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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. 2021-03-18 Fish & Game opening subs [pdf, 298 KB] lock in long term consents – meaning many decisions will not be informed by the information brought to bear by important would-be submitters, evidence may not be contested and tested, and resulting outcomes may not benefit from that "environmental" oversight. 6 Fish and Game's updated position on the provisions is as follows: (a) In terms of controlled rule 10A.3.1.1, support generally for the 14 March version, in particular;3 (i) Fish and Game no longer...

  2. [2020] NZEnvC 187 Haines House Haulage Northland Limited v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...and associated landscape planting as permitted activities as shown on the Landscape Plan. Prior to Commencement of onsite works 7. The consent holder must submit a detailed set of engineering plans prepared in accordance with Council's Environmental Engineering Standards 201 O Edition. The engineering plans are to be submitted to the Council's Development Engineer for approval. 8, It is to be noted that certain designs may only be carried out by an Independently Qual...

  3. [2024] NZEnvC 267 Zant v Central Hawke's Bay District Council [pdf, 625 KB]

    ...being confined to removal of ONF-7 from the Zants’ land. Further, it is for note that the Zants purported to file a new appeal dated 18 June 2024 extending the challenge to decisions on the PDP relating to ONF-7, SNA-241, HNC 1, CE, NH and all new environmental designations identified on private property in the PDP. The Court determined that the new appeal was beyond the scope of the appellants’ submissions and the application for waiver to file the new appeal was disallowed. See Z...

  4. 14.-Ainsley-McLeod-Conditions.pdf [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...effects on the environment where it is possible to do so. In their evidence, Mr Tim Watterson and other witnesses describe the design process and the manner in which the Project’s design has been developed and refined over time to respond to environmental and other constraints in order to avoid in the first instance and then reduce and minimise the Project’s adverse effects on the environment. 15. A Project of this scale and nature cannot be constructed without having adver...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 055 New Zealand Transport Agency v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 472 KB]

    ...under the Waikato Regional Plan, covering activities under section 9 (earthworks), section 14 (water) and section 15 (discharges to air, land and/or water) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), and for two resource consents under the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020 for installation of a culvert and stormwater discharge within 100 m of a natural wetland. [13] Consent durations of five years from the date of commencement are sought for construction activiti...

  6. E33 Sam Morgan - Coastal - EIC - Council [pdf, 712 KB]

    ...specialising in the geosciences, from the University of Auckland. 2.2 I have approximately fifteen years’ experience in the fields of Coastal Science and Management. I am currently a Senior Coastal Consultant at 4Sight Consulting Limited, an environmental science and planning consulting firm based in Auckland. 2.3 I am a Regional Representative for the New Zealand Coastal Society and have recently attained General Environmental Practitioner Certification in the fields of coast...

  7. Notes from Crown Maori Relations Regional Hui at Manutuke Marae on 21 April [pdf, 423 KB]

    ...framework. • Minerals – a couple of participants congratulated the Government on restricting oil and gas permits but noted iwi are keen to work with the Government on the management of existing permits and there is still more to be done to reduce environmental impact in the region. • Environment – Some speakers identified that experiences with MPI and DOC on managing and engaging on environmental crisis and issues such as myrtle rust have not been good. Agencies need to c...

  8. TN v U Ltd [2024] NZDT 89 (7 February 2024) [pdf, 149 KB]

    ...asbestos (it had been identified by tests completed by [Asbestos testing company] in April 2014, before earthquake damage work was completed). 2. After the work was completed TN contacted his insurer and testing, completed on 1 December 2017 by [Environmental testing company], confirmed trace levels of asbestos fibres were found in the bedroom where the window was installed and in the hallway of the house. Asbestos fibres were also found in the ground (in the garden bed) beneath wh...

  9. [2020] NZEnvC 206 O'Reilly v Cruice Farms Ltd [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...suggestion of temporary occupation.14 Mr O'Reilly covers similar arguments in his reply submissions.15 Opposition [11] Mr Cruice, on behalf of Cruice Farms, opposes the orders sought, saying that Mr O'Reilly has failed to specify a single environmental effect and that this court can confidently refuse this application without risking environmental harm or effect.16 [12] Mr Cruice deposes that the removal of non-compliant structures (as sought above at [6](a)) is not re...

  10. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui in Gisborne on 21 April 2018 [pdf, 423 KB]

    ...framework. • Minerals – a couple of participants congratulated the Government on restricting oil and gas permits but noted iwi are keen to work with the Government on the management of existing permits and there is still more to be done to reduce environmental impact in the region. • Environment – Some speakers identified that experiences with MPI and DOC on managing and engaging on environmental crisis and issues such as myrtle rust have not been good. Agencies need to c...