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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. FFNZ - EiC - K L Reilly (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 522 KB]

    ...It is Federated Farmers’ firm view that short consent durations create uncertainty, and therefore cautious reluctance or inability (if banks will not provide finance) to invest in improved technologies. This is likely to adversely affect both environmental and economic outcomes. These have not been sufficiently identified as ‘risks’ or ‘costs’ by Council. 18. There is additional uncertainty given short consent durations are purported to be put in place to ‘hold the li...

  2. 29b.-Appendix-B-to-the-Evidence-Ms-McLeod-O2NL-Conditions-Evidence-Version-Clean.pdf [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...ancillary works. Construction footprint The area in the Project Area within which construction activities occur. Contaminated land For the purpose of Condition RSW1, a piece of land described in subclause (7) or (8) of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011 District Council Horowhenua District Council and/or Kāpiti Coast District Council dB Decibel District Plan Horowhenua...

  3. People remanded on bail or at large and offending on bail or at large December 2018 [xlsx, 281 KB]

    ...Total 10: Illicit drug offences 5,116 6,133 5,228 4,360 4,250 3,319 3,091 2,952 3,180 3,052 5% Total 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 1,498 1,580 1,355 1,218 1,193 1,050 1,026 1,039 1,048 1,014 2% Total 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 3,658 3,677 3,376 3,129 2,877 2,515 2,252 2,429 2,348 2,193 4% Total 13: Public order offences 6,418 6,492 4,821 3,047 2,416 2,121 1,655 1,382 1,326 1,406 2% Total 14: Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences 18,223...

  4. People remanded on bail or at large and offending on bail or at large June 2019 [xlsx, 287 KB]

    ...Total 10: Illicit drug offences 5,849 5,746 4,572 4,437 3,731 3,151 3,021 3,183 3,115 3,230 5% Total 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 1,590 1,410 1,317 1,168 1,140 991 989 1,064 979 1,034 2% Total 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 3,651 3,445 3,284 3,017 2,768 2,271 2,384 2,442 2,240 2,088 3% Total 13: Public order offences 6,556 5,806 3,756 2,577 2,426 1,832 1,515 1,315 1,388 1,279 2% Total 14: Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences 18,834 18,264...

  5. 2023-09-04-O2NL-Conditions-Mediation-Version-clean.pdf [pdf, 2.1 MB] reinstatement; h) landscaping; and i) installation of permanent road furniture and ancillary works. Contaminated land For the purpose of Condition RSW1, a piece of land described in subclause (7) or (8) of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011. District Council Horowhenua District Council and/or Kāpiti Coast District Council dB Decibel District Plan Horowhenua District...

  6. [2021] NZEnvC 133 Woolworths New Zealand Limited [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...the submission from Spreydon Lodge Limited (Spreydon Lodge). [7] The Council lodged a report under s87F RMA dated 27 November 20191 containing a comprehensive statutory assessment of the Proposal, with contributions from a number of experts on environmental health, water and wastewater; stormwater engineering; aquatic ecology; general subdivision engineering; parks and public open space planning; transport planning; landscape; economics and urban design. [8] Woolworths made a req...

  7. 2020-11-12 Clutha District Council and Waitaki District Council [pdf, 330 KB] competition or the effects of trade competition. I will be: ☐ self-represented ☒ represented by someone else ☐ not sure Select one If you will be represented by someone else, their name is: Name Tom Heller Firm / company Environmental Associates Limited Email: OR Address: I / my representative want to speak at the hearing ☒ Yes ☐ No ☐ Not sure Select one I will give evidence on my own behalf: ☒ Yes ...

  8. 2022-03-21 Summary of Evidence of Kerstin Strauss on behalf of the ORC dated 21 March 2022 [pdf, 112 KB]

    ...consent conditions imposed and compliance matters. I note that the implementation of all plan provisions by both the consents team and the 2 compliance team are constantly evolving based on learnings and feedback to enable appropriate environmental outcome whilst considering customer experience. 6 As the focus and responsibilities of territorial authorities and regional councils are different (under section 31(1) and section 30 of the RMA respectively), the resultant pla...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 050 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 299 KB]

    ...determine which 3 Transpower New Zealand Limited & others v Northland Regional Council [2022] NZEnvC 174. 6 applies, but then also look to other relevant objectives and policies in the Proposed Plan, including those that seek to achieve environmental outcomes such as Policy D.2.17 Managing adverse effects on natural character, outstanding natural landscapes and outstanding natural features and Policy D.2.18 Managing adverse effects on indigenous biodiversity. If the polici...

  10. Wairakei Pastoral Limited.pdf [pdf, 168 KB]

    ...opposes the request to replace the controlled activity status in Rule 4.4 with restricted discretionary status as controlled activity status is more appropriate. WPL supports the request to include in Schedule C a statement identifying the multiple environmental benefits achieved from stock exclusion and other riparian management tools. WPL opposes in part the request to amend the setbacks in Schedule C, particularly the setback from all ephemeral streams which is in direct confli...