic values – associated with ports, fishing, aquaculture, mining, oil and gas, electricity generation and tourism Cultural values – including recogn...

  5. E93 Craig Fitzgerald - Noise and Vibration - RE – Applicant [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...receivers and timely management of complaints; and e) Protect wellbeing of marine mammals. 2.1 110B The CNVMP shall include: A description of the works; 2.2 1 Unio Environmental, 4 September 2018. America’s Cup Wynyard Hobson – Applicant’s Revised Conditions. 2896 Wynyard Edge Alliance |Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan Rev E | September 2018 Page | 2 Condition Num...

  6. Federated-Farmers-of-New-Zealand.pdf [pdf, 537 KB]

    ...the Waikato and Waipā Rivers. However, Federated Farmers considers that the regulatory and non-regulatory methods proposed in Plan Change 1 do not appropriately give effect to the relevant higher order documents, have not appropriately balanced environmental, economic, social and cultural considerations, and are not the most efficient and effective means of achieving the objective of the plan change. 4. Federated Farmers is interested in all the issues raised by the Appellant...

  7. Dr Phil Ross - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...and the ecology of Otaiti. I confirm its contents as true and correct. This includes: a. Five peer reviewed scientific papers published in the New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research i. Schiel DR, Ross PM, Battershill CN (2016) Environmental effects of the MV Rena ship wreck: cross-disciplinary investigations of oil and debris impacts on a coastal ecosystem. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 50: 1-9. ii. Dempsey T, Ross PM, Hartland A, Mcsweene...

  8. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief Stephen Brown [pdf, 8.9 MB]

    ...materially affect perceptions of the marina as a whole. Public Submissions 34. The key matters raised via public submissions in relation to the Application are set out at paragraph 44 of my report. Many of these matters pertain to the wider environmental values of Waiheke Island, the adequacy of LA4’s assessment contained in the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), and specific effects on Matiatia Bay. Without wishing to repeat the substance of those submissions and m...

  9. E81 Karen Wilson (Engagement) - EIC - Te Ākitai Waiohua [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...provided for.”14 Given that Panuku were aware of our concerns around the identification of cultural values in the initial applications, we would have expected that Panuku use the drafting of a new resource consent application and Assessment of Environmental Effects (“AEE”) as an opportunity to remedy the poor assessment of cultural effects contained in the initial applications. 56. Not only did we specifically request to be engaged with about the Application, we made it very...

  10. [2019] NZEnvC 196 Te Runanga O Ngati Awa v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...OTAKIRI INCORPORATED (ENV-2018-AKL-000166) Applicant for declarations BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL WHAKATANE DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondents CRESWELL NZ LIMITED Applicant for consents TE RONANGA O NGAI TE RANGI IWI TRUST NGATI PIKIAO ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIETY TUWHAKAIRIORA O'BRIEN and NGAI TAMAWERA HAPO KIWIRAIL LIMITED RIHI VERCOE s27 4 Parties J Court: Hearing: Appearances: 2 Environment Judge DA Kirkpatrick Environment Commissioner I Buchanan Envir...