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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 017 Alliance Group Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 789 KB]

    ...the Judge thinks fit. [8) The appellant considers there is no effect on the environment if the stay is granted as the measurements are a regulatory requirement to enable the Council to perform its duties under the Act, and do not have a direct environmental impact. While the measurement of water taken is important to enable the Council to monitor compliance with the relevant consent, I consider that granting the stay is not likely to give rise to any adverse effects on the environme...

  2. [2023] NZEnvC 146 Lake McKay Station Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...(East), Sheepskin Creek and the Lake McKay Station and Environs ONL Priority Area is confirmed as agreed by the parties per Appendix A. 5 Hawthenden Limited & Ors v Queenstown Lakes District Council [2020] NZEnvC 157. 6 Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated & Ors v QLDC [2021] NZEnvC 61. 7 QLDC memorandum dated 7 June 2023 at [8]-[10]. 4 [8] QLDC is directed to include this amended ONL boundary in the PDP plan maps. For the court ___________...

  3. 2021-03-01 ORC - MOC - PC7 - expert conferencing [pdf, 130 KB]

    ...suggests the refinement of the following topics as follows: (a) Reliability of supply: (i) Effect of land use options; (ii) Marginal value of water; (iii) Improving rainfall efficiency; and (iv) Rescheduling method for seasonal shortfall or environmental flow. (b) Technical efficiency (including both application efficiency and infrastructure efficiency): (i) Effective efficiency at catchment scale. (c) Method amendments/alternative options: (i) How to take into accou...

  4. NZBORA Advice Crown Minerals Amendment Bill [pdf, 273 KB]

    ...applicant engagement with hapū and iwi; and c. clarify decommissioning-related provisions. 6. The proposals are part of the Government’s wider work programme under a 10-year Resource Strategy designed to drive a shift towards a ‘world leading environmentally and socially responsible petroleum and minerals sector that delivers affordable and secure resources, for the benefit of current and future New Zealanders’.1 1 Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment A Minerals...

  5. ORC PC8 Hearing Schedule - Urban - Final 18.03.2022 [pdf, 134 KB]

    ...Richard Bowman and/or Mike Hanff Lay Evidence Lay Evidence Summary (10min) Court (30min) Willowridge Alison Devlin Contextual Lay Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (10min) Court (30min) Lunch (1pm) Willowridge and Remarkables Park Quinn McIntyre Environmental Management Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (45min) Court (30min) Willowridge abd Remarkables Park Claire Hunter Planning Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (45min) Court (30min) Placeholder - section 274 parties Other Parties (TB...

  6. BORA New Organisms And Other Matters Bill (Treaty Provisions) [pdf, 75 KB]

    ...consistency with section 19 of the Bill of Rights Act 4. Clause 2.4A of the Bill amends section 16 of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 ("HSNO") by clarifying that when the Minister for the Environment appoints members to the Environmental Risk Management Authority ("ERMA"), he or she needs to consider whether the person has knowledge and experience of a range of matters coming before ERMA including the Treaty of Waitangi and tikanga Māori. 5. Wh...

  7. Criminal Cases Review Commission: June 2020 newsletter [pdf, 635 KB]

    ...and Chief Science Advisor for the Ministry of Social Development; and Dr Virginia Hope MNZM, a pre-eminent health scientist who has worked in universities and research institutes, and is currently Medical Director, Health Group, at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR). You can read more about the appointees here in the Minister’s media statement. I have no doubt that we have a Commission with the skills and experience to handle the CCRC’s principal function of...

  8. Contact Energy Limited.pdf [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...BF\60546674\1 | Page 3 d. align with the principles underpinning good biodiversity offsetting as set out in with the Guidance on Good Practice Biodiversity Offsetting in New Zealand (August 2014); and e. avoid, remedy and mitigate potential adverse environmental effects and promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources under section 5 of the RMA. 10. Contact agrees to participate in mediation or other alternative dispute resolution. DATED at Welling...

  9. BORA Dairy Industry Restructuring Amendment Bill [pdf, 87 KB]

    ...package of measures to maintain regulatory disciplines on Fonterra’s activities and enhance aspects of the dairy industry’s performance by: a. removing some regulatory requirements that are no longer necessary to support and encourage better environmental performance of the dairy industry; b. providing Fonterra with more flexibility to manage some aspects of its operations; and c. providing increased clarity on aspects of the regulatory regime for both Fonterra and other dairy ind...

  10. Auckland Regional Public Health Service 217 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...effects on human health. (c) The reasons the respondent gave in its decision to reject the Hearing Panel's recommendations are sound and supported by ARPHS. (d) Council has the ability under Regulation 28 of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Air Quality) Regulations 2004 (NES­ AQ) to impose more stringent rules, and thereby more stringent air quality standards. The 2004 NES-AQ is out of date, and there is scientific justification to impose standard...