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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 088 Barr Family Trust v Wakatane District Council [pdf, 450 KB]

    ...compliance with the conditions of this consent, the activity authorised by this consent shall be carried out in accordance with the application and documents submitted as part of the application, including the following documents: (a) Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by KM Planning: Proposed Wedding and Events Venue, Resource Consent Application and Assessment of Environmental Effect, dated November 2020. (b) The site plans dated 7 March 2023 prepared by KM Planning: Site and Surr...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 021 Royal Forest & Bird Protections Society Incorporated v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...discretionary or non-complying activity status is appropriate, given the competing outcomes sought. [20] In response to the position for Northport and the Council, Forest & Bird cites various aspects of the decision of the Supreme Court in Environmental Defence Society Inc v NZ King Salmon Company Limited,3 including: [129] … So, “avoid” is a stronger direction than “take account of”. That said however, we accept that there may be instances where particular policies...

  3. Reducing residential burglary: what can police do? [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...dealers 11 Market reduction approach (MRA) 12 Additional property-focused practices 12 Good practice in location-focused interventions 14 Directed patrolling (DP) 14 International good practice in location-focused interventions 15 Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) 16 Volunteer patrols 16 Good practice in emergency response and investigation 17 Good practice in emergency response (ER) 17 Burglary investigation 18 Good practice in initial investigation 18 Good practice in fo...

  4. List of Parties as at 2 Oct 2020.pdf [pdf, 716 KB]

    ...Buddle Findlay, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 Interested Party S274 Waikato River Authority Paul Beverley, Buddle Findlay - Wellington, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Craig Malone, Berry Simons Environmental Law, PO Box 3144, Auckland Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Simon Berry, PO Box 3144, Shortland Street, AUCKLAND Interested Party S274 Wairakei Pastoral Limited Bronwyn Carruthers, Shortland Chambers, P O Bo...

  5. [2019] NZEnvC 050 Palmerston North Airport Limited v Palmerston North City Council [pdf, 4 MB]

    ...sized industrial sites in the City (also refer to the Subdivision Section). Development within the Napier Road Industrial Precinct and the Midhurst Street Industrial Area is managed by reference to Structure Plan 12.1 and 7.2 to achieve the desired environmental results and the integrated provision of infrastructure. ity Council District Plan I SECTION 12 I INDUSTRIAL ZONE and growth needs of Fonterra. It is envisaged that the Braeburn Industrial Area will remain in the single ownershi...

  6. [2016] NZEnvC 248 Northcote Point Heritage Preservation Society Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...development of natural and physical resources across Auckland regardless of the zone in which they occur. Auckland wide provisions are located in chapter E of the Plan and cover natural resources, Mana Whenua, the built environment, infrastructure, environmental risk, subdivision and temporary activity matters. Auckland wide provisions generally apply more restrictive rules than the zone or precinct provisions that apply to a site, but in some cases they can be more enabling....

  7. [2020] NZEnvC 137 Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 312 KB]

    ...Resource Management Act 1991 AND of appeals under clause 14 of Schedule 1 to the Act BETWEEN OCEANA GOLD (NEW ZEALAND) LIMITED (ENV-2016-CHC-103) ROYAL FOREST AND BIRD PROTECTION SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-CHC-102) ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE SOCIETY INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-CHC-122) Appellants AND OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent Court: Environment Judge J R Jackson Environment Commissioner D J Bunting Hearing: in Chambers at Christchurch (Fi...

  8. Effective Lawyering in the New Plan Making Paradigm [pdf, 588 KB]

    ...being in planning, tikanga Māori, business and engineering. Appointments were by relevant Ministers. Each panel had a secretariat, including lawyers, planners, and administrative staff. Each also had access to professional NZLS CLE Intensive  Environmental Law Intensive 40 mediators and expert witness facilitators. The Environment Court provided significant resourcing assistance to each panel on those matters. [6] Each panel had a website and provided for electronic filing...

  9. [2020] NZEnvC 155 Wilkins Farming Co Ltd v Southland Regional Council.pdf [pdf, 6.9 MB]

    ...·,t,;1-F•"':,~':"y' .. _.• ,,"v mu e, e ruary a . 1;,:,..__ ,..., ·~~"'y <~"' ,<:-!/!/ ~-a=•-. \c._(1 f "- courn o'<;/ ~~~---- 3 (a) can conditions 9-15 be lawfully imposed? (b) is the Farm Environmental Management Plan, Phosphorus Mitigation Plan and Overseer nutrient budget conditions fit for purpose? (c) should the explanatory material prefacing the foregoing conditions be approved? (d) are the b...

  10. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL legal submissions [pdf, 357 KB]

    ...authority for the proposition that the effects of boats berthed in a marina are not relevant to the assessment of the effects of an application for consent for a new marina. To the contrary the High Court Judges accepted that "there may be environmental impacts from boats moored in a marina ... [and] such consequences are capable of independent control under s 15".5 11. The consideration of actual and potential effects of allowing the activity includes considering the effe...