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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. 2021-05-07 TAs & ORC - MOC - Identifying issues relevant to community water supplies [pdf, 160 KB]

    ...Plans? 12. What ‘urban environments’ have been identified within the five Districts? Issues for Planning Witnesses 13. When assessing an application by a territorial authority for a new or replacement permit to take and use water are the environmental effects of the end-use a relevant consideration under the provisions of the Regional Plan: Water? 1 Under the NPSUDC Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessments were required on a triennial basis. As such a furth...

  2. 2023-09-26-SOE_Kerry-Pearce_Erosion-and-Sediment-Control.pdf [pdf, 167 KB]

    .......................................................................................................... 4 P a g e | 1 STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF KERRY STEWART PEARCE A. INTRODUCTION [1] My name is Kerry Stewart Pearce. I am Director of Environmental Land Management Limited, which is subcontracted to Bryant Environmental Solutions Limited. I have been in that position since May 2005. [2] I prepared a report on the application required by section 87F of the Resource Manage...

  3. 27 July 2020 - Brookby Quarries Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 283 KB]

    ...Shortland Street, Auckland 1140, Respondent Auckland Council Mathew Gribben, Buddle Findlay, PO Box 1433 / DX CP24024, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140, Interested Party S274 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated Cordelia Woodhouse, Environmental Defence Society, PO Box 91736, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, Interested Party S274 Fulton Hogan Limited Bal Matheson, Richmond Ch...

  4. Notes of Crown Maori Relations focus group with FOMA 12 April 2018 [pdf, 312 KB]

    ...preference. • Māori business success is perceived or misunderstood as ‘bad’, poor or undeveloped. • Continue to focus on building economic foundations - land that Māori derive benefit from has a quadruple bottom line (social, cultural, environmental, economic). Māori understand development with the model having an intergenerational goal (not end goal of sale). Highlight the positive of this model, to New Zealanders demonstrating successful Māori businesses. • Create...

  5. [2024] NZEnvC 295 Cooper v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 803 KB]

    ...subdivision scheme plan for RM210053 and located on allotments 5-6, 8, 14-16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25-31, 33-38, 43, 51, 54, 56-57, 60-63, 65 and 66 as areas to be subject to a covenant and consent notice condition to ensure the protection of the ecological environmental benefit in perpetuity. Note: For avoidance of doubt, any existing covenants area (such as K and L shown on the scheme plan) are to be cancelled with the new covenant areas imposed to replace them. 3.c)ii. Areas identif...

  6. 2020-04-09-Plan-Changes-1-8-s-32-Evaluation-Report.pdf [pdf, 737 KB]

    ...Statements............................................................................................... 55 5.2.1. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management ..................................... 56 5.2.2. New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement .............................................................. 60 5.3. National Environmental Standards ................................................................................... 60 5.3.1. National Environmental Standard for Sour...

  7. [2020] NZEnvC 107 Whangarei District Council v Sustainable Solvents Group Limited [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...not require removal of Jhe hazardous substances from the site. [5] It is also clear from the evidence that was produced in preparation for the full hearing in May 2020 and from the decision itself that the Council, the Regional Council and the Environmental Protection Authority (including other Government bodies connected with them) had reached an agreement on a joint approach to resolve the ongoing issues with the site. [6] Ms de Silva for the Regional Council puts the matter thi...

  8. ORC & Ngai Tahu Ki Murihiku - EIC - Dean Whaanga - 17 September 2021 [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...Order 2001 and the submission of Te Ao Marama for a description of the takiwā of Waihōpai Rūnaka, Te Rūnanga Ōraka Aparima and Te Rūnanga o Awarua. 3 Te Tangi a Tauira – the Cry of the People: Ngāi Tahu ki Murihiku Natural Resources and Environmental Management Plan 2008. 6 Plains, up the Nokomai River to Te Rau (Garvie Mountains), Te Papapuni (Nevis) and on to Kawarau, along a well worn trail, visiting Lakes Wānaka and Hāwea and then travelling back to the coast, rafti...

  9. Michael Cummings - Statement of Evidence (24 June 2021) [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...WX11179 Tel +64 3 379 7622 Fax +64 379 2467 Solicitor: P A C Maw / M A Mehlhopt ( / 1 Introduction 1 My full name is Michael Anthony Cummings. 2 I am a Senior Environmental Officer in the Compliance Monitoring Coastal Otago Team at Otago Regional Council (ORC or Council). 3 I have 15 years’ experience with the issuing, monitoring and enforcement of resource consents, deemed permits, and permit...

  10. Federated-Farmers-of-New-Zealand.pdf [pdf, 326 KB]

    ...wellbeing of the Waikato and Waipā Rivers. However, Federated Farmers considers that the regulatory and non-regulatory methods proposed in PC1 do not appropriately give effect to the relevant higher order documents, have not appropriately balanced environmental, economic, social and cultural considerations, and are not the most efficient and effective means of achieving the objective of the plan change. 4. Federated Farmers is interested in all the issues raised by the Appell...