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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Ethical Investment (Crown Financial Institutions) Bill [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...Government Superannuation Fund Act and seeks to insert a new provision. This provision requires the Government Superannuation Fund Authority to disclose in its report to the Minister of Finance: • the extent (if any) to which socially responsible or environmentally sustainable considerations and labour standards are taken into account in the selection, retention, or realisation of any of the authority’s investments, and • any other information that the Minister may require. Clau...

  2. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL case law 1 offsite effects [pdf, 393 KB]

    ...1950. 40 Held, relevance in terms of assessing the effects is not dependant upon the need or otherwise for resource consents or whether such effects can be subject of controls (2 ELRNZ 366 at 29). The court citing Burton v Auckland C.C. 2ELRNZ362 Environmental Law Reports of New Zealand stated that an assessment of actual or potential effects prepared in accordance 1 with the Fourth Schedule must take into account relevant cumulative effects "of the development as a whole"...

  3. 2024-07-18-Updated-Notice-of-Hearing-MEP-Coastal.pdf [pdf, 262 KB]

    ...Gascoigne Wicks, P O Box 2, Blenheim Respondent Marlborough District Council John Maassen, PO Box 5577, Wellington 6145 Respondent Marlborough District Council Kaye McIIveney, Marlborough District Council, PO Box 443, Blenheim Interested Party S274 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated Cordelia Woodhouse, Ellis Gould, PO Box 1509, Auckland Interested Party S274 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated Sally Gepp, 3 Brookside, Nelson 7010 Interested Party S274 F...

  4. 20-03-25 Environment Court protocol [pdf, 58 KB]

    ...Court is not categorised by the Chief Justice and Heads of Bench as a Category 1 essential service court. 3. All cases listed for hearing in the week of 23 March 2020 in the Environment Court have been adjourned, except for ENV-2020-AKL-025, Environmental Protection Agency which is being processed on the papers. 4. While a Level 4 alert is in place, the Environment Court will not physically sit in courtrooms or elsewhere. Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation and expe...

  5. Appendix-M2-O2NL-Energise-Otaki-Support-for-CWB-O2NL-april-2019.pdf [pdf, 113 KB]

    ...E-Volocity competition, and we supported the first EV charger in the Kāpiti Coast (at New World Ōtaki). Creating a smart future requires intelligent planning today, and confirming the CWB for the O2NL Expressway is required to improve our: • Environmental health, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels to commute between Ōtaki and Levin (or vice versa) • Social Connectivity, linking Ōtaki through to North Levin, and reducing economic barriers to travel • Economy through a...

  6. Dr Nicholas Tony Shears - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 485 KB]

    ...Sedimentation and the ecology of shallow macroalgal habitats in the Hauraki Gulf (MSc Marine Science, 2011) Potential research topics (MSc or PhD): • Impacts of toxic dinoflagellates (Ostreopsis sp.) on rocky reef ecosystems • Exploring the use of environmental health indicators on rocky reefs • Direct and indirect effects of marine reserves on intertidal reef communities • Sea urchin-kelp dynamics across an environmentalstress gradient • Habitat and resource-use of spiny lobs...

  7. [2023] NZEnvC 074 Currie v Palmerston North City Council [pdf, 385 KB]

    ...Revision C dated 2021-10-05, attached to and forming part of these conditions. d. The updated Soul Friends Pet Crematorium Management Plan dated 17 September 2021; e. Soul Friends Pet Crematorium and Workshop, Ashurst: Updated Assessment of Environmental Noise Effects Report- LU5959, prepared by WSP and dated September 2021. f. The updated Traffic Impact Statement prepared by Merica Prins loo dated 22 September 2021, File reference 5-P1403.00 Soul Friends Pet Crematorium. g. T...

  8. 2023-05-22-Form-33-Ngati-Huia-ki-Matau.pdf [pdf, 36 KB]

    ... 7.4. Ensure appropriate opportunity is provided for Ngāti Huia ki Mātau participation in developing and confirming the Project designs, construction management plans, environmental monitoring plans, and any operational management plans. 7.5. Address any other matter of relevance to Ngāti Huia ki Mātau that may arise through...

  9. 9. JWS 9 - Objective, Stranded Assets & miscellaneous Minor Matters 4 & 21 June 2021 [pdf, 274 KB]

    ...authorised by deemed permits or water permits for takes and uses of freshwater expiring prior to 31 December 2025 to continue operating: (a) at their existing scale and consistent with historical use, and (b) where the risk of additional adverse environmental effects resulting from any proposed increase in the scale or duration of the take and use of freshwater is low. 9. This objective addresses existing activities and provides for these to continue for up to 6 years with no con...

  10. 2023-09-26-SOE_Michaela-Stout_Water-Abstraction.pdf [pdf, 240 KB] Horizons’ minimum requirements for the measuring and reporting of water takes. [20] Notably, the proposed conditions do not include installation and maintenance standards for water meters, data loggers, and telemetry units that Horizons environmental data staff have deemed necessary to support robust compliance monitoring. Therefore, in my view, the proposed conditions do not support robust compliance monitoring processes. [21] I understand that Horizons’ standard condit...