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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Save the Maitai v NCC - Media release [pdf, 151 KB]

    ...3 July 2024, made substantive evidential findings and determined in favour of residential rezoning of much of the land.1 However, it identified several respects in which PPC28 needed to be improved to ensure its provisions would be legally sound, environmentally effective and appropriate. That decision directed the planning experts to do some further work together to address those matters. The planning experts reported back on that work in August 2024. They achieved agreement on a ful...

  2. ORC & Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd - EIC - Cain Duncan - 17 September 2021 [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...soil and landscape features, AgResearch, June 2010; (e) The influence of soil drainage characteristics on contaminant leakage risk associated with the land application of farm dairy effluent, AgResearch, October 2009; (f) Categorising the environmental risk from land application of liquid wastes based on soil properties, AgResearch, June 2011; (g) Otago Regional Council Proposed Plan Change 8 (PC8); (h) The Part B provisions agreed at mediation and recorded in the Council’s...

  3. E13 Stephen Priestley - Infrastructure and Coastal Processes - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...Court. My evidence describes the main elements of the engineering design and the coastal processes assessment and its findings. 2.2 This evidence highlights the key points from the following technical reports, which formed part of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) (CBD Vol A, CB4, page 81). Where appropriate, this evidence updates my original assessment and recommendations. With the exception of any updates noted in this evidence, I confirm the content and accuracy o...

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 208 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...Decision: 20 December 2019 Date of Issue: 20 December 2019 2 INTERIM DECISION OF THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Table of contents Introduction Scope of the pSWLP 2019 draft National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management and proposed National Environmental Standards for Freshwater Abbreviations used in this decision The role of the court on a regional plan appeal National significance of fresh water and Te Mana o te Wai Treaty of Waitangi Regional Policy Statement (RPS) P...

  5. ENV-2016-AKL-63.67.68 The Tree Council Inc & Others v Auckland Transport NOH-2016.11.21 [pdf, 208 KB]

    ...Private Bag 92300, AUCKLAND, Interested Party S274 Gummer, Roger Roger Gummer, The Bandhall, 6 Waipouri Road, Ihumatao, Auckland 2022, Interested Party S274 Redoubt Ridge Environmental Action Group Society Incorporated (RREAG) David Price, Redoubt Ridge Environmental Action Group Society Incorporated (RREAG), 242 Redoubt Road, Totara Park, Auckland 2019, Interested Party S274 Roya...

  6. ENVC Matiatia expert witness traffic and transport addnl 2014 [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...vulnerability results in an estimate of 150-200vph. Additionally, the paper refers to Roads and Traffic Authority (now Roads and Maritimes Services)'s Guide to Traffic Generating Development, which sets out a desirable maximum peak volume (the environmental goal) of 200vph and an absolute maximum of 300vph.3 User defined capacity based on the simulated survey In accordance with NZTA research report 489, congestion can be defined by user perception when "speeds fall below a...

  7. BH v MW Ltd [2023] NZDT 35 (28 March 2023) [pdf, 198 KB]

    ...personal event of a sensitive kind that led to MW Ltd’s decision to not provide its premises for the wedding. BX said that there can be no guarantee that a premises will be available on the day, and referred to significant weather events, and the [Environmental Event]. However, from the limited information BX felt able to give to the Tribunal, it appears that MW Ltd made a decision not to host the wedding, rather than being prevented from hosting it because of an external event such as...

  8. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui Invercargill 12 May 2018 [pdf, 441 KB]

    ...that the government needs to address mental health issues as they intersect with other issues like homelessness, suicide, criminal action and the well-being of the environment. One speaker noted “the correlation has been made world-wide between environmental quality degradation resulting in mental health degradation”. One speaker noted that Māori health and mortality rates are to an extent being addressed by investment in information (i.e. pamphlet distribution) and subsidised di...

  9. [2022] NZEnvC 118 Otago Regional Council [pdf, 218 KB]

    ...expenses (in full) would not be reasonable in this case. [9] The Environment Court is part of a wider civil justice system, and should take into account more general principles that have been developed by the courts when they are relevant; per Environmental Protection Agency v BW Offshore Singapore Pte 2 Ministerial Direction of David Parker (Minister for the Environment) to refer the Otago Regional Council’s proposed Plan Change 7 – Water Permits to its Regional Plan to the Env...

  10. OWRUG, Lauder Water Users Group, Lauder Creek Ltd, DR & SA Hill - EiC - K Heckler (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 131 KB] a 4,500 ha high country sheep and beef farm. The high country runs down to rolling to flat land of which 411ha is currently irrigated with a mixture of contour and limited spray. 8. I run also my own business specialising practical farm environmental consultancy. LAUDER WATER USERS GROUP 9. In 2017 and the Lauder Water Users Group was formed to co-ordinate the Lauder catchment approach to the replacement of deemed permits. This formalised work that had been taking place...