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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZEnvC 101 Southland District Council v Chartres & Otherspdf [pdf, 744 KB]

    ...June 2020; • of M J Roy (planner) dated 22 June 2020. [5] The Council alleges that, despite endeavouring to work with Mr Chartres over the years, continued non-compliance and unlawful clearance has continued on the Station which risks irreparable environmental damage and substantial loss of significant indigenous vegetation. The application [6] The Council has applied for orders that: Affidavit of M J Roy at Para 7. 4 (a) Require the cessation of any clearance, modification...

  2. 2022-03-02 Hearing Notice - PC8 (Urban Provisions) - Commencing Monday 21 March 2022 [pdf, 191 KB]

    ...S274 Beef and Lamb NZ and Deer Industry NZ Chris Thomsen, Fletcher Vautier Moore (Richmond), PO Box 3029, DX WC71017, Richmond 7050 Interested Party S274 Blackstone Hill Ltd Blackstone Hill Ltd Interested Party S274 Central Otago Environmental Society Central Otago Environmental Society Interested Party S274 Clarkson, Elizabeth Elizabeth Clarkson Interested Party S274 Closeburn Station Closeburn Station Interested Party S274 Crutchley, Emma Emma Crutchley...

  3. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM expert David Serjeant [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...Runanga o Ngati Awa.  Zoning of Man O War station, Waiheke in the Hauraki Gulf Islands District Plan review, for Man O War station.  A variation to the Rodney District Plan introducing landscape controls to a West Coast Policy Area, for the Environmental Defence Society. 5. The current case is one which has coastal development, landscape and cultural issues as key issues for resolution. In that regard I note that a number of the above cases have had to consider the matter...

  4. E80 Karen Wilson - EIC - Te Ākitai Waiohua [pdf, 921 KB]

    ...The suffix “tanga” added to the noun means guardianship, sheltering, preservation, conservation, fostering and protecting. Kaitiakitanga is the role played by kaitiaki.1 29. As kaitiaki, Te Ākitai Waiohua are natural scientists who use environmental indicators as guides to the wai ora of an eco-system. This knowledge guides and 1 Marsden, Rev M and Henare, Te A “Kaitiakitanga, A Definitive Introduction to the Holistic World Vi...

  5. 2023-09-20-Joint-Memorandum-re-oustanding-issues-timetable.pdf [pdf, 192 KB]

    ...(together the Equestrian Parties) are counted as one section 274 party. BF\64286191\1 Page 3 (iii) John Brown; (iv) Jan Windleburn; (v) Rochelle Murray-Apatu; (vi) Sarah Hodge (added here as awaiting a response); and (vii) Te Ao Tūroa Environmental Centre (Rangitāne o Manawatū) whose issues will be covered by Siobhan Karaitiana). (d) Counsel for Waka Kotahi understand the following five parties do not intend to present at the hearing: (i) Gary Williams; (ii) Ch...

  6. Landcorp Farming Limited v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 267 KB]

    ...sufficient clarity with respect to paddock size and the in-field use of the criteria and averaging, to better inform Schedules B, C, D1 and D2. SCHEDULE D1 16. Schedule D1, Part D, clauses (1) d and (1) f: These clauses relate to standards in Farm Environmental Plans. 16.1 Clause d) requires that nitrogenous fertiliser is not applied at rates greater than 30kgN/ha per dressing. The Nitrogenous fertiliser definition in the operative plan captures a wide variety of organicN, verm...

  7. Southern Lakes Holdings Ltd – memo – proposed changes to PC7 (4 Feb 2021) [pdf, 153 KB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENTAL COURT CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY ENV:2020-CHC-2017 In the Matter of the Resource Management Act 1991 And a notice of motion under Section 149T(2) to decide proposed Plan Change 7 to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago. Between OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Applicant And SOUTHERN LAKES HOLDINGS LTD Section 274 Party MEMORANDUM FOR SOUTHERN LAKES HOLDINGS LTD (SLH) SETTING OUT CHANGES PROPOSED TO PC7’S PROVISIONS...

  8. ENVC paper Preparing for an Environment Court hearing 2014 [pdf, 74 KB]

    ____________________________________________________________________ PREPARING FOR AN ENVIRONMENT COURT HEARING _____________________________________________________________________ Paper presented by Principal Environment Judge Laurie Newhook to 4 th Annual Environmental Law and Regulation Conference Wellington, 30 April 2014 The role and work of expert witnesses [1] Members of the Court consider that there is an ongoing need for improvement in the work of expert witness...

  9. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC rebuttal Richard Reinen-Hamill [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...there over its lifetime of service. Studies for the EPA1 identified that there are no other approved methods for treating timber to be used in the marine environment and that leaching effects are very localised and unlikely to result in widespread environmental contamination in most situations. A more recently published review on the ecological impact of CCA treated wood in marine applications (Edwin and Sreeja, 20112) concluded that after 60

  10. 2024-NZEnvC-047-Waste-Management-NZ-Limited-v-Hauraki-District-Council.pdf [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ......................................................... 50 3 2.6 Whaia Te Mahere Taiao a Hauraki / Hauraki Iwi Environment Plan, 2004 ................................................................................................................................. 51 Part 3 - Environmental effects of the proposed landfill ........................................... 52 3.1 Traffic effects ..................................................................................................