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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. 05-02-2021 Aotearoa New Zealand Fine Wines Estates Ltd evidence [pdf, 880 KB]

    ...PARTNERSHIP Submitter EVIDENCE IN CHIEF OF NICHOLAS JAMES PAULIN 5 February 2021 Solicitor: HR Bodle, Greymouth Counsel Acting: Dean van Mierlo Phone; 03 7311 070 Email; INTRODUCTION 1. My full name is Nicholas James Paulin. I am the Estate Manager of Manata Estate, a vineyard near Lowburn, Cromwell. I have held this position since November 2017 2. I...

  2. Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society [PDF, 487 KB]

    ...address the deteriorating water quality. This objective is inconsistent with many of the policies which imply that PC1 actually requires reductions in contaminant losses. Policies 3. Policies 1, 2, 3 & 4 Policy 4 states where a Farm Environmental Plan is required to assist in achieving policies 1, 2, and 3. There is no clear indication in Polices 1, 2, and 3 when a farm environment plan will be required. Policy 1 simply states the timely implementation of Farm Environm...

  3. 2021-05-24 Chapter 10 of Regulatory Impact Analysis - Action for healthy waterways - Part II [pdf, 602 KB]

    ...a freshwater objective below a national is fettered by the National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation which requires regional councils to recognise the benefits of renewable electricity generation activities. The problem Environmental constraints on the operation of hydroelectric schemes are established through the conditions of their resource consents, which must comply with the relevant provisions of the regional plan. There are several consenting processes for...

  4. Notes from Crown Maori Relations Regional Hui at Hokianga on 13 April 2018 [pdf, 406 KB]

    ...system. • Importance of the Environment: A few speakers noted that a big shift to know the government has a focus on the environment. This is important in the Hokianga – Māori need to be trained and educated for the benefit of Hokianga. Environmental impacts on the Hokianga Harbour and Lake Omapere were recurring issues raised. • Poverty, poor housing and poor health outcomes need to substantially improve: Many speakers indicated that there was a need for government to...

  5. Hauraki-District-Council.pdf [pdf, 117 KB]

    ...(e) Policy 19 is unclear and should, therefore, be deleted. (f) It is appropriate for the Waikato Regional Council to consult with the owners of regionally significant infrastructure, such as wastewater treatment plants, regarding the location of environmental monitoring sites that will be used to monitor the discharges from regionally significant infrastructure. (g) It is technically appropriate to analyse monitoring data on a five yearly rolling basis. (h) Referring to a pH8 a...

  6. 2022-03-02 Hearing Notice - PC8 (Urban Provisions) - Commencing Monday 21 March 2022 - updated [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...Party S274 Beef and Lamb NZ and Deer Industry NZ Chris Thomsen, Fletcher Vautier Moore (Richmond), PO Box 3029, DX WC71017, Richmond 7050 Interested Party S274 Blackstone Hill Ltd Blackstone Hill Ltd Interested Party S274 Central Otago Environmental Society Central Otago Environmental Society Interested Party S274 Clarkson, Elizabeth Elizabeth Clarkson Interested Party S274 Closeburn Station Closeburn Station Interested Party S274 Crutchley, Emma Emma Crutchle...

  7. FFNZ - EiC - L Hume - Agricultural Science (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 135 KB]

    ...In my view, there is no particular need to set daily or monthly volume limits. Rate of take limits on the other hand should be designed to protect the environment, in conjunction with flow and allocation regimes designed to safeguard identified environmental values, including such things as minimum flows, allocation blocks and flow sharing rules. Rates of take limits cannot credibly be set (or re-set) in situations where environmental flow and allocation regimes have not been esta...

  8. [2021] NZEnvC 037 Ngai Tamahaua Hapu Committee v Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga [pdf, 782 KB]

    ...means that the appeal against the grant of that authority has no utility and could be declined in the court's general discretion. [27] In relation to the wastewater works, counsel submits that the evidence shows that delay would risk serious environmental harm and consequent compliance action with attendant financial and reputational loss. [28] In relation to the harbour works, counsel submits that the funding of the project by the government and the engagement of contractors a...

  9. 2021-02-05 Martin Graeme memorandum evidence [pdf, 221 KB]

    Memorandum of G N Martin Page 1 of 8 BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENTAL COURT CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY ENV:2020-CHC-2017 In the Matter of the Resource Management Act 1991 And a notice of motion under section 149T(2) to decide proposed Plan Change 7 to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago Between Otago Regional Council Applicant And Graeme Noel Martin Section 274 Party...

  10. Environment Court annual report 2004 [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...Board in 1972, and served on the Appeal Board and then the Planning Tribunal and finally the Environment Court until 1996, at which point he became an alternate Judge of the Court until his death. In 1997, he was awarded the QSO for his services to environmental law. A memorial sitting was held in Wellington on 23 September 2003 in recognition of his considerable contribution to this country’s body of planning law and practice over three decades. E. 49 6 More recently, Environment Commi...