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2922 items matching your search terms

  1. 2021-03-12 Edward Ellison - summary of evidence [pdf, 221 KB]

    ...Tahu mana over taoka resources and wāhi tūpuna. 7. The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi imply a partnership, to be exercised with the utmost good faith. Effective partnerships mean that mana whenua are involved in natural resource and environmental management at both the governance and management levels of decision-making. 8. However, the Regional Plan Water has not proved effective in enabling Kāi Tahu to exercise rakatirataka and kaitiakitaka, nor has it proved effe...

  2. 2023-10-18-Notice-of-Hearing.pdf [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...(William) John (William) John Bent, 17 Seaforth Avenue, Milson, Palmerston North 4414 Referral - To Be Heard Brown, John John Brown, 1134 Queen Street East, RD 1, Levin 5571 Referral - To Be Heard Connexa Ltd Tom Anderson, Incite-Resource and Environmental Management, PO Box 2058, Wellington 6140 Referral - To Be Heard Daly, Kevin Kevin Daly, NO ADDRESS AVAILABLE Referral - To Be Heard HNZT Trustees-Horowhenua New Zealand Trust Antony Young, 9 Waipuna Grove, RD 1, Levi...

  3. [2022] NZEnvC 187 Transpower New Zealand Ltd v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 934 KB]

    ...all but one outstanding matter for this topic which will remain to be dealt with at a later date. Other relevant matters [3] 2 3 A number of parties gave notice of an intention to become a party to these ENV-2020-CHC-68. ENV-2020-CHC-67 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated, ENV-2020-CHC- 58 Federated Farmers of New Zealand, ENV-2020-CHC-71 Horticulture New Zealand, ENV-2020-CHC-50 Manawa Energy Limited (formerly Trustpower Limited). 3 appeals under s27 4 RMA. I am...

  4. Auckland Regional Public Health Service 228 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...effects on human health. (c) The reasons the respondent gave in its decision to reject the Hearing Panel's recommendations are sound and supported by ARPHS. (d) Council has the ability under Regulation 28 of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Air Quality) Regulations 2004 (NES­ AQ) to impose more stringent rules, and thereby more stringent air quality standards. The 2004 NES-AQ is out of date, and there is scientific justification to impose standard...

  5. E49 Paul Crimmins - Air Quality - EIC - Council [pdf, 718 KB]

    ...employed in this role since a restructure in October 2017 and in a similar senior specialist role since February 2013. I have ten years’ experience in air quality related assessments. 2.2 I hold a Master of Science (First Class Honours) in Environmental Science from the University of Auckland (2018). I also hold Bachelors degrees of Science in Environmental Science and of Arts in Politics from the University of Auckland (2009). I am a member of the Clean Air Society of Aucklan...

  6. Powerpoint presentation - Objective, Stranded Assets & miscellaneous Minor Matters dated 29 June 2021 [pdf, 168 KB]

    ...activities authorised by deemed permits or water permits for takes and uses of freshwater expiring prior to 31 December 2025 to continue operating: a) at their existing scale and consistent with historical use, and b) where the risk of additional adverse environmental effects resulting from any proposed increase in the scale or duration of the take and use of freshwater is low. Amendments to the Objective Version B : New objective 10A.1.2 Enable activities authorised by deemed permi...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 165 Meridian Energy Ltd v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 215 KB]

    ..._______________________________________________________________ DECISION OF THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AS TO WAIVER _______________________________________________________________ A: The application for waiver is granted. 2 REASONS [1] Environmental Defence Society Incorporated (‘EDS’) has applied for a waiver of time for service of its s274 notices on the respondent on the following appeals: (a) Aurora Energy Limited & Ors; (b) City Forests Limited & Ors; (c...

  8. Auckland Regional Public Health Service 225 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...effects on human health. (c) The reasons the respondent gave in its decision to reject the Hearing Panel's recommendations are sound and supported by ARPHS. (d) Council has the ability under Regulation 28 of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Air Quality) Regulations 2004 (NES­ AQ) to impose more stringent rules, and thereby more stringent air quality standards. The 2004 NES-AO is out of date, and there is scientific justification to impose standard...

  9. [2024] NZEnvC 120 Marine Farming Association v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 212 KB]

    ...appeal point. They have signed the memorandum setting out the relief sought: (a) Apex Marine Farm Limited; (b) Aroma (NZ) Limited & Aroma Aquaculture Limited Clearwater; (c) Clearwater Mussels Limited and Talley’s Group Limited; (d) Environmental Defence Society; (e) Friends of Nelson Haven & Tasman Bay Incorporated; (f) Goulding Trustees Limited and Shellfish Marine Farms Limited; (g) Guardians of the Sounds Incorporated; (h) HARO Partnership; (i) Just Mussels Li...

  10. ENVC paper Update of electronic initiatives 2013 [pdf, 215 KB]

    ...allow the exchange of evidence amongst parties, and its 1 See paper by Acting Principal Environment Judge Newhook Challenges and Changes in the Environment Court presented to the 3 rd Annual Environmental Law and Regulation Conference, Wellington 16 April 2013. lodgment in Court, in one large Auckland plan change case. The experiment was quite successful, particularly given that the issues of interest to parties varied consider...