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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Directory of Official Information D-F [pdf, 969 KB]

    ..............................................................................................................27 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority ................................................................29 Ministry for the Environment .............................................................................................32 Environmental Protection Authority .................................................................................35 Institute of Environmenta...

  2. Ports of Auckland Limited 217 [pdf, 59 KB]

    ...4. POAL is interested in the entirety of the proceedings and supports the Appellant's appeal for the reasons given by the Appellant and because: (a) the AAAQS impose greater restrictions on activities than what is provided for in the National Environmental Standard for Air Quality 2004; (b) the imposition of those higher standards does not promote the purpose of the RMA; (c) there is no justification for the inclusion of the AAAQS in terms of section 32 of the RMA; and (d) th...

  3. 16.-James-Kendrick-Ngati-Kahungunu-Ki-Tamaki-Nui-a-Rua60182469.1.pdf [pdf, 216 KB] life. 6. I gained accreditation under the Ministry for the Environment’s ‘Making Good Decisions’ programme in 2018. I am part of the Resource Management team at the Trust. I am also on the Trust's Education Team where we run environmental education programmes with local schools. Page 4 Background and role on the Project 7. I have been working with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency ("Transport Agency") on Te Ahu a Turanga: Manawatū-Tararua Hi...

  4. 2021-12-17 RPW Chapter 7 with proposed amendments PC8 - track changed version [pdf, 430 KB] the discharge. Principal reasons for adopting This policy is adopted to ensure that consideration is given to appropriate means for avoiding, remedying or mitigating the adverse effects of contaminants on water or land, to enable the most environmentally sound means to be adopted. Rules: 12.A.2.1, 12.B.2.1, 12.B.3.1. 7.C.3 When considering any resource consent to discharge a contaminant to water, to have regard to any relevant standards and guidelines in imposing condit...

  5. Annexure 3 - Legislation relevant to Territorial Authorities [pdf, 169 KB]

    ...Health Act s 69G. ‘Adequate supply’ also defined in relation to regulations setting quantity of supply. 2 Local Government Act 2002 [4] The purpose of local government is, amongst other matters, to promote the social, cultural, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities.4 This purpose is implemented through pt 7, subpt 2 of the Local Government Act 2002 (‘LGA’) which imposes obligations and restrictions on local authorities in relation to the deli...

  6. Covid-19 Level 4 Alert protocol [pdf, 64 KB]

    ...The Environment Court is not categorised by the Chief Justice and Heads of Bench as a Category 1 Essential Service Court. Hence, all cases listed for hearing this week in the Environment Court have been adjourned except for ENV-2020-AKL-025, Environmental Protection Agency which is being processed on the papers. Beyond this week, during the Level 4 phase, the Environment Court will not physically be sitting in courtrooms or elsewhere, and ADR events like mediation and expert confe...

  7. 2021-03-05 ORC - MOC - PC 1 & 8 - amendments pursuant to policy docs (5 March 2021) [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...Further, the Council committed to providing a track change set of provisions incorporating all proposed amendments required in response to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM 2020), Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NES-F), and the Stock Exclusion Regulations, by 3pm, Friday 5 March 2021.2 4 The purpose of this Memorandum is to confirm the Council’s position with respect to the Stock Exclusion...

  8. The Onehunga Business Association Incorporated 233 [pdf, 445 KB]

    ...Management Act 1991 The Business Association is interested in all of the proceedings, but particularly that: (a) the Ambient Air Quality Standards ("AAAQS") impose greater restrictions on activities than what is provided for in the National Environmental Standard for Air Quality; (b) the imposition of those higher standards does not promote the purpose of the RMA; (c) there is no justification for the inclusion of the AAAQS in terms of section 32 of the RMA; and (d) ther...

  9. Ports of Auckland Limited 225 [pdf, 60 KB]

    ...4. POAL is interested in the entirety of the proceedings and supports the Appellant's appeal for the reasons given by the Appellant and because: (a) the AAAQS impose greater restrictions on activities than what is provided for in the National Environmental Standard for Air Quality 2004; (b) the imposition of those higher standards does not promote the purpose of the RMA; (c) there is no justification for the inclusion of the AAAQS in terms of section 32 of the RMA; and (d) th...

  10. The Onehunga Business Association Incorporated 222 [pdf, 446 KB]

    ...Management Act 1991 The Business Association is interested in all of the proceedings, but particularly that: (a) the Ambient Air Quality Standards ("AAAQS") impose greater restrictions on activities than what is provided for in the National Environmental Standard for Air Quality; (b) the imposition of those higher standards does not promote the purpose of the RMA; (c) there is no justification for the inclusion of the AAAQS in terms of section 32 of the RMA; and (d) ther...