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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. 2023-10-11-MTA-Rebuttal-Evidence-of-D-Wilson.pdf [pdf, 228 KB]

    ...Horowhenua and associated land for the benefit of all Muaūpoko beneficial owners. I have been a trustee for three years and, since early 2023, I have also held the role of Deputy Chair of the LHT. 3. I hold the role of Kaiwhakahaere Taiao (environmental manager) for Muaūpoko Tribal Authority (MTA), the mandated iwi organisation for Muaūpoko Iwi. I have held this role since 2020. I have also, since 2020, represented MTA on the Manawatū River Accord and Horowhenua Freshwate...

  2. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 NPI Trust Morehu Wilson [pdf, 306 KB]

    ...Matiatia Bay may create ecological consequences that must be understood to effectively consider the risks and benefits of such a proposal. The facilitation of recreational boating moorings often requires substantial alteration of natural areas. There are environmental and ecological consequences. There may be differences observed in environmental conditions inside and directly adjacent to the marina. The marina environment and its proposed sea wall may have higher NPIT Morehu Matlal13 eV...

  3. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Application - Appendix E [pdf, 134 KB]

    Blueskin  Resilient  Communities  Trust  –  Ecological   Assessment  of  Environmental  Effects   Katherine Dixon and Robin Mitchell Description  of  project  proposal   Refer to the general project description. Ecological  description  of  the  wind  farm  site  and  its   surrounding  area   The land title within which the wind farm is located (‘the site’) covers 38 hectares spread over an altitude rang...

  4. Horticulture New Zealand.pdf [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...the PC1 framework generally. Policy 5 Amend as follows: “Provide for offsetting and compensation that better achieves the objectives of Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato where: Oppose in part Unclear how “permanently” and “net environmental benefit” are to be applied, monitored and enforced. a. There is an overall reduction in the relevant sub-catchment(s) of the diffuse discharge of each of nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and microbial pathogens from the propert...

  5. 2022-03-22 Willowridge Developments Ltd & Remarkables Park Ltd - Supplementary Evidence - Claire Hunter - 22 March 2022 [pdf, 477 KB]

    ...“residential activity” have distinct meanings”. From a planning perspective I agree. In all district and city plans • Rule 3.11.4 of the Proposed Plan Change 1 to the Waikato Regional Proposed Plan Change 1 which refers to a certified Farm Environmental Management Plan being required to retain a permitted activity status. • Rule 5.138 of the Canterbury Regional Land and Water Plan which requires that the activity is undertaken by or on behalf of a local authority or a net...

  6. 2023-07-23-Submissions-of-Gary-Williams.pdf [pdf, 228 KB]

    ...has happened with previous expressway construction, cut backs and alterations are likely to be at the expense of local communities, their transport options and impacts on local environments. I would note that there is an array of measures, mostly environmental and offset, that are outside the proposed designation boundaries shown on the Application plans. I note your May letter says that the final design would be formally sent to the district and regional councils. This appears to be a...

  7. 07.-Evidence-of-Ms-Janelle-Tamihana-Nga-Hapu-o-Kereru.PDF [PDF, 263 KB]

    ...development of the Project from its inception. This has included participating in the shaping of the Ō2NL Project route selection and corridor refinement, communicating its values associated with Ō2NL environment and its position in terms of environmental effects of the Project, participating in the development of the Cultural and Environmental Design Framework (CEDF) and continuing to work in partnership with Waka Kotahi as the Project moves through the consenting process....

  8. [2019] NZLVT 003 Walker v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...securing $20,000 which was used to instruct expert witnesses and secure legal representation . It is a condition of the funding agreement entered into by the Societies that they are required to account to the fund administrators for any costs they Environmental Defence Society Incorporated v The New Zealand King Salmon Company Limited [2014] NZSC 38, (2014) 17 ELRNZ 442, [2014]1 NZLR 593, [2014] NZRMA 195. 2 [2016] NZEnvC 148. 3 [2017] NZHC 52. , [2018] NZCA 316. 5 6 Memorandum o...

  9. Rudd Senior v Procter - Horowhenua 11 Lake Trust [2012] Māori Appellate Court MB 107 (2012 APPEAL 107) [pdf, 145 KB]

    ...hearing. We will discuss the trespass issue later in this judgment. Conflict of interest [27] Allegations of conflict of interest were made in respect of Dr Procter’s consulting role with Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Inc (“TMI”). TMI provides environmental services to Muaūpoko Tribal Authority (“MTA”). MTA has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Horizons Regional Council which provides that the parties will work together “to deliver environmental outcomes where there...

  10. 2023-10-11-Rebuttal-Evidence-of-G-Eccles-Planning-Framework.pdf [pdf, 233 KB]

    ...parties. Within the realm of "avoid", minor and transitory effects can be tolerated as can adverse effects that are so minor, or can be conditioned, that they will not generate "material harm".10 This guidance needs to be 8 Environmental Defence Society Inc v New Zealand King Salmon Company Ltd [2014] NZSC 38 at [24], [62] and [96]. 9 Port Otago Ltd v Environmental Defence Society Inc [2023] NZSC 112 at [64] – [68], for example. 10 King Salmon above n 8 at [...