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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Taxation (Base Maintenance and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill [pdf, 86 KB]

    ...offshore investments out of New Zealand; • exempt from tax non-resident companies with drilling rigs and seismic ships involved in exploration of offshore oil or gas fields; • address concerns raised about tax deductions available for business environmental expenditure; • revise the generic rules about tax treatment of transfers of assets following a taxpayer’s death; • enable disclosure of pertinent information for purposes of Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act...

  2. 2021-02-19 Nga Runanga notice cross-examiniation [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...Planning Minister for the Environment  Keita Koehere  Tim Ensor Planning policy Planning Otago Fish & Game Council and Central South Island Fish & Game Council  Nigel Paragreen  John Hayes Environmental management Ecological flow Director-General of Conservation  Nicholas Dunn  Murray Brass Freshwater ecology Planning

  3. Fish & Game - EiC - I B Cole (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 175 KB]

    ...been done. In Central Otago the seasonal variation in river and stream flows is worsened by the very high levels of water allocated for irrigation and the lack of minimum and residual flows to protect rivers during summer creating a range of environmental problems including very low flows and complete loss of flow resulting in a dry river bed; excessive weed growth, ‘flatlining’ (depressed flows for long periods) and loss of natural flow variability. 17. Placement of bunds an...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 114 New Zealand Animal Law Association Incorporated v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 129 KB]

    ...advised: (a) Pahia has surrendered part of its resource consent to which the appeal relates. That is the part of the consent authorising intensive winter grazing in excess of the permitted area contained in the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020; (b) Pahia has chosen this course because of a Government announcement on 30 April 2024 to the effect that the Government is proposing to remove all national intensive winter grazing r...

  5. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay attach 5 marine pollution [pdf, 389 KB]

    ...burden of boat harbours: Heavy contaminant and fouling loads in a native habitat-forming alga E.L. Johnston a,⇑, E.M. Marzinelli a, C.A. Wood b, D. Speranza b, J.D.D. Bishop b a Evolution and Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia b Marine Biological Association of the UK, Citadel Hill, Plymouth PL1 2PB, UK a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Metals Fouling Accumulation UK Non-indigenous species...

  6. Bathurst and BT 96.pdf [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...the Resource Management Act 1991 (Act). 4. Bathurst and BT are interested in the part of the Appeal relating to Policy 12. 5. Bathurst and BT are interested in the following particular issues: (a) the proposed addition of a new clause requiring environmental gains over and above those anticipated by Chapter 3.1.1 as an outcome of offsetting/compensation; and (b) the proposed requirement that an offset/compensation remains in perpetuity. 6. Bathurst and BT oppose the relief sou...

  7. The Crown [pdf, 229 KB]

    ...maintained for the community and future events; (d) ensuring Mana Whenua are provided opportunities for ongoing engagement throughout the process; (e) enabling the delivery of a world class event; and (f) avoiding, remedying and mitigating environmental effects. Relief sought 6. The Crown supports the Application and seeks that it be granted, subject to appropriate conditions. 7. In relation to paragraph 5(c) above, the Crown seeks conditions in relation to the legacy use o...

  8. BORA Crown Minerals (Permitting and Crown Land) Bill [pdf, 190 KB]

    ...amends the Crown Minerals Act 1991 with the aims of encouraging the development of Crown-owned minerals, streamlining and simplifying the regime and ensuring that better coordination of regulatory agencies can contribute to stringent health, safety and environmental standards in exploration and production activities. 3. We have identified some clauses in the Bill that may engage section 21 of the Bill of Rights Act (the right of everyone to be secure against unreasonable search and...

  9. Fulton Hogan Limited 222 [pdf, 273 KB]

    ...entirety of the proceedings and supports the Appellant's appeal for the following reasons: (a) the Ambient Air Quality Amenity Standards ("AAAQS") impose greater restrictions on activities than what is provided for in the National Environmental Standard for Air Quality; (b) the imposition of those higher standards does not promote the purpose of the RMA; (c) there is no justification for the inclusion of the AAAQS in terms of section 32 of the RMA; and (d) there is n...

  10. Fulton Hogan Limited 223 [pdf, 273 KB]

    ...entirety of the proceedings and supports the Appellant's appeal for the following reasons: (a) the Ambient Air Quality Amenity Standards ("AAAQS") impose greater restrictions on activities than what is provided for in the National Environmental Standard for Air Quality; (b) the imposition of those higher standards does not promote the purpose of the RMA; (c) there is no justification for the inclusion of the AAAQS in terms of section 32 of the RMA; and (d) there is n...