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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. 17.-Lindsay-Poutama-Ngati-Raukawa-ki-te-Tonga-Ngati-Kauhwata60182678.1.pdf [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...evidence is: (a) to provide an overview of Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga and our interests in the Project; (b) to summarise the Cultural Impact Assessment ("CIA"), which the Rūnanga prepared as part of Volume VI of the Assessment of Environmental Effects ("AEE"), which accompanied the application for resource consents lodged with Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Council ("Horizons") on 11 March 2020 in respect of the Project; and (c) to describe further d...

  2. COES - J Sullivan - SoE - 21 April 2021.pdf [pdf, 200 KB]

    ...Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA And In the matter of of an application under section 149T of the RMA Between Otago Regional Council Applicant Statement of Summary of Evidence of Jillian Ruth Sullivan on behalf of Central Otago Environmental Society 21 April 2021 2 Kia ora, my name is Jillian Sullivan. I am a mother, grandmother, writer, natural home builder and Ida Valley land steward. I’m also speaking as secretary of the Central Otago Environmental Soc...

  3. Taihape inquiry hearing programme June 2017 [pdf, 355 KB]

    ...follow • Tony Walzl, Twentieth century overview (#A46) • Terry Hearn, Southern block history (#A7) • Paul Christoffel, Education, health and housing, 1880- 2013 (#A41) 8 Southern claims Oct 2018 • David Armstrong, The impact of environmental change in the Taihape district, 1840- c1970 (#A45) • David Alexander, Environmental issues and resource management (land), 1970s-2010 (#A38) 9 Technical reports and Nov/Dec 2018 All claimants and Crown • Philip Cle...

  4. Joint Memorandum of Counsel in response to Court's Minute on Risks [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...Detailed Engineering Drawings and Details ................................................................. 13 As-Built Drawings ............................................................................................................ 14 Construction Environmental Management Plan .......................................................... 14 Construction Quality Assurance ........................................................................... 15 Construction Works Programme .........

  5. CCRC Establishment Advisory Group biographies [pdf, 191 KB]

    ...a police officer in South Auckland at the age of 22. His experiences working on the front lines pushed him towards the more inquiring, investigative side of policing. Mr McKinnel has a particular interest in criminal justice, human rights and environmental investigations. After leaving the police force he did contract investigative work in London for three years and in 2008 set up a North Island branch of Zavest, a private investigation company. Mr McKinnel holds a Masters degree...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 130 McCallum Bros Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 151 KB]

    ...L Bielby, K Fraser and L Leyland for Auckland Council J Pou and T Urlich for Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust L Sutherland and D van Mierlo for the Director-General of Conservation J Campbell for Friends of Pakiri Beach Incorporated and Environmental Defence Society L Black for Pakiri G Ahu Whenua Trust, S Wikaira, and R Greenwood K Littlejohn and S Hiew for Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society Incorporated M Downing for Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealan...

  7. 21 March 2017 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 494 KB]

    ...Respondent Applicant I nterested Party S274 Interested Party S274 I nterested Party S274 Young, Ross Young, Ross Queenstown Lakes District Council Wanaka Watersports Facility Trust Byrch, Christine Dickson, Graham Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated 201, DX ZP9501 0, Queenstown Maree Baker-Galloway, Anderson Lloyd (Queenstown), PO Box 201, DX ZP9501 0, Queenstown Rosie Hill, Anderson Lloyd (Queenstown), PO Box 201, DX ZP9501 0, Queenstown Alice Balme,...

  8. Waste Management NZ Limited 228 [pdf, 72 KB]

    ...has filed a notice of appeal seeking the same or similar relief as that sought by Pact Group (NZ) Limited. Waste Management supports the relief sought because- 6.1 The AAAQS differ from the standards contained in the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Air Quality) Regulations 2004 (NES). There are no special circumstances in the Auckland region that would justify introducing regional air quality standards that differ from the New Zealand standards and guidelines....

  9. ENV-2016-CHC-000071 Affidavit of Ms Lisa Jenkins [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT CHRISTCHURCH ENV-2016-CHC-71 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 IN THE MATTER of an application for declarations under Part 12 of the Act BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE SOCIETY INCORPORATED Applicant AND MACKENZIE DISTRICT COUNCIL Respondent AFFIDAVIT OF LISA JENKINS (NEE KISSELL) 9 December 2016 VVYNN WILLIAMS LAWYERS CHRISTCHURCH Solicitor: L F de Latour ( Canterbury Regional Council's...

  10. E53 Frances Stead - EIC - s274 party [pdf, 677 KB]

    ...matter and why it is of concern to me - 1902 ! 3 (a) Any resource consent for an extension to Hobson Wharf and the construction of a shed thereon, should be allowed ONLY after all sites on Wynyard Point have been fully utilised. (i) From an environmental point of view, most of the harbour intrusion and visual pollution negatives relate to this part of the application. This can be avoided by housing all the Challenger syndicates in the five bases planned for Wynyard Point. Curre...