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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 092 Delegat Ltd v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 188 KB]

    ...Decision No. [2023] NZEnvC 92 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND appeals under clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Act BETWEEN DELEGAT LIMITED (ENV-2020-CHC-75) and all other appellants concerning the proposed Marlborough Environmental Plan who are a party to the Soil and Land Disturbance appeals Appellant AND MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent Environment Judge J J M Hassan – sitting alone under s279 of the Act In Chambers at Christchurch...

  2. Greater-Wellington-Cover-Regional-Council-letter-Form-7a-and-Form-9-20221101.pdf [pdf, 435 KB]

    ...and the PNRP; − land use consents in accordance with section 14 of the RMA and the PNRP; − land use consents in accordance with section 15 of the RMA and the PNRP; − land use consents in accordance with the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NES_F); − water permits in accordance with section 14 and 15 of the RMA and the PNRP and RFP; − water permits in accordance with the NES-F; − discharge to land permits in accorda...

  3. G Eckhoff - SoE - 21 April 2021.pdf [pdf, 396 KB]

    ...slot By way of introduction I have no vested or conflict of interest although I do trickle irrigate new t rees and keep my lawn green, as fire is an ever present risk . That water comes from the Falls dam. I have never been a footsoldier for the environmental movement yet as a farmer I am proud of the fact that I fenced off an area of the Waimea stream in northern Southland in the late 1970s As an MP I wrote a press release in 2000 suggesting a single hot wire and a waratah to keep...

  4. Horticulture New Zealand 96 [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...the PC1 framework generally. Policy 5 Amend as follows: “Provide for offsetting and compensation that better achieves the objectives of Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato where: Oppose in part Unclear how “permanently” and “net environmental benefit” are to be applied, monitored and enforced. a. There is an overall reduction in the relevant sub-catchment(s) of the diffuse discharge of each of nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and microbial pathogens from the propert...

  5. 2021-03-18 ORC - Legal submissions - NPSFM 2020 - 16 March 2021 [pdf, 130 KB]

    ... 4 (iii) scientific research (iv) the sustainable harvest of sphagnum moss (v) the construction or maintenance of wetland utility structures (as defined in the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020) (vi) the maintenance or operation of specified infrastructure, or other infrastructure (as defined in the Resource Management (National Environmenta...

  6. 2021-02-04 GlenAyr Ltd evidence [pdf, 4.9 MB]

    ...a $1million project and in fact if you include costs such as fencing and water supply it is in excess of $1m. We would like to make the point that short term consents of 6 years cannot sustain the investment required to improve water storage, environmental flows and irrigation efficiency. Everyone recognises that this is the right thing to be doing. 35. It does seem bizarre that the ORC wants to set up a regime through Plan Change 7 to maintain the status quo when all parties ag...

  7. 2021-03-24 OWRUG - DOC v ORC (C28-2002) [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...within a cat&n-rent can have an effect on the flow and potentially on each other, it is necessary to undertake each review on a catchment-wide basis. The order in which the catchments are reviewed will be determined by prioritising the level of environmental benefits to be derived from the application of minimum flows in each catchment, given the nature and status of the various takes. The process of establishing the order of priority will include consultation with a range of affected part...

  8. [2021] NZEnvC 022 Timberlink New Zealand Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...concerns a contested application for adjournment. The PHC was convened, at short notice, to consider an application by Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay Inc ('Friends') an appellant in appeal proceedings on the proposed l\lfarlborough Environmental Plan ('pMEP'). [2] The application seeks directions that matters concerning its appeal be deferred "until such time as Variations 1 and 1A to the [p]MEP merge with and become part of the [p]MEP pursuant to cl...

  9. E32 Dr Kala Sivaguru - Ecology - EIC - Council [pdf, 728 KB]

    ...documents and reports: (a) The documents listed at paragraph 1.2 of my Report; (b) The statement of evidence of Paul Kennedy, attaching a draft Biosecurity Management Plan as Attachment A (contents page only) and a draft Inner Viaduct Harbour Environmental Management Plan as Attachment B (dated 3 August 2018)3; and (c) The planning evidence of Karl Cook and Vijay Lala, attaching a revised set of proposed conditions as Attachment A (Proposed Conditions) dated 7 August 20184....

  10. D-G Conservation - Supplementary - M J Brass - Planning (18 March 2021) [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...permits where the consent duration sought is no more than 6 years. Any replacement permit where the term sought is more than six years would be a non-complying activity. 10. This approach addresses concerns raised in the hearing that seeking environmental gains as well as procedural changes would make the controlled activity pathway too onerous, thereby driving applicants to take the non- complying pathway instead and so reducing the effectiveness of the plan change. My understandi...