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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. E40 Marija Jukic - Contaminant Discharge - EIC - Council [pdf, 772 KB]

    ...Council’s Specialist Unit at Graham Street, Auckland. I have been employed in this role since a restructure in October 2017 and in a similar senior specialist role since October 2016. 2.2 Prior to my employment at the Council, I worked as an environmental consultant in Australia for 14 years, specialising in contaminated land and hydrogeology. 2.3 I hold a Bachelor of Science with a double major in Chemistry and Geology, and a Master of Science (First Class Honours) in Geology, bo...

  2. 2023-12-18-Memorandum-of-Counsel-for-the-Applicant.pdf [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...(vii) Glare, aviation safety and light emissions, (viii) Electromagnetic field, (ix) Pest weed control, (x) Reverse sensitivity, 5 (e) Vulnerability of the Proposal to extreme climate events and earthquakes; (f) Policy & environmental standards; (g) The Applicant’s assessment of environmental impacts; (h) Decommissioning and end of life of solar materials and the long term impact on the environment; (i) Community impact social, economic, health; (j)...

  3. Environment Court annual report 2008 [pdf, 44 KB]

    ...each. Helen Beaumont was appointed a Commissioner in August 2007. Ms Beaumont’s background is in water quality and she was the Assistant Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment since 2000. This role has given her a broad background in environmental matters and a thorough grounding in the environmental challenges facing New Zealand and the issues of the day. David Bunting – Civil Engineer. Mr Bunting was appointed a Commissioner in August 2007 and brings extensive experi...

  4. Final Env-Reg-Report-2019-20 [pdf, 347 KB]

    ...responsible for ensuring the orderly and expeditious discharge of the business of the court. 1.4 The Court’s Jurisdiction The Environment Court is a specialist court of record established under section 247 of the RMA. It’s the primary environmental adjudicative body in New Zealand. It has jurisdiction over environmental and resource management matters. It can be characterised as follows: E.49 6 | P a g e • a presiding Judge and two Environment Court Commission...

  5. 2021-09-20 ORC - MOC - re chapter 6 [pdf, 170 KB]

    ...reflect that waste oil is a prohibited activity under the proposed changes to Chapter 6. Therefore, providing reasons for controlling the discharge of oil is no longer required. There were no submissions on the Principal Reasons. (i) Anticipated Environmental Result 6.7.6: The notified changes to the Anticipated Environmental Result 6.7.6 are consequential amendments to ensure consistency with the proposed framework under Chapter 6 to prohibit the discharge of waste oil. The...

  6. BORA Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading And Other Matters) Amendment Bill [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...(freedom of expression) of the Bill of Rights Act. However, these limits are clearly justified under section 5 of that Act. In regard to the powers to compel information, we note that if a person is required to appear to give evidence before the Environmental Protection Authority, an enforcement officer, or a District Court Judge, this cannot be used in evidence against the person in criminal proceedings. 4. The Bill confers upon enforcement officers the power to enter land or pre...

  7. [2020] NZEnvC 219 Greater Wellington Regional Council v Crosbie [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...application for interim enforcement orders against the First and Second Respondents. I declined to consider that application unless it was formalised in the ordinary way. I did permit the taking of oral evidence from James Calvin Luty (a Senior Environmental Protection Officer at the Council). The Council has now formally applied for interim enforcement orders against the First and Second Respondents2. The application was served on the Respondents. It was accompanied by supporting a...

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 099 Southland Regional Council v Horton [pdf, 773 KB]

    ...compliance manager of the Council within seven days of their issue; (d) allow unimpeded access to Switzer Street by staff and contractors of the Council for the purpose of inspecting the site and monitoring progress; (e) engage a suitably qualified environmental professional: (i) to monitor and verify that the Material has been removed; and (ii) to carry out sampling and testing of the site within Contaminated Land Management Guidelines No.5; and (iii) to complete a Site Verific...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 015 Omaka Valley Group Incorporated v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 656 KB]

    ...(formerlyTrustpower Limited), ENV-2018-CHC-051 The New Zealand King Salmon Company Limited, ENV-2018-CHC-058 Federated Farmers of New Zealand, ENV-2020-CHC-064 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated, ENV-2018-CHC-067 Environmental Defence Society, ENV- 2020-CHC-071 Horticulture New Zealand, ENV-2020-CHC-073 The AJ King Family Trust & SA King Family Trust, ENV-2020-CHC-074- Marine Farming Association & Aquaculture New Zealand. 3 13, 14 and 18, Vol...

  10. 2023-05-22-Form-33-Ngati-Kikopiri.pdf [pdf, 38 KB]

    ... 7.4. Ensure appropriate opportunity is provided for Ngāti Kikopiri participation in developing and confirming the Project designs, construction management plans, environmental monitoring plans, and any operational management plans. 7.5. Address any other matter of relevance to Ngāti Kikopiri that may arise through the RMA proc...