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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. ENV-2016-AKL-000TBA New Zealand Starch Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 94 KB]

    ...information on the appropriateness of the 24-hour SO2 standard in addition to that considered by the Hearings Panel. 14. The 24-hour SO2 standard presents a significant departure from the way SO2 is managed under the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Air Quality) Regulations 2004 (NESAQ) and is likely to be more stringent or restrictive than the NESAQ. 1 Hearings Panel Report to Auckland Council Hearing top...

  2. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui in Hokianga on 13 April 2018 [pdf, 406 KB]

    ...system. • Importance of the Environment: A few speakers noted that a big shift to know the government has a focus on the environment. This is important in the Hokianga – Māori need to be trained and educated for the benefit of Hokianga. Environmental impacts on the Hokianga Harbour and Lake Omapere were recurring issues raised. • Poverty, poor housing and poor health outcomes need to substantially improve: Many speakers indicated that there was a need for government to...

  3. King Country Energy Limited.pdf [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...upstream within the same sub-catchment in which the primary discharge occurs and if this is not practicable, then upstream within the same Freshwater Management Unit or a Freshwater Management Unit located upstream; and iv. the measure demonstrates environmental gains in addition to those already required by Chapter 3.11, in the absence of the offset or compensation; and v. it remains in place for the duration of the adverse residual effect in perpetuity and is secured by consent cond...

  4. 2022-03-01 PC8 (Urban) Hearing Notice - further updated [pdf, 263 KB]

    ...Party S274 Beef and Lamb NZ and Deer Industry NZ Chris Thomsen, Fletcher Vautier Moore (Richmond), PO Box 3029, DX WC71017, Richmond 7050 Interested Party S274 Blackstone Hill Ltd Blackstone Hill Ltd Interested Party S274 Central Otago Environmental Society Central Otago Environmental Society Interested Party S274 Clarkson, Elizabeth Elizabeth Clarkson Interested Party S274 Closeburn Station Closeburn Station Interested Party S274 Crutchley, Emma Emma Crutchle...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 020 ERP Group Limited v Canterbury Regional Council [pdf, 200 KB]

    ...10 working days to assess the application for completeness before it is accepted, and a non-notified resource consent takes a minimum of 20 working days; (d) if the ground is found to be contaminated, apply for a building consent and National Environmental Standard consent. This would be ready to lodge in early-mid March 2022; (e) resource consent would be granted at the beginning of April at the earliest; and (f) installation of this proposed system could occur following the...

  6. OWRUG - EiC - Edgar Parcell (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 105 KB]

    ...job properly in implementing Plan Change 1C (which became operative in 2012). Since Plan Change 1C become operative in March 2012, shareholders of the Carrick Irrigation Company have been working in good faith with the ORC to achieve strong environmental outcomes. The ‘one-site-fits-all’ approach to PC7 undermines those good faith discussions. 4 PP-1035600-2-290-V1 17. It is my observation that water users are feeling the pressure, and tempers are fraying. Pe...

  7. Davida-Anne-McDonald-Form-33.pdf [pdf, 461 KB]

    ...that detracts from the Darksky environment being advertised by Wairarapa agencies (or indeed, detracts from my enjoyment of my own back yard astronomy) is another degradation of the environment I moved here to enjoy. Environment:  Risk of environmental damage – o Should the solar panels be damaged and leak, or break up and waste be deposited in the soil/ environment o In case of fire (fires are a real and present danger in dry summers) o From any liquids used to wash t...

  8. ANZFW – EiC – N J Paulin (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 880 KB]

    ...PARTNERSHIP Submitter EVIDENCE IN CHIEF OF NICHOLAS JAMES PAULIN 5 February 2021 Solicitor: HR Bodle, Greymouth Counsel Acting: Dean van Mierlo Phone; 03 7311 070 Email; INTRODUCTION 1. My full name is Nicholas James Paulin. I am the Estate Manager of Manata Estate, a vineyard near Lowburn, Cromwell. I have held this position since November 2017 2. I...

  9. Joint Memorandum of Counsel re Mana Whenua Matters 7 September 2018 [pdf, 840 KB]

    ...and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP); Remediation Action Plan (RAP); Groundwater Monitoring and Contingency Plan (GWMCP); Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP); Biosecurity Management Plan (BMP); Inner Viaduct Harbour Environmental Management Plan (IVHEMP); Industrial and Trade Activities Hazardous Substances and Environmental Management Plans (ITA HSEMPs); Industrial and Trade Activities Emergency Spill Response Plans (ITA ESRPs); and Event Managem...

  10. Federated-Farmers-of-New-Zealand.pdf [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...wellbeing of the Waikato and Waipā Rivers. However, Federated Farmers considers that the regulatory and non-regulatory methods proposed in PC1 do not appropriately give effect to the relevant higher order documents, have not appropriately balanced environmental, economic, social and cultural considerations, and are not the most efficient and effective means of achieving the objective of the plan change. 4. Federated Farmers is interested in all the issues raised by the Appell...