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Search results for environmental.

2922 items matching your search terms

  1. ORC PC 1, 7 & 8 - glossary and abbreviations [pdf, 104 KB]

    ...Day; and  if Waitangi Day or Anzac Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday; and  a day in the period commencing on 20 December in any year and ending with 10 January in the following year. 3   ABBREVIATIONS EPA Environmental Protection Authority Freshwater-NES Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 NPS-FM National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 ORC Otago Regional Council Omnibus P...

  2. s274-Transpower-New-Zealand-Limited-17.6.20.pdf [pdf, 77 KB] avoid, remedy or mitigate the potential effects of the proposal on National Grid assets, particularly on the Mangamaire – Woodville A (MGM-WDV A) line; (b) The design process to meet requirements under the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Electricity Transmission Activities) Regulations 2009 (NESETA) for the raising of the poles on the MGM-WDV A line; 26098870_1 Form 33 Notice of wish to be party to proceedings 2 (c) Compliance with m...

  3. [2021] NZEnvC 152 Kesteven Farm Ltd v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...activity (or controlled or prohibited) and therefore requires a Resource Consent. A search of Council’s records shows that there is no Resource Consent in place permitting the activity. The activity is also not expressly allowed by a National Environmental Standard and is therefore a breach of Section 14(2) of the Resource Management Act. … this abatement notice is required to minimise the adverse effects (the limited resource which affects the surrounding properties and the n...

  4. [2023] NZEnvC 012 Port Marlborough New Zealand Ltd v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 364 KB]

    ...filed 23 September 2022 which sets out the agreement reached between the parties to partially resolve the appeal. Other relevant matters [3] Several parties have given notice of an intention to become a party to this appeal under s27 4 IUvlA. Environmental Defence Society Incorporated and KiwiRail Holdings Limited have an interest in the appeal points resolved by this order and have signed the memorandum setting out the relief sought. [4] No party seeks costs, all parties agreeing...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 075 Otago Regional Council v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 27 MB]

    ...Stormwater). The certificates shall be in the format of the QLDC’s Land Development and Subdivision Code of Practice Schedule 1A Certificate. 28. At least 15 working days prior to any works commencing on site the Consent Holder shall submit an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to Council’s Monitoring and Enforcement Team for review and acceptance HOLD POINT 1. This document must be prepared by a Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person. The EMP shall be in accordance with the p...

  6. 2020-04-09-Plan-Changes-1-8-s-32-Evaluation-Report.pdf [pdf, 737 KB]

    ...Statements............................................................................................... 55 5.2.1. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management ..................................... 56 5.2.2. New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement .............................................................. 60 5.3. National Environmental Standards ................................................................................... 60 5.3.1. National Environmental Standard for Sour...

  7. [2020] NZEnvC 107 Whangarei District Council v Sustainable Solvents Group Limited [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...not require removal of Jhe hazardous substances from the site. [5] It is also clear from the evidence that was produced in preparation for the full hearing in May 2020 and from the decision itself that the Council, the Regional Council and the Environmental Protection Authority (including other Government bodies connected with them) had reached an agreement on a joint approach to resolve the ongoing issues with the site. [6] Ms de Silva for the Regional Council puts the matter thi...

  8. ORC & Ngai Tahu Ki Murihiku - EIC - Dean Whaanga - 17 September 2021 [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...Order 2001 and the submission of Te Ao Marama for a description of the takiwā of Waihōpai Rūnaka, Te Rūnanga Ōraka Aparima and Te Rūnanga o Awarua. 3 Te Tangi a Tauira – the Cry of the People: Ngāi Tahu ki Murihiku Natural Resources and Environmental Management Plan 2008. 6 Plains, up the Nokomai River to Te Rau (Garvie Mountains), Te Papapuni (Nevis) and on to Kawarau, along a well worn trail, visiting Lakes Wānaka and Hāwea and then travelling back to the coast, rafti...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 078 Remediation (NZ) Limited v Taranaki Regional Council [pdf, 245 KB]

    ...funds. [15] Ironically however, other aspects of new evidence by RNZ and its strong submissions in opposition, created a contrary impression. Added to which, Mr Gibson appeared to continue to push for an alternative condition involving an “environmental levy” by which RNZ would build up a sum of money over the life of any new consent. [16] A new statement of evidence by Ms K L Hooper on 2 March 2023 (RNZ’s planning witness) offered some quite detailed discussion about invest...

  10. [2019] NZEnvC 122 Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited & others v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...122 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of appeals under clause 14 of Schedule 1 to the Act OCEANA GOLD (NEW ZEALAND) LIMITED (ENV-2016-CHC-103) ROYAL FOREST AND BIRD PROTECTION SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-CHC-102) ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE SOCIETY INCORPORATED (ENV-2016-CHC-122) Appellants OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent Environment Judge J R Jackson (sitting alone under section 279(1 )(a) and (e) of the Act) in Chambers at Christchurch S Chris...